Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 58 Obai turned into ashes, and Obai is pretending to be alive!

Chapter 58 Obai turned into ashes, and Obai is pretending to be alive!
"Mazi, Da Pao, Wang An, Wang Quan, hurry up to collect firewood, master, you are in charge. Dad, quickly search the two guards to see if there are any stolen money or stolen goods?"

After confirming that Oboi was dead, Wang Zhongxiao immediately began to send errands to the people around him. He also put away his bow and arrow, drew his waist knife, and then got off his horse. After he was completely dead, he began to search for Oboi's body.
However, when Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao started to search the dead, Wang Zhongxian, Wang Zhongyi, Wang An, and Wang Quan sat on the horse in a daze and did not move, because they did not know the "fraud" arranged by Wang Zhongxiao for Oboi. live" plan.

"Second brother, would you like us to collect firewood?"

"What's the use of collecting firewood? Are you going to spend the night in the mountains?"

"Second brother, let's set some torches and hurry on the road overnight."

"That's right, it's not far from the city of Beijing. You should be able to return to the city at noon tomorrow."

Hearing these questions, Wang Zhongxiao had no choice but to explain patiently while searching for Oboi.

"Listen up, brothers. I have discussed it with my father. If we want to end the Qing Dynasty, we must treat Oboi as a long-term business. We can't catch Oboi all at once. After that, we won't have to catch him in the future. Now, maybe all the birds have been hidden, so didn't we catch them blind?

So we can't just hand over Aobai's body, we have to help Aobai 'pretend to be alive'! "

"Pretending to be alive?" Wang Mazi and Wang Zhongxian asked, "What is pretending to be alive?"

Wang Zhongxiao said with a smile: "Pretending to be alive means pretending that Oboi is still alive, hiding in some corner, trying to contact the old department, colluding with San Francisco, and overthrowing our emperor in one fell swoop! Only if Oboi is alive can we continue to arrest, keep on arresting!"


"Second brother, this is you."

"But the emperor treats you well!"

"That's right, now that we have achieved the great merit of killing Aobai again, are we afraid that we will not have the glory and wealth?"

Hearing what these people said, Wang Zhongxiao was a little speechless. He turned his head and glanced at Wang Fuchen who was squatting on the ground counting the bank notes, and then coughed.

Wang Fuchen smiled and collected the bank notes, stood up and said to his two adopted sons and two confidant domestic slaves: "I dare not accept the great merit of killing Oboi, he is the number one Batulu in Manchuria! I recognize that he is the best fighter among the Han people." Yes. Think about it carefully, the number one warrior of the Han Chinese killed the number one warrior of Manchuria. Is this appropriate? What would those Manchu flags think?
Moreover, I have been with many masters, and I have been loyal to Dashun, Daming, and Qing, and each family has been loyal twice!If he took the credit for killing Oboi, how many Manchus would go to the emperor's ears to chew their tongues in the future!

Although it is a great merit to hand over Oboi's body now, but no matter how great this merit is, can it be as great as Oboi?No matter how loyal we are to the Qing Dynasty, can we have Oboi loyalty?Oboi has ended up like this, shouldn't we be more vigilant? "

Wang Zhongxiao said again: "My father is right. It is better to have great merit than to have great merit without great merit. The best end is to be raised in captivity. Even if you are a marquis, how much money can you have? But with great merit, Hehe, with my father's ability and qualifications, and his hard work in helping the emperor against Oboi this time, are you afraid that you won't be able to let go of the governor? My father has a governor, are you afraid that you won't have a good job?"

The four people "Xian, Yi, An, and Quan" all grew up in Wang Fuchen's family. They are still a bit superstitious about Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao.

Wang Fuchen waved his hand and said, "Go quickly, get more dry firewood, we have to burn the bodies of Oboi and those two guards!"

After a murder, of course the body must be burned to destroy the evidence!
Seeing "Xian, Yi, An, Quan" go to pick up firewood, Wang Fuchen breathed a sigh of relief, and just wanted to eat something to rest for a while, his son Wang Zhongxiao's voice came back: "Daddy, come quickly, Help me support Oboi."

"Help Oboi?" Wang Fuchen looked back at his son, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to strip Oboi's official uniform. This is the duke's court uniform. It's a good thing!"

Wang Fuchen was taken aback, "What's the use of peeling that thing? You still want to sell it for money?"

"For what?" Wang Zhongxiao chuckled, "We have to find someone to take the blame for letting Oboi go!" He patted the dead Oboi lightly, "Father, we can't catch him!" Could this Oboi have the same nature as someone deliberately letting him go?"

"Of course it's different. But who would deliberately let Oboi go?"

Wang Zhongxiao smiled mysteriously again, "Oboi's accomplice of course!"

Where did Aobai go?

Is this the question that Emperor Kangxi wanted to know most after the successful rebellion?

It is already March [-]th in the eighth year of Kangxi, and it has been [-] days since Kangxi rebelled and seized power, and Oboi left in ruins!Beijing has long been under the control of Emperor Kangxi, and Oboi's henchmen should be arrested and killed, and those who should be kept as running dogs should also be accepted.

The memorials from local governments supporting the emperor and opposing Oboi were also sent to Beijing in flakes, and Kangxi, who had a large number, was lazy to read them.

In short, everything is so beautiful, except for one thing. That is, where did Oboi go?
Oboi must have left the city of Beijing by way of Xizhimen. Many people saw him on the eighth day of the third lunar month, so it must be unmistakable.Many people also saw Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao leading several yellow jackets and chasing them out.There are still people counting, there are only three people on Oboi's side and Oboi himself, and there are seven people on Wang Fuchen, Wang Zhongxiao and his son.

Seven is greater than three, so the winner is sure!
Kangxi, who is proficient in mathematics, counted with his fingers and felt stable.

But I didn't expect to see Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao tied Obai to ask for credit for several days.

This made Kangxi anxious!
Although the overall situation has been settled now, it is very unlikely that Oboi will come back.But after all, Oboi has been in power for many years, and his disciples and old officials are all over the Eight Banners. Who knows if he will collude with some hidden accomplices to do some treasonous things like murdering the king?

So on the third day after Oboi was expelled, Kangxi couldn't hold back anymore, and sent his confidant, Suo'etu, who was also the Minister of the Guards, to lead people out of Beijing City, following Wang Fuchen, Wang Fuchen, and others. The traces of Zhongxiao and Aobai have gone to find someone.

But Suo'etu didn't find Wang's father and son and Oboi, but brought back a piece of news that made Kangxi even more worried. On the afternoon of the eighth day of March, Oboi and his men appeared at a market near Xishan and robbed them. They went to a tea stand and robbed a pot of barley tea. After drinking the tea, they got on their horses and went to the mountains again.

Not long after Oboi left, another seven yellow jackets arrived at the market and robbed the tea stall again.They should be Wang Fuchen, Wang Zhongxiao and his party—this tea stand is really miserable, first it was robbed by a minister discussing politics, and then it was robbed by a general soldier!
And after Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao robbed the tea stall, they also followed Aobai into the West Mountain. After that, the two groups of Aobai and Wang's father and son disappeared. I don't know where they went?
Now Kangxi was in a bit of a hurry. Once Oboi went up the mountain, it would not be easy to catch him again!
This Oboi will not just fall into the grass in the west mountain and become a bandit, right?Xishan is so close to Beijing, this Oboi can come down the mountain to take a walk in Beijing at any time. He has been a minister of guards and internal affairs for many years, and he probably knows all about the dog hole in the Imperial City and the Forbidden City!
In addition, there must be Oboi's internal support in the Forbidden City!

The traitor who shouted "There is an ambush, Taishi Ao, run" that day has not been caught yet!

If Aobai hadn't died, and he had to cooperate with the inside and the outside, would Kangxi Xiaomazi's head still be lost?
So Emperor Kangxi had a bit of insomnia at night for the past two days. As soon as he closed his eyelids, he dreamed that Oboi broke into the palace with a sharp knife to commit murder.

In order to sleep soundly, Kangxi had to break the rule that the guards could not enter the Jingyun Gate at night (originally, there could only be one officer and two imperial doctors at the Yuehua Gate and the Imperial Pharmacy in the Qianqing Palace compound. On duty inside), let Guanyinbao lead a group of burly men to guard outside the bedroom every night, but in this way, it will be very inconvenient for the little emperor to want to be licentious!
And what does Avalokitesvara look like?What do those guards look like?What does Xiao Mazi look like?In case the women in the palace have bad thoughts after seeing Guanyin Bao and those guards, isn't the little pockmark's hat going to turn green?
Besides, with those few people, can they really stop Manchuria's No. [-] Batu Lu Oboi?
Just when Xiao Mazi was fidgeting about the question "Where is Oboi going?", Xiao Guizi's surprised voice suddenly came from outside the Nan study: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wang Zhongxiao is back!"

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass, ask for follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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