Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 9 Wu Sangui Sent a Loyal Laughter

Chapter 9 Wu Sangui Sent a Loyal Laughter (Please collect, recommend, and follow up)

"Second Brother Wang, Second Brother, are you ready? Alright, I'm going to beat the drum!"

This cheerful voice was made by Wu Xiaotu, the troublemaker and beauty of Wu Guogui's family, and it was because of her that today's competition started.But instead of feeling ashamed, she was very happy to see Wu Sangui, Wu Yingqi, Wu Guogui, Xia Guoxiang, Hu Guozhu, Zhang Guozhu, Wang Pingfan, Ma Bao, Wang Fuchen, Qi Sansheng, Gao Dejie and others all came to watch the fun, of course He became even more excited, and even took the initiative to ask Wu Sangui for an errand to beat drums and cheer.

Wu Sangui also doted on this little elf, so with a wave of his hand, someone brought up a big drum for Wu Xiaotu to play with.

At this time, Wang Zhongxiao had already put on a suit of armor specially designed for jousting and martial arts. The outer side of the armor was wrapped with cowhide, and the inner side was a thick layer of cotton pads. He also had a small cotton cap on his head and a hard leather helmet .

This set of protective gear was put on by Wang Fuchen himself by Wang Fuchen's father, who is still checking, looking here and there, without stopping his mouth, and whispered over and over again: " Little bastard, you have to keep your hands in the fight later, Wu's second child is the grandson of King Pingxi, so don't break it!"

"Don't worry, Daddy, that kid has rough skin and thick flesh, he won't break it!"

"Hey, the two of you have been good friends since you were young, and you have asked for help more than once. Now you can't turn your face just because of a maid. This is not something that the men of our old Wang family can do. Your brother doesn't count, just us Are you afraid that no young lady will like their appearance? What are you and Wu's second child robbing?"

Wang Zhongxiao looked helpless, spread his hands, and said in a low voice: "Father, how could I rob women with Wu Er? But...you know, I am so good-looking, and the little ladies see me. Fascinated. And you know that the members of their old Wu family are so angry that they become a beauty!"

"Hush." ​​Wang Fuchen immediately became nervous, and almost covered Wang Zhongxiao's mouth, "You can't talk nonsense! King Pingxi will be angry, and maybe someone will die!"

While talking, Wang Fuchen waved his hand and made a beheading gesture.

Wang Zhongxiao shrunk his neck, thinking that this matter was indeed a taboo under Pingxi Wang Fan.Wu Sangui, an old man, is not a small traitor, but he will definitely be in a hurry with anyone who dares to mention "becoming a beauty in anger".

But fortunately, the Wang family father and son spoke softly, and Wu Sangui's ears should not be so sharp due to the noise in the martial arts arena.

"Boom, boom, boom."

At this time, the drums suddenly sounded.When Wang Zhongxiao heard the reputation, he saw Wu Xiaotu, who was dressed in fluttering white clothes, swinging two wooden mallets and beating the leather drum vigorously.The drumbeat became more and more urgent, one after another.

"This little girl is quite energetic!" Wang Zhongxiao couldn't help but praise.

Wang Fuchen next to him also took a look, but he didn't seem to see it clearly, so he took out a binoculars and looked at it carefully. It's Wu Guogui's daughter, Wu Xiaotu, who turned into a beauty in the blink of an eye! Little bastard, don't you think you've fallen in love with her again?"

"No, no," Wang Zhongxiao immediately shook his head, "I haven't looked carefully yet!"

After saying this, he strode towards the red horse with a shoulder height of more than four feet and three inches not far away.The name of this war horse is "Chiju". It sounds similar to "Chitu", but in fact it is far worse than Chitu. It is only considered tall among dwarf Mongolian horses.

When Wang Zhongxiao got on his horse, his group of companions, armed master Yu Deshui, Wang Dapao Wang Zhongxian, Wang Dapao Wang Zhongyi, who can use cannons, Li Jixiang the little plum, Wang Quan the groom, and Wang An the book boy, had already mentioned They got on their respective horses with bamboo poles.

Wang Zhongxiao also took a two-foot-long bamboo pole from one of Wang Fuchen's soldiers, and danced vigorously. The tiger and the tiger were full of wind. Unfortunately, the branches and leaves on the top of the bamboo pole were all cut off, otherwise today's martial arts competition would not be necessary. .

Moreover, once the bamboo pole shakes, the branches and leaves on the top will also shake together, sweeping a large area up and down, left and right, maybe it can sweep away the feathered arrows shot by the enemy.

But even if those branches and leaves can't sweep away the enemy's feathered arrows, Wang Zhongxiao still has a rattan card that can protect the vital parts.After sitting firmly on the horseback, Wang Zhongxiao raised the bamboo pole and waved it. The few riders who were scattered around all swiped the flying horses, and with Wang Zhongxiao as the center, they formed a horizontal line that could almost touch knees. Everyone holds a bridle in their right hand and a gun in their left, with the point of the gun pointing upwards.

At the same time, about 250 paces away, Wu Shijue had already mounted his horse with a gun, and lined up with the other six servants of the Wu family.But compared with Wang Zhongxiao's horizontal team, his team is much looser.Moreover, the carbine they used was shorter than the bamboo poles of Wang Zhongxiao and the others, and the carbine used by Pingxi Fan was two feet long.It was not short among carbine guns, but it was still a lot worse than the opponent's bamboo pole, which was two feet smaller.

Although the power of this short spear is weak when it hits, it is convenient to use spear skills on horseback. It can be stabbed, brandished, and dialed with both hands.Therefore, Wu Shijue felt that it was not that he had no chance of winning, as long as he could survive Wang Zhongxiao's wave, then he would be sure to win.

"Boom, boom, boom."

At this time, Wu Xiaotu rang the leather drum for the second time.

This is a signal that both sides of the contest can start to attack!

Wang Zhongxiao looked around, the team was very neat, it seems that the training these days was not in vain.However, apart from himself, Wang Zhongxian, and Wang Zhongyi, the immediate skills of this group of people are pretty average.So Wang Zhongxiao put himself in the middle, with Wang Zhongxian on the far right and Wang Zhongyi on the left.

He glanced at Wu Shijue and his men on the opposite side again, and formed a loose formation, with each of them holding a lance with the head removed.They all hold the bridle in their left hand, hold the spear in their right armpit, and lift the point of the spear upwards, forming a crescent moon in the sky—this is the first form of the standard horse-mounted spear technique in the "Yang Family Gun Manual" handed down from the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, Wu Shijue suddenly roared, and started to move forward with the few riders under him.

Wang Zhongxiao silently estimated the distance between the two sides, and then said loudly: "30 slow steps, 30 fast steps, 30 small jogs, then put down the bamboo pole, and quickly run forward!"


Several people below shouted together.

Wang Zhongxiao roared again: "Forward! Walk slowly!"

With the sound of horseshoes, the two teams of knights on the martial arts field began to approach quickly.At first glance, the formations of these two teams of knights are quite neat, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that Wang Zhongxiao's team of knights is not only neat but also dense, and each of them is holding a long bamboo pole.

"Fuchen," Wu Sangui also found this formation new, so he asked Wang Fuchen next to him, "You also formed like this in Datong?"

Actually no, not that secret.The cavalry used by Wang Fuchen in Datong was similar to that used by Wu Shicong, and he used the "Yang Family Spear" with a length of one foot and six feet-this is the most commonly used long spear in the Ming army, and it also has a special matching marksmanship.

And Wang Fuchen's Yang family's marksmanship is very good, and can even be called the best in the world.Wang Zhongxiao got his true biography, and his marksmanship is also very good, but he didn't expect to use the tactics of dense horizontal formation with long bamboo poles today.

So Wang Fuchen was also a little dazed, not knowing how to answer for a while.

But Wu Sangui didn't ask any further, because the most tense time has come!
As Wu Xiaotu's drum beat became more and more urgent, the speed of the rushing on both sides also accelerated.Wu Shijue's side was already a bit scattered, while Wang Zhongxiao's side continued to maintain a relatively tight formation, and accelerated steadily, first at a slow pace, then at a fast pace, and then at a trot. A feeling of being crushed.

On the other hand, Wu Shijue was already a little timid, because the formation was already scattered, and it became even more scattered when running, and then there was a situation where some were fast and others were slow—it must be painful to stab such an old and long bamboo pole on the opposite side.And today is not a real fight, there is no second wave of cavalry behind it, let alone a supervisory team.So it was natural for Wu Shijue's helpers to rush a little slower and hide to the sides.Only Wu Shijue, who was molested by his sister, was furious and rushed to the front with his head covered.So the original horizontal team soon became the "Front Arrow Array" where Wu Shijue took the lead.

But Wu Shijue was negligent. He didn't realize that his subordinates were all unscrupulous cowards, so he charged forward on his own, and even started to sprint faster.

But Wang Zhongxiao's team has maintained very well - every inch is long and every inch is brave!The longer the pole in the hand, the fatter the courage.Besides, the brothers around Wu Shijue were all gone, and he was the only one still rushing forward in a daze, who would be afraid of him?

Wang Zhongxiao was even more proud. When he thought of the prizes he could win back, he couldn't help laughing loudly: "Wow haha"

While laughing, he also put down the long bamboo pole in his hand and began to move forward at a brisk pace.

Of course, the "quick running" speed that Wang Zhongxiao determined for himself and his subordinates was not particularly fast, it was the kind of fast running that could be stopped at any time.If he really wanted to sprint with all his strength, his formation would have to break up.And if you sprint with all your strength, you won't be able to stop it. If Wu Shijue is trampled to death with a horse's hoof, then you won't be able to stop the girl.
Seeing that the seven knights on the opposite side had already leveled the bamboo poles, they rushed over in unison!

At this time, Wu Shijue was also a little timid, because he found that the bamboo pole on the opposite side was really long, much longer than the one in his hand, it was obviously a shame!
What made Wu Shijue even more dizzy was that the long bamboo pole on the opposite side was still shaking violently, God knows where it would hit?It's okay to stab it on the body, it's blocked by armor, but what if it's stabbed in the face?And it's not just a dangling bamboo pole, but seven. Wu Shijue has only one gun in his hand, and he can hit seven with one shot. The advantage lies in the enemy!

Wait, why is it a dozen of seven?

At this time, Wu Shijue had already realized that something was wrong, what about the partners around him?It was agreed that seven would fight seven, and now the seven knights are lined up like a wall, why is there only one rider left on my side?

How to fight this?
Just when he was stunned, the long bamboo pole on the opposite side had already come over!At least three or four long bamboo poles stabbed towards Wu Shijue and the horse under him while swinging wildly.Wu Shijue, who had reacted, quickly pulled the rein hard, and the horse he was riding was running well, and suddenly saw many poles approaching in front of him, and when he was thinking whether to dodge, the rein suddenly tightened.The horse's mouth was in pain, and it just protested with a "Xi Liu Liu", then raised its front hooves, and only supported the ground with its two hind hooves, it stood up completely.

As soon as the horse stood up, the three bamboo poles couldn't touch Wu Shijue, they all hit the horse's belly, and then there was the sound of "click, click, click" bamboo poles breaking!
The bamboo poles were all broken, and the heads of several bamboo poles were pierced into the flesh. How strong is this?If Wu Shijue was stabbed, he would probably have to be stabbed off the horse's back.But now, although he has escaped, his horse quit. The owner actually used the horse's belly as a bamboo pole for himself. This is too disrespectful to the horse!The horse was in pain, fear and anger, and could not stand still. It neighed for a while, and then lay flat on the right side.

Wu Shijue's reaction was really fast. When he realized that the horse was about to lie down, he quickly took his right foot out of the stirrup, stretched his right leg back, and at the same time threw the spear in his hand, spread his arms, and hugged the horse's neck. Only then did the man and the horse fall down together.

This scene was clearly seen by the referee Wu Shicong.Wu Yingqi's son was neat and tidy, and immediately picked up a small wooden mallet and hit a gong next to him, announcing the end of the contest!

Wu Shijue, who fell to the ground with his horse's neck in his arms, knew that he had lost when he heard the sound of the gong. He also lost his sister to the shameless Wang Zhongxiao!

How can this be good?

He was in a hurry when he heard Wu Sangui's laughter: "Wahhahaha. What a skill. If you succeed in one blow, it is really a skill! If thousands of cavalry with wolf shafts march in like a wall, where in the world can they go?"

 Say hello to everyone, Luo Luo's new book will be renamed "Kangxi, Your Great Qing Dynasty" today

(End of this chapter)

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