Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 56 Obai ran away, hurry up!

Chapter 56 Obai ran away, hurry up!

The rear right door is located on the right side of the Hall of Preserving Harmony, and after this door is the core of the Forbidden City - the Three Great Halls.And go all the way south from the rear right gate, and then pass the middle right gate, Zhendu gate, Jinshui River, and you can kill all the way out of the Meridian Gate.

Going out of the Meridian Gate and running a little further, it is the thousand-step promenade where all the yamen under the Qing court gather.Many of Aobai's confidantes are in the six ministries. Once Aobai is allowed to communicate with these confidants on the Thousand Steps Corridor, he might be able to summon a "parliamentary army" in the name of the meeting of kings and ministers. , This has the taste of "Great Revolution"!
So Wang Zhongxiao, who followed Oboi and rushed out of the Qianqing Gate, saw the No. [-] warrior in Manchuria, whose forehead was bloodied by a group of children with bricks, running towards the rear right gate guarded by several elderly guards. , I know this old thing has not given up.

So he decisively opened his mouth and shouted: "The rebel Oboi has run away, hurry up!"

After shouting, he held a bow in one hand and drew a knife in the other, spread his legs, and ran towards the rear right door.His two cheap brothers, Wang Zhongxian and Wang Zhongyi, as well as the book boy Wang An and the groom Wang Quan, had been hiding with Duolong in the guard stall outside the Qianqing Gate before, and they just rushed out at the moment. Looking around to find Oboi!

Hearing Wang Zhongxiao's roar, they all followed.And that "battle master" Yu Deshui was playing the role of "traitor imperial doctor" just now, and now he has changed into the yellow jacket of the guard, and rushed out of the gate of Qianqing with a machete knife in his hand. Stealthily followed the footsteps of Wang Zhongxiao's "Laughing End" Daqing, and went to chase and kill Obai together.

This Master Yu still has some military talent, and while chasing him, he yelled in the direction of Jing Yunmen: "Oboi, the king's chief soldier, is about to run away, go out the back left door and double-team him!"

When Master Yu yelled like this, Wang Fuchen, who "watches all directions with eagle eyes and listens to all directions with dog ears", really heard him.

This Wang Fuchen is also looking for Oboi in the open space outside the Qianqing Gate—although he also agrees to turn Oboi into "the third prince of Zhu", but he must not let Oboi make a comeback.Otherwise, his whole family would have to go to Caishikou!Just as I was looking for it, I heard Master Yu's roar.So without saying a word, he spread his long legs and walked towards the rear left door on the left side of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

At this critical moment, Wang Fuchen's two long legs gave full play to his advantages, and his legs ran fast!Moreover, Wang Fuchen was still young, and he had been training troops in Yunnan for a long time, and his physical strength was maintained quite well, so he formed an outflank to Oboi and others while running.

And Wang Zhongxiao, who was carved out of the same mold as Wang Fuchen, was actually a long-distance runner, but he was blocked three times by the old guard under Oboi at the back right door, middle right door, and Zhendu door.Although the three old Eight Banners didn't jump a few times, they were all killed by Wang Zhongxiao's "shoot in the face".But they still slowed down the speed of Wang Zhongxiao and others' pursuit. When Wang Zhongxiao shot dead the old man blocking the Zhendu Gate, Oboi, who was already running out of breath, was almost approaching the Meridian Gate.

Obai was about to escape to ascend to heaven, when suddenly he heard a shout from his left front: "Oboi, where are you going, Wang Fuchen is here!"

Taishi Ao followed the prestige, the despair in his heart!

Because at a glance, he saw Wang Fuchen leaning on his six-foot long spear in the doorway between the Meridian Gate!

Wang Fuchen's Yang family gun is recognized as the best in the world. It was made by stabbing white armored soldiers with a long spear in front of the Datong formation. Even Oboi was convinced back then, let alone now?

And Oboi only has a waist knife in his hand who doesn't know who handed it to him, and Wang Fuchen, who is the world's number one spear, still wants to single-handedly break the spear?I dare not even dream about it!
The two old guards supporting Oboi also knew that they couldn't beat Wang Fuchen, so they didn't die in vain. One of them said to Oboi, "Master, let's go to Xihe Gate and Xihua Gate to Xiyuan."

"Yes, yes," another panting old guard also said to Oboi, "There are stables in Xiyuan, let's grab three horses and ride them out!"

"Okay, that's it." After speaking, Oboi sighed, he couldn't run anymore, it's impossible for people to refuse to accept it!When he was young, he put on three layers of armor and galloped on the battlefield without feeling tired, but now he has only run such a distance, and he has already started to pant.

After running like this, without the father and son Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao coming to kill him, he would be exhausted to death.

Thinking that there would be a horse riding in a while, Obai and his two old guards finally got up their strength and ran towards Xihe Gate.I don't know if Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao are also running out of strength to chase after him.Although Oboi and the others couldn't run fast, the pursuers behind them never caught up. However, Oboi and the others didn't throw off the pursuers, and there were still shouts of "Don't let Oboi go away" from behind.

Just like this while chasing and fleeing, the two groups of people arrived at the stables that were also managed by the guards.The head of the guard in charge of the stables was still a first-class foreman, already a bit old, but he was not a confidant in Ao Bai's entrainment, and he was stunned on the spot when he saw Ao Boi's head covered in blood and being supported by two of his men running towards him. , Still inquiring there.

"Master Ao, what's going on with you?"

Aobai didn't even dare to say that he was photographed with a brick by the Buku boy under the little emperor's command—this is too embarrassing for him!The majestic Manchuria's No. [-] Batulu, let a group of children slap their heads with bricks and fled with bloody blood.If this is said, how can he have the face to face others?At that time, those henchmen who follow him will also have to vote for Mingzhu
"I fell by myself!" Oboi gritted his teeth, "I accidentally tripped over the threshold when I went to the South Study Room to meet you. Quickly lead me some horses, I will ride to the Tongren Pharmacy to find Doctor Le for treatment! "

Go to Tongren Pharmacy?

Is there no imperial physician in the palace?

"Hurry up and lead the horse to the grand master! Can you afford to take the blame if you delay the grand master's treatment?"

Obai's two old guards saw that the stable steward was still in a daze, and they all yelled sharply, as if they wanted to kill someone.

Of course the stable manager was also afraid of Oboi, so he immediately ordered his men to go down and lead three good horses, and let Oboi and the others ride away.At the end, he also gave Oboi a white towel for washing horses, and asked Taishi Ao to wrap his bald head that had been scratched by bricks.
As soon as the three of them got on their horses and ran, they saw Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao rushing in with a group of yellow jackets.They had already seen Oboi with a white cloth on his head running away on horseback, so they immediately bluffed.

"Oboi is reversed! The emperor ordered me to arrest Oboi!"

"This old man, I am Wang Xiaozhong, Lan Ling's bodyguard, and the one who yelled is my father, we have orders to arrest Oboi and bring the horse over here!"

"Yes, yes, you must not let Oboi go, or else my world will be in chaos!"

The old guard was born in Zhengbaiqi, and he had seen the world. Seeing this posture, and thinking about Oboi's performance before, he immediately understood what was going on—the Qing Dynasty had another rebellious emperor!
This Qing Dynasty also started as a rebellion, starting from the first generation of Tianming Laohan, that is, the emperor who has rebelled from generation to generation!Destiny Old Khan turned against the Ming Dynasty and Gan Ama Li Chengliang, Huang Taiji turned against his stepmother and concubine Abahai, and also turned against Duduo, the heir Nurhachi was trying to cultivate.Emperor Shunzhi reversed his emperor Ama regent Dorgon and the emperor's uncle Azig.Now it was finally Kangxi's turn to rebel.
After the old guard figured it out, he immediately shouted angrily to a group of Baitang'a and grooms below who were too shocked to speak: "Hurry up, bring the horse."

He gave Aobai three horses before, if he doesn't behave positively now, and he will be included in Aobai's party in the future, it will be a disaster!

Baitang'a and the groom below saw his distraught look, and they also became agile, and quickly pulled out a few tall and strong horses from the stable, and hung them on the saddles of these horses. water bag and concentrate.

Wang Fuchen, Wang Zhongxiao and the others didn't have time to find out whether the old guard guarding the stables was Oboi's accomplice, so they got on their horses one by one, and followed Oboi and the others out of the Xihua Gate of the imperial city, and began to walk in Beijing. There is a horse chase on the streets of the city!

At the same time, Suo'etu and Mingzhu had already led a large group of guards and pro-army, and ran out of the Meridian Gate out of breath—they were dispatched to the Luanyi Guard on the Thousand-foot Corridor!Although there are not many generals in Luan Yiwei, they are more than enough to control the six yamen.

Once the six departments and the special military department are under control, the third patrol battalion and the nine gates of the capital will be controlled by the rebellious Emperor Kangxi.

Obai can't turn against the sky at all, in fact, it's not necessarily true!
Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass, ask for follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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