Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 298 Zhu San plays the emperor, Kangxi is overjoyed

Chapter 298 Zhu San plays the emperor, Kangxi is overjoyed (please ask for a monthly ticket, please subscribe)
"Long live my emperor, long live, long live"

The voice of Shanhu Long live lingered in his ears, and Zhu Cijiong, who had changed from a candidate for Ming Xiandi to the current Ming debt sect, felt a surge of excitement in his heart!

The Great Ming Dynasty is back!

Although the new Ming Guo Zuo seems to be borrowed, Zhu Cijiong, the emperor, has not yet ascended the throne, and the Ming court has owed millions of debts. And these millions are just the aftermath expenses and adaptations of Nanjing. The expenses of the new army and the expenses needed to support the rectification of the Jiangsu and Anhui provincial governments are almost an aftermath fee and a start-up fee.If the new imperial court of the Ming Dynasty still strives to govern, make a difference, and even bring peace to the world and rule the world, then there is still a lot to be done to pay back Zhu Cijiong, the debtor!
At this moment, Zhu Cijiong, the debtor of the Ming Dynasty, is full of confidence. He is confident that he will owe him a billion before he dies!
When Zhu Cijiong thought that he owed him one billion yuan, the loyal ministers of the Ming Dynasty had already shouted long live, and they all stood there with a big face, smiling and looking at their "debt emperor", with support and love in their smiles Feelings - how good this emperor is, he has no power of life and death, everyone who follows him does not have to be afraid of being killed by him!Moreover, the Minister of the Ming Dynasty can also borrow money in his name, and he doesn't need to spend all the money borrowed, just give him a little bit.The rest belonged to the General's Mansion and the Minister of History.
Such an emperor must be a Mingjun!

Future history books will definitely speak well of him!

"Masters, widow. I am the emperor now?"

The future Mingjun and the current "Debt Sect" finally reacted from the shocking joy at this time, but he still couldn't believe that he asked such a question.

"Your Majesty, you are now the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!" The Great General Lu Shangshu Shi Ying Wang Li Zhongshan replied very affirmatively, "You were elected by the Great General's Mansion, the Minister of Ministers, and the People's Political Council in accordance with the provisions of the "Original Law of the Ming Dynasty" Emperor of the Ming Dynasty! It is the unanimous decision of all the ministers, people and scholars of the Ming Dynasty to elect you as the emperor. Therefore, your majesty, you can rule the world from now on!"

Not to mention, Zhu Cijiong's throne is still very hard!
It’s not because of a strong soldier. He doesn’t have a soldier at all, but making him the emperor is the consensus of all the officials and people of the Ming Dynasty. If he is truly elected with [-]% unanimous votes, this approval rate is no one else.

And Zhu Cijiong doesn't have to worry about others usurping the throne, because he actually has two roles as the emperor, one is to hang down and rule - commonly known as being a puppet!The other one is to repay all debts, borrow new ones to repay old ones, and borrow more and more—commonly known as the Emperor of Debts.

Zhu Cijiong's throne is to ask Li Zhongshan to usurp it with eight sedan chairs. Li Zhongshan will not come. Li Zhongshan is a general with real power. one.How much does he have to drink before letting the powerful creditor father quit and go to pay the debts for the world?
"Okay," Zhu Cijiong nodded with a smile. He already understood that his position was unshakable, so of course he had to take advantage of this opportunity, "General, where can I rule? My original palace has now become the people's political council. , the Great General’s Mansion and the site of the Minister of the Book, and the place where I live now is the original Geng Jingzhong’s Dongwang Mansion, which is not the standard of an imperial palace! And the palace left by our ancestors is now in dilapidated condition, but that is where the emperor of Ming Dynasty lived. Home! General, do you think it is possible to renovate the Forbidden City so that I, my concubines, princes and princesses can have a proper shelter?

In addition, I have a lot of concubines in the harem, and many princes and princesses, but there are no people in the palace to serve them, and the expenses are not enough."

The third prince Zhu, who is heavily in debt, wants to "divide the house and raise the salary"!

However, before he finished his words, Qu Dajun, one of the four major political leaders, came out of the class to remonstrate, "Your Majesty, now that the Ming Dynasty has just recovered, the world still expects you to work hard to rule the country. How can that be?"

"Hmm!" Qu Dajun's remonstrance was only halfway through, when Li Zhongshan, who also holds the position of leader of the council, coughed and interrupted his words, "Qu Leader, you are not a speaker, so you don't You should speak to the emperor!"

Of course Zhu Cijiong didn't like to listen to harsh advice, but because he didn't have the power, he could only endure it. Now that he heard Li Zhongshan speak for him, he immediately felt at ease, with a satisfied smile on his face.
"What?" Qu Dajun was dissatisfied, and snorted, "As the leader of the government, I can't make an admonition? And I, Ming, don't seem to have any officials to admonish ministers now!"

"It's not impossible, but it's not necessary!" Li Zhongshan said blankly, "The emperor is a king who rules and governs. The court spends money to do things. Discussion and voting are stipulated. Of course, the emperor can make requests and suggestions. But I will wait for the final decision!"

After listening to Li Zhongshan's words, Zhu Cijiong couldn't laugh anymore. He, the co-author, is no longer qualified to listen to harsh advice?
yes!Qu Dajun touched his forehead, really confused.It doesn’t matter what the emperor said, he himself is one of the people who make up his mind. If we can put it more clearly, this emperor Zhu is actually not the real emperor, he just plays the role of the emperor, just like the people on the stage. Yeah, the "emperor" who sings opera is similar, that is, he gets more money, a bigger house, and many beautiful wives.

But he is not the real son of heaven after all!
Qu Dajun is a real leader in discussing politics, what kind of advice can he give to an "actor" who plays the role of the emperor?The actor emperor wanted to be licentious and innocent, so he asked for it, but he and other loyal ministers disagreed!

The old man hurriedly bowed his hands to Zhu Cijiong with an embarrassed face: "Your Majesty, I take back what I just said. If you have any requests, feel free to ask me. I'll discuss it when I get back."

"Ah, that's right, you should have a good discussion." Zhu Cijiong is also flexible, nodding repeatedly, "Although I am the king of the arch, my decency is the decency of Daming, and the decency of all the ministers. If I am too shabby How can the rich in the world dare to lend me money?"

Not to mention, the emperor who has suffered hardships among the people is different. He also knows that if he wants to borrow a lot of money, he has to pretend to be rich!

Li Zhongshan replied with a smile: "Your Majesty, if you have any other requests, you can ask Chen Xueshi of the Imperial Academy to draft an edict and send it to the Minister of Shangshu, and the ministers will definitely discuss it seriously.

In addition, on the first and fifteenth day of every month, the ministers and others will come to the palace to greet His Majesty and report the results of the collegial meeting of the ministers and others.So in the future, apart from the annual ritual sacrifices, the emperor only needs to go to court twice a month, and the rest of the time can be spent on self-cultivation, leisure and fun. "

This is really a good job. Except for some activities to worship the ancestors of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, Zhu Cijiong only works two days a month, and he doesn't have to take any responsibilities. Play!
Moreover, the emperor's income is definitely not low, even if the request for house change and salary increase this time is not approved, Zhu Cijiong's income is quite good!When the two kings and the three middle halls discussed the big politics before, they set a "daily salary" of 100 taels for him, which is 360 taels for 500 five days a year!

This is the first high salary in the Ming Dynasty!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I am overjoyed!"

In Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, where the former Jin Dynasty Palace of the Ming Dynasty and the current Emperor of the Qing Dynasty were walking in it, the sound of the long-lost announcement of good news suddenly sounded.

Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Aixinjueluo Xuanye, was sitting in his South Study Room in the Prince Jin's Mansion in Taiyuan at this time, discussing with his confidant ministers about the crusade against the Prince Regent of Beijing.

Before Kangxi's crusade against Fuquan started, he encountered a lot of problems.

First of all, Datong, which was selected by Kangxi as the big stronghold of "seeking blessings", was preempted by the Mongolian cavalry sent by Fuquan, so they had to retreat and place the old camp in Taiyuan.

The difference between the old camp in Taiyuan and Datong is huge!

If Kangxi enters Datong, then he can send troops nearby to raid Monan Mongolia, and cut off Fuquan's arm first!
But Fuquan was backed by an expert, even a monk, and Yizhun gave him a move to occupy Datong first, and stop Kangxi's idea of ​​sweeping Monan Mongolia and using the tribes of Monan for his own use.

Secondly, Kangxi got the news through the inside line ambushed in Beijing, and learned that Fuquan had ordered Yang Qilong to try to contact the powerful and traitorous king Datou of Nanming, and wanted to attract the Ming army to help balance Wu Sangui who was on Kangxi's side.

Thirdly, Wu Sangui, who had previously promised to provide military aid to Kangxi, seems to have changed his mind recently, and has not paid much attention to Kangxi, but has established contacts with Beijing—this seems to be the handwriting of the old monk!It is rumored that Yu Wang Fuquan has released Princess Jianning and the two young sons brought by Jianning, and asked them to go to Xi'an to meet Wu Yingxiong.So under Wu Yingxiong's persuasion, Wu Sangui chose not to help each other.

Now the situation on Kang Mazi's side is dangerous!
Wu Sangui no longer supports him, Kang Mazi, and Wang Datou is likely to be pulled to Fuquan's side by Yang Qilong. By then, Kangxi will be able to fight against two, and the emperor may be the end.

The fourth bad news is that Fuquan, the regent king, actually publicly vindicated the rebellious minister Oboi, and arbitrarily announced that Oboi had died long ago in the name of the regent's decree, and restored all the official titles of Oboi before his death, and posthumously awarded the first class Duke Chaowu (Oboi was originally a first-class Duke, and now Chaowu has been added), his posthumous title is "Wu Mu"!
This is Yue Fei's posthumous title!
Ao Bai became Ao Wu Mu, so what is Kangxi?Aixinjueluo Gou?This is really deceptive.

In addition, because many people were implicated in the Oboi case, of course Oboi and his henchmen were executed, but many of their family members and servants were exiled to Ningguta.

Now that Oboi is rehabilitated, his henchmen will also be rehabilitated, and those exiled in Ningguta will be able to return to Beijing. These people will undoubtedly become Fuquan's best friends!

So this situation is precarious for Kangxi!
But Kangxi is not a master who will give up easily, not to mention that he still has [-] to [-] elites, and he still has the capital to fight!

Therefore, after Kangxi entered Taiyuan, he immediately began to reorganize and train the [-] to [-] troops at hand.

His 8 to [-] soldiers are composed of Eight Banners soldiers, Green Battalion soldiers, and regiment training soldiers. Not to mention the complex composition, and the three types of soldiers have three treatments, which was nothing when the Qing Dynasty ruled the country. The Eight Banners Army is the master!Who dares to refuse?But it doesn't work now.The treatment is different, the team is difficult to lead, and the hearts of the people are easily scattered.

So Kangxi's heart beat, stomped his feet, and expanded the Eight Banners Army again in Taiyuan.No matter what kind of green battalion or group training, one counts as one, and all flags are raised, and they are all counted as the Eight Banners Han Army!

And the original eight battalions "West Eight Banners", no matter where they came from, they are all counted as the Eight Banners Manchuria, and many of them are the original Ganshan Green Battalion!

At the same time, Kangxi was still shaking people around, and summoned Feiyangu and Amida armies from Yulin in northern Shaanxi and Henan, and raised flags for them.

After a lot of hard work, Kangxi had as many as [-] troops on hand!
One hundred thousand and eight banner soldiers!
This book strength is still very strong!

But whether these people are willing to do their best for Emperor Kangxi at that time, only God knows!
Just when Kangxi was preparing for the upcoming war, there was good news!
Kangxi looked up, and it was Tong Guogang, Minister of Internal Affairs and Guards, who came to announce the good news to him.

"Uncle," Kangxi called affectionately, "Where does the joy come from?"

"Your Majesty, who do you see coming?"

Tong Guogang didn't answer directly, but dragged a dark monk into the South Study Room - such a thing was unimaginable in Beijing, even in Xi'an.But now that Kangxi's authority has dropped drastically, the rules are not as strict as before.

"This master is..." Kangxi's mouth was sweet, and he called "Master" when he saw the monk. It was like this early, coaxing Oboi and Wu Sangui well, how did it come to this day?
"Your Majesty, your servant is Chani!"

The monk knelt down to Kangxi with a plop, and even cried out.

"Zhani? Sibeile of Yutong County Prince's Mansion?" Kangxi recognized this dusty and down-and-out monk, and his color suddenly changed, "Aren't you guarding Jiangxi with Prince Kang? Could it be that Jiangxi has already... "

The Ministry of Prince Kang in Jiangxi is an important chess piece to contain Nanming. As long as Jiangxi is not lost, it is impossible for the Ming army to make a large-scale northern expedition.Even if you send troops to the north to support Fuquan, it's a little bit of fun. There are at most ten thousand people.

If Jiangxi is lost, then there will be big troubles!

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Jiangxi is fine. It's just that Anqing fell in the first lunar month." Chani suddenly laughed, "Your Majesty, I have two very good news to report to you!"

"Good news? Any other good news?" Kangxi asked quickly.

"Your Majesty, in the twelfth lunar month of last year, a fire broke out in the city of Nanjing and the false eastern king Geng Jingzhong fought with the false British king Li Datou, the false southern king Li Fuchen, and the false northern king Liu Jinzhong! Tens of thousands of people fought in the city of Nanjing. , The beating was terrible, it is said that the blood flowed into rivers, and the Qinhuai River was dyed red!"

"Who won?" Kangxi asked again.

"Li Datou, Li Fuchen, and Li Beiwang won." Cha Ni said, "But Geng Jingzhong didn't lose all. He and Yue Le fled to Zhejiang with thousands of remnants!"

"That's really good news!" Kangxi nodded, "Geng Jingzhong has been in Zhejiang for a period of time, and he can also contain Nanming's military power."

"There's more!" Chani continued, "After that Geng Jingzhong went to Zhejiang, he broke his cans and broke his cans. He proclaimed himself emperor in Hangzhou and established a pseudo-Jing Dynasty to fight against the pseudo-Ming!"

"What? That Geng Jingzhong is really...really the emperor?" Kangxi couldn't believe his ears had such a good thing!

If Geng Jingzhong only separatized Zhejiang, the Nanming court might still appease the Nanming court. The Nanming court was originally a patchwork of several anti-kings from the separatist side. It is commonplace for the winner to enter the central center and the defeated separatist place. thing.

But when Geng Jingzhong became the emperor, there would be a lot of trouble!
A good three-point stun in the world turned into a four-nation war!If the puppet Ming court in Nanjing wiped him out quickly, maybe Li Zicheng, Li Fuchen, and Zheng Jing would all become emperors, wouldn't that be a mess?

However, Kangxi was still a little unbelievable, and asked again: "Cani, is this news reliable?"

"Reliable!" Chani said, "It was the father-in-law of the false Jing Dynasty, the false Prince Jing'an and the Great Qing'an Prince Yue Le who went to Nanchang to report to Kang Wang in person."

Kangxi was taken aback, "What? Fake Prince Jing'an and Prince Qing'an? Which family's Prince An is this Yue Le?"

"Your Majesty, Yue Le is the prince of the Puppet Jing and the Qing Dynasty." Cha Ni said, "The imperial court did not issue an edict to remove him from the prince!"

"No? No? Fuquan didn't issue an order either?" Kangxi pretended to be surprised and asked.

"I haven't heard of it," Jin Batai, a bachelor, replied, "Maybe Fuquan still wants to win Yue Le?"

In fact, Kangxi didn't want to tear himself apart with Yue Le.
"Then what does Yue Le mean?" Kangxi didn't mention Yue Le's removal from office, "What does Geng Jingzhong mean?"

"Your Majesty, Prince An means to form a Great Ming encirclement network! It consists of the False Jing, the Great Qing and the False."

"No fake!" Kangxi hastily corrected a sentence.

Now he dare not say that Wu Sangui's Great Zhou is a fake Zhou!

"Oh, that is, Pseudo-Jing, Daqing, and Dazhou joined forces to carve up Pseudo-Ming first!"

"This." Kangxi thought for a while, and a happy look appeared on Ma's face, "Can it work?"

"It can be done, it can be done." Chani said, "Wu Sangui hates Li Zicheng deeply, and Li Zicheng also regards Wu Sangui as his mortal enemy! Now Li Zicheng's grandnephew Li Laishun has become the loyal king of Ming Dynasty and occupies Wuchang. He has long been a thorn in Wu Sangui's side and a thorn in his flesh. Last time, because of Li Fuchen's interference, Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng did not fight. Now I am afraid that no one can stop Wu Sangui, who is already the emperor of Zhou."

Kangxi slammed the table and said, "Okay, I will participate in this siege net and siege the puppet Ming together. Chani, please work harder and go to Xi'an with Master Chen. We must form an alliance of the three to fight against the puppet together." bright!"

In fact, Kangxi was not very urgent about the communist anti-false Ming. He sent people to form an alliance with Wu Sangui in the name of anti-false Ming. The purpose was to oppose Fuquan and Fulin.
(End of this chapter)

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