Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 71 Great, the party struggle is coming again!

Chapter 71 Great, the party struggle is coming again!
"Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, Geng Jimao, Ye Bilong Tuhai? Why is there Tuhai? Wang Datou, have you counted carefully?"

In the South Study Room of Qianqing Palace, Emperor Kangxi put down the booklet in his hand and looked at Wang Zhongxiao who had just been called into the palace by him, with an expression of disbelief.

Kangxi called Wang Zhongxiao into the palace to inquire about the situation of the letters and manuscripts copied from Obai's home.

Wang Zhongxiao didn't have time to read what was written in these letter manuscripts, so all he could report was "big data"—how many letters in total?Who has more letters?

And the top five in the "Letter Writing Contest to Obai" reported by Wang Zhongxiao are Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, Geng Jimao, Ye Bilong and Tu Hai!
The top four are easy to say, after all, Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, and Geng Jimao are all vassals guarding one side, and they have many official contacts with Oboi. Respect, respect, respect, etc., and a lot of recommendation letters.And Ye Bilong, who is ranked fourth, is not a vassal king, but he is an old cunning and a fool. It is normal to flatter Oboi when he sees his power.

But Tu Hai actually ranked fifth. This thick-browed, upright Tu Hai actually wrote so many letters to Aobai, which was a bit beyond Kangxi's expectation.

"Reporting to the emperor," Wang Zhongxiao replied, "there are too many letters and manuscripts copied from Oboi. This servant can't sort them out in just one day. What the servant reports to the emperor is just copied from Oboi's study. The situation of the letter manuscript."

Of course, he kept his words alive - Ao Bai would not indicate the storage location on the letter manuscript, who knows where it was copied from?Or he can say whatever he wants?
"Your Majesty, the letter that can be kept in the study by Oboi must be something that Oboi himself thinks is more important." Fuquan who came with Wang Zhongxiao also stabbed Tuhai lightly in the back at this time.He didn't intend to make things difficult for Tu Hai, but he just said it casually.

"Your Majesty," Mingzhu, a bachelor of the Neihong Academy of Arts, hurriedly took this opportunity to add, "Tuhai has always been known as loyal and respectful, and he is extremely talented and good at being a man. The officials in the court and his The relationship is very good, Oboi also thinks highly of him, and is willing to get close to him, but the slave thinks that Tu Hai will not participate in Oboi's rebellion plot."

high!It's really high!
After hearing Mingzhu's words, Wang Zhongxiao already applauded his teacher in his heart.

Mingzhu's words didn't seem to have any lethality, and they also meant to speak for Tu Hai.But in fact, it took Tu Hai's key point, and it was just right.

Tu Hai is loyal, respectful and smart, he can be a man and an official, he can win the respect of Ao Bai, but he doesn't participate in Ao Bai's conspiracy, what does this mean?It means that Tu Hai is an official slicker who knows how to flatter!
The young hero of Kangxi needs to use highly motivated officials, not hello, me, everyone, and old officialdom fritters.

If Mingzhu wants to label Tu Hai as "Aobai's best friend", then there must be solid evidence.This is more difficult to do, and Tu Hai is not stupid, how could he discuss with Aobai about holding the emperor and ordering the Eight Banners in black and white?He wrote so many things to Oboi, apart from asking for instructions and reporting, he probably just flattered him.When Oboi was in power, who wouldn't flatter him?If flattery is exiled to the army and beheaded, then the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty must be emptied?

So Mingzhu first gave Tuhai an old officialdom fritter. This hat can be buckled like porcelain!
Because this Tu Hai is indeed very cunning, otherwise it would be impossible for him not to climb up to his current status under the rule of Aobai!
Since Tu Hai is a cunning sycophant who flatters Oboi, his bachelor can no longer do it. As long as Tu Hai goes down, Mingzhu will be able to become a bachelor as he wishes.

But Wang Zhongxiao is not very satisfied with this effect!
This Tuhai is a big traitor, he must be killed to be safe, not only to kill him alone, it is better to create another Tuhai party and kill them together.

But Kangxi, the little hero of the Qing Dynasty, nodded slightly, as if he had listened to Mingzhu's wrong remarks.

Just when Kang Mazi was about to decree to remove Tuhai from the position of a bachelor of the Neihong Academy of Arts, a young eunuch who was guarding the door of the South Study Room suddenly ran in, knelt down in front of Kangxi, and reported loudly: " Your Majesty, please see Suo'etu and Tuhai, the great scholars."

What?Suo'etu and Tuhai came together?
Wang Zhongxiao immediately regained his spirits. It cannot be a coincidence that Suo'etu and Tu Hai came together. He must have come to speak for Tu Hai, a traitor. This is to form a traitorous party!

Since there is a traitorous party in the Qing court, the final ministers must form a party!One side is the treacherous party, the other is the final party, tearing each other down, the Qing Dynasty must be over!
Thinking of this, Wang Zhongxiao turned his head to look at his teacher and colleague Nalan Mingzhu, only to see that Nalan Mingzhu's face was slightly gloomy. Suo Etu and Tu Hai came to see together, which can only explain one thing, that is, Suo Etu Ertu wants to pull Tuhai a hand!

And Suo'etu was connected to the empress dowager, and if the empress dowager came forward, the little emperor would give Tu Hai another chance, at least for the time being, he would not be able to slap his bachelor.

Others don't know about Mingzhu's desire to become a bachelor, but how can Suoetuso, the third child, not know?Knowing it clearly, he still needs to pull Tuhai. Doesn't this mean that he wants to be a vicious dog blocking his way?

At this time Kangxi spoke: "Xuan!"

Immediately afterwards came the voice of an eunuch: "Xuan Suo Etu, Tu Hai see you!"

Yangsan Teahouse is heavily guarded!
The disciples who met Saburo occupied all the seats on the first floor of the teahouse early in the morning. From the opening of the door to almost noon, they still had no intention of leaving.The entire ground floor of the teahouse was full of stout men in short jackets with hatchets in their waists. They were sitting there drinking tea and eating snacks, talking and laughing loudly, and they didn't know what they were doing.
Could it be that they have an appointment with someone who wants to fight for territory at Zhushikou?

Anyway, seeing this posture, naturally no unusual guests came to drink tea at Yang San Teahouse.

And in a private room on the second floor of Yangsan Teahouse, two men in long gowns were sitting at this time, one of them was Yang Sanyang Qilong, the owner of Yangsan Teahouse, and the other was Wu Yingxiong, the son of Prince Pingxi.

Wu Yingxiong was holding a piece of letter paper in his hand, and was looking carefully over and over under the sunlight coming in from the window.

I don't know how long I looked at it before I slapped the letter paper on the Eight Immortals table in front of me, covered my face with a pair of plump palms, and sighed deeply: "I, Ama, didn't know when I wrote this letter. Oboi wants, wants to rebel! He said in the letter that he would only follow Oboi's lead, but he really didn't mean to follow Oboi and rebel."

Yang Qilong seemed to agree with Wu Yingxiong's words, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, yes, what the elder son said is that everyone in the world knows that it is impossible for your father to rebel with Oboi." While talking, he provoked Thumbs, "Your father has How can a hero with more than [-] soldiers live under others for a long time? Now that the imperial court no longer has Oboi as the pillar of the sky, do you want to run out of the capital and sneak back to Yunnan? I can make arrangements for my son. Keep it safe."

"No, no, no." Wu Yingxiong shook his head like a rattle, "I am a loyal minister, and my Ama is also loyal to the Qing Dynasty! I can't escape, and I can't escape either!"

Yang Qilong said with a smile: "Master, if you don't plan to run away, why don't you come forward and invite Wang Shikai out, and have a good talk with him to see if there is any way to save your life?"

"There is a way, there is a way! As long as I see Shikai, I will have a way!" Wu Yingxiong suddenly remembered something, and nodded repeatedly, "Yang San, if I need you, hurry up and make arrangements for me, the sooner the better!"

"Okay, tomorrow, I will arrange for you to meet Wang Shikai tomorrow!"

Early the next morning, Wang Zhongxiao, who had been invited, walked Chongwen Gate out of the inner city with Master Yu, and went to Yang San Teahouse on Zhushikou Street.

He came to date Yang Xiaohuan.The letter that Yang Qilong personally sent to Bean Sprouts Alley the day before yesterday was written by Yang Xiaobai to Wang Zhongxiao, inviting him to meet at Yang San Tea House.But I didn't make an appointment at that time, I only said when it was convenient to come.But yesterday evening, Yang San asked someone to send a message, asking Wang Zhongxiao to meet at Yang San's teahouse the next morning for a detailed discussion.

Talk about the good things about Wang Zhongxiao and Yang Xiaohuan!

Wang Zhongxiao's virgin career since his "soul change" is about to come to an end.

Thinking of "Sai Yuhuan" Yang Xiaohuan's body, Wang Zhongxiao was so greedy that his saliva almost flowed down. His walking pace also became lighter, and he almost caught up with the race.

This is a pain for Mr. Yu, who is not tall and has no legs. He is about to trot, and he can barely catch up with the second son of Wang. When he ran to the door of Yang San's teahouse, Mr. Yu was almost out of breath. up.But he still didn't forget to yell for Wang Zhongxiao: "Is Mr. Yang there? The Second Master Wang of Bean Sprouts Hutong is here!"

As soon as Master Yu finished his words, he saw Yang Qilong rushing out of the teahouse with a happy expression on his face. When he saw Wang Zhongxiao, he greeted Wang Zhongxiao with a beating: "Second Master Wang, please come inside and upstairs!"

"Upstairs?" Wang Zhongxiao looked at the first floor of the teahouse, there were not many customers!

"Upstairs in the private room," Yang Qilong said with a smile, "Xiaohuan is waiting for you in the private room!"

Good seat!convenient!
Wang Zhongxiao laughed loudly, and walked towards the teahouse with his arms swung.
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(End of this chapter)

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