Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 64 Who will be Oboi's accomplice?

Chapter 64 Who will be Oboi's accomplice?

In fact, Wang Zhongxiao had already been thinking about the matter of rectifying the sticky poles.

The official name of this sticky place is the Shangyu Spare Office, and it is clearly an organization that assists in guarding the emperor's tours and is responsible for the emperor's entertainment.But I don't know when this agency began to have a little bit of "statistics and investigation" responsibilities.

Of course, the "statistics and investigation" duties at the sticky pole are mainly internal.Because the "statistics and investigation" work at the sticky pole is carried out relying on the "big net" woven by various yamen under the Ministry of Internal Affairs-the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very large organization, and it manages many and complicated things. It can be said that it has penetrated into Beijing. In all aspects of the city, there are also many branch yamen in the local area, such as the four major weaving yamen.

There are also many officials from the Three Banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were sent to other places to serve as civil and military officials.

With so many eyes and ears, and so many small reports, of course there must be a special yamen to take care of these matters - you can't all write secret documents and send them to the emperor!Otherwise, the emperor would not be able to read small reports every day, would he still have time to take care of state affairs and engage in personal entertainment?

And this sticky pole is in charge of those small reports. Wang Fuchen said before that this "sticky pole length" is an errand that offends people, and this is the reason.

The officer in charge of the small report, isn't this all offending people?
However, the sticky stick that manages small reports can't control the matter of arresting Oboi. It's not because Aobai has "turned into ashes", but the sticky stick only has the function of "receiving and processing small reports" and has not taken the initiative to carry out investigations. and the ability to capture.

That is to say, even if someone below made a small report saying that he found Oboi somewhere, he would not be able to catch the stick.

No one is going to catch it!
At the sticky pole now, there are only writers who are responsible for copying and archiving, and there are no blood drops who are responsible for beheading and arresting people.Let Bi Tieshi catch Oboi. Who would believe that Manchuria's No. [-] Batulu is so easy to catch?
So Wang Zhongxiao is going to take this opportunity of catching Oboi to establish "Blood Droplet", and by the way, give "Xian, Yi, An, Quan" and Mr. Yu, Xiao Lizi, and that very interesting Guo Jinbao They all arrange good jobs at the sticky pole.

Only with "Blood Droplets" can we end the Qing Dynasty better!
Wang Zhongxiao was worrying about the country and the people, when he suddenly heard someone shouting.

"Wang Shiwei has returned to the mansion!"

"Look quickly, that is the king's bodyguard who drove out the traitor Oboi for the emperor!"

"Okay! What a man!"

Wang Zhongxiao was startled by these shouts, and quickly looked up, only to find that he had reached the entrance of Bean Sprouts Alley.This narrow Bean Sprouts Alley was unexpectedly blocked by traffic, which was rarely seen today, and it was all blocked on Chaoyangmennei Street.

Of course, the cars that are blocking the road are not cars, but horse-drawn carts, mule carts, and donkey carts. Next to each cart, there are one or two long gowns and hats standing, looking like shopkeepers who are doing business outside Zhengyangmen, or It was the Shangsanqi coater of that family.

Now it's the turn of Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao, the last ministers of the Qing Dynasty, to sit at home and wait for others to line up to pay their respects!

"Wang Shiwei, Wang Shiwei, I'm Yang San at Zhushikou!" Wang Zhongxiao suddenly heard a familiar voice, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Yang Qilong!

"Brother Yang!" Wang Zhongxiao got off his horse and cupped his hands towards Yang Qilong, "A rare visitor! I was thinking of visiting in two days, but you came by yourself."

Yang Qilong hastened to call Wang Zhongxiao a thousand times: "Wang Shiwei, you're killing grassroots. Caomin is just a merchant, how dare you trouble yourself?"

Wang Zhongxiao took Yang Qilong's hand, and wanted to talk to him a few more words.

He has been promoted to an official now, and he will soon get rich. After being promoted and made rich, of course he will marry a wife and take a concubine!
But Wu Xiaotu can't marry yet, her grandfather is Wu Sangui!So Wang Zhongxiao could only play with his female apprentice Yang Xiaohuan's idea.

"Brother Yang, just call me Shikai." Wang Zhongxiao said with a smile, "How is Xiaohuan these days? Did you miss her master?"

In other words, during this period of time, Wang Zhongxiao has been busy "anti-Oboi", "kill Oboi", "burn Oboi", "catch Oboi". Let Yang Xiaohuan go back to Yang Qilong, really shouldn't!

Yang Qilong looked around, it was indeed not the place to talk - a large group of people were watching!
So he took out an envelope, handed it to Wang Zhongxiao, and said in a low voice, "Brother Shikai, sister Sister asked me to give it to you!"

"Really?" Wang Zhongxiao put away the envelope, already grinning from ear to ear, this little girl seems to miss her master!

He still wanted to ask Yang Qilong about Yang Xiaohuan's situation, but Yang Qilong said with a smile: "Shikai, I delivered the letter, let's see you later. By the way, I saw Mingfu's carriage entering the bean sprouts alley just now, hurry up go in."

Nalan Pearl is here?

That's a teacher and an accomplice!

Wang Zhongxiao hurriedly put away the envelope, and while clasping hands to Yang Qilong and the group of Shangsanqi coaters who lined up to come to his house, as well as shopkeepers from the outer city, he led his own red rabbit horse to the bean sprouts alley. go inside.After a while, he led the horse to the door of his house.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard the voice of Guo Jinbao's little black fat man: "Brother Shikai, you are back, Bachelor Ming and Mrs. Ming have been here for a while!"

While talking, Guo Jinbao enthusiastically came up to take the rein from Wang Zhongxiao's hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Shikai, I will give you your red rabbit horse, you can go in quickly!"

"Then I'll have to work." Wang Zhongxiao said politely.

Guo Jinbao waved his hand and said with a smile: "Which one of us is with whom? You go in quickly!"

"Okay, see you later."

Wang Zhongxiao was not polite to Guo Jinbao either, he arched his hands and entered the yard, and passed through the hanging flower gate, and then he heard Wang Fuchen's loud voice and Mingzhu's wife Wulinzhu giggling.

Wang Zhongxiao thought to himself: It looks like this old fellow Wang Fuchen is having a good time with his old master!I don't know how Mingzhu reacted?

Just as he thought of this, Mingzhu's cheerful voice sounded, "Brother Wang, your son is back!"

Then there was Wang Fuchen's loud voice: "Second brother, come in, come in and say hello to Gege and uncle."

Gege's husband is called Uncle?This title is really a Man-Han family!

Wang Zhongxiao also walked into the living room of his home with a smile, and greeted Wulinzhu Gege and Mingzhu who were sitting inside: "Gege, teacher, please be safe."

Princess is in the front, and the teacher is in the back, to show that Wang Fuchen's family will not forget the old master.

The relationship was shortened in an instant, from a beloved companion to a dear companion.Look at the eye contact between Wang Fuchen and Wulinzhugege, they are really very close!

"Master, go out and take a look." Wang Fuchen spoke again at this time, and sent Yu Deshui and Master Yu who was standing behind him to go out to watch out.

"Yes, Dong Weng." Master Yu responded, and went out of the hall, and called Li Fuhan, Li Chunni and Li Zhang to go out of the Chuihua Gate together, went to the front yard, and closed the door behind him.

"Second brother," Wang Fuchen said again at this time, "My uncle is here today. Apart from coming to talk to us about the division of land and houses, I just want to discuss the matter of capturing Oboi and stealing Oboi's house. .”

As soon as Wang Zhongxiao heard this, his spirit immediately came back, "Teacher, let's talk about the difference between the house and the farm first?"

Mingzhu smiled and said: "Look, I'm happy for you. As a teacher, let's talk about the fields and houses first. The emperor said that he will give you and Brother Wang a land and a house respectively. I discussed with Brother Wang just now, bean sprouts The house in Hutong and the Zhuangzi in Haidian are all transferred to your name, and then you will be given a big house and farm near Dafu Lane and Yuyuantan by Ama.”

"That's fine!" Wang Zhongxiao couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear—the location of Tofu Alley is better than that of Bean Sprouts Alley!And Yuyuantan is Diaoyutai!
Well, Wang Zhongxiao's own Zhuangzi is in Tsinghua Garden, and his father Wang Fuchen's Zhuangzi is in Diaoyutai!

This is going to God!

"Since you have no objection, let's do it this way." Mingzhu said, "The house in Tofu Lane is ready-made, and it is well maintained. Your Ahma just moved in before getting married."

"Father," Wang Zhongxiao looked back at his father, "My son congratulates you on being promoted, getting rich, marrying a wife, and moving house. Four happy occasions!"

Wang Fuchen also grinned from ear to ear, "Second brother, our family can climb so fast this time, but thanks to the help of Bachelor Ming to speak before the emperor, we can only follow the lead of Bachelor Ming!"

Mingzhu hurriedly waved her hands and said with a smile: "Brother Wang, what you said is that we are all shoulder-to-shoulder roles, and we will work together for the emperor in the future, but don't just follow anyone's lead. If there must be someone, it will only be the emperor." gone."

"Yes, yes, yes," Wang Zhongxiao said, "they are all doing things for the emperor. However, my father and I have never studied, and we don't know what the emperor thinks, so you have to lead us, sir, to do things. good.

Teacher, the emperor has just entrusted King Yu, my father, you, Suo Lingwei, Duolingwei, Guanweiwei and students to copy Oboi's house.Tell me, what should I do with this errand?Who should do it harshly, who should turn a blind eye? "

After saying this, Wang Zhongxiao gave his father Wang Fuchen another wink.Wang Fuchen immediately took over the conversation, nodded and said, "That's right, Bachelor Ming, both of us, father and son, listen to you! Whoever you say, we will do!"

Mingzhu smiled and said to Wang Fuchen and Wang Zhongxiao: "Brother Wang, Shikai, since you two have said so, I will open the skylight and speak frankly. In the three chambers of the cabinet, there were Bumbleshan, Duikana, and Tu Hai has a total of three full-time bachelors, and Bumbleshan is definitely going to fall, but he can only free up one chair, and Suoetu and I are not enough."

"Then bring Tu Hai down!" Wang Zhongxiao said.

Tuhai is a character!Anyway, in the TV series of later generations, he is one of the mighty fighters under Emperor Kang Mazi!
Although the Tu Hai that Wang Zhongxiao knew now was still a civil servant and didn't show much military talent, but he might be a genius!
This kind of military genius should get rid of the insurance as soon as possible!

As long as the "traitors" who are more capable of fighting in the Qing Dynasty are eradicated one by one, it will be easier when the "final Qing Dynasty" is in the future.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhongxiao said with a smile, "Teacher, I heard that Tuhai was a corrupt official. He was severely punished by the first emperor. Not to mention his dismissal, he even confiscated his home. He is about to go to the vegetable market. But After the death of the first emperor, he was immediately promoted to be the governor of Zhenghuangqi Manchuria. I don't know whose sect he left?

Later, he followed Oboi's brother Murima to the remnants of the bandits in the Jingxiang area of ​​Yuyang, and was promoted to a bachelor by virtue of his military merits and was also given a world position.However, no matter how you look at it, this military achievement was awarded to Tu Hai by Aobai!After all, with a strong general like Murima in charge of military affairs, can you defeat a group of rogue remnants who occupy the mountain as king?Whoever goes with him can get a piece of military merit. "

Mingzhu nodded with a smile, twirled her beard and said, "That's right, this Tuhai doesn't look like a good person as a teacher, he must be from Oboi. Shi Kai, this time, take advantage of the opportunity to steal Oboi's house, and be careful." Search it! If you can't find it, there will be Murima's house to copy later!"

"Teacher, don't worry," Wang Zhongxiao said with a smile, "as long as Tuhai has a piece of paper left on Aobai's mansion, he will definitely find evidence that he secretly took refuge in Aobai!"

"That's right," Mingzhu said with a smile, "His suspicion is too great, even if he jumps into the Yellow River, he won't be able to clean himself up!"

Luo Luo's new book will start working hard for Shang Sanjiang from today, please collect, recommend, monthly pass, especially follow-up reading!
(End of this chapter)

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