Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 90 Tuhai, you are under arrest!

Chapter 90 Tuhai, you are under arrest! (Third update!)
Today, there are three undergraduates on duty in the duty room of the Inner Third Academy outside the Longzong Gate, namely, Jin Batai, a scholar of the Academy of Internal Secretaries, Suo Etu, a scholar of the Academy of Internal History, and Tuhai, a scholar of the Neihong Academy of Arts. .

Tuhai didn't seem to be in a good mood, and was a little restless.Because his confidant Zhou Chang hasn't come to Neihong Academy for work for two days. Something seems wrong!I don't know if this Zhou Chang is sick and can't get up at Caishikou's house, or if he sees that Tuhai is going to be unlucky, he will get oily on the soles of his feet first?But don't let the minions at the sticky pole catch and torture you!
Although Tu Hai felt that he was not afraid of the slanting shadow, and he turned his house upside down these days, burning all the letters and manuscripts that might be used as criminal evidence.

But Tuhai can burn the evidence in his own family, but he can't burn the letters and manuscripts related to him in the homes of Aobai, Murima, and Bumbleshan.A while ago, before Zhou Chang disappeared, he had told him that Fuquan, who was in charge of copying Oboi’s family, had collected more than a dozen boxes of letters and manuscripts. Articles, gift lists, and postings, etc.Then Yu Wang Fuquan is also a good-for-nothing prince, and he has already started selling it quietly. Zhou Chang also asked Tu Hai if he wanted to buy it?

At that time, Tuhai really wanted to buy it, but when he went home to settle the accounts, he realized that he was too shy.The Neihong Wenyuan he was in charge of was a Qingshui yamen in the past, and there were not many opportunities for corruption, and he paid more attention to the official voice, and didn't reach out to the underground governor very much-I didn't expect that he, an upright official, would be broken, and there was a possibility Because of too little corruption and bribery, there is no way to continue to be an upright official for the Qing Dynasty.

This is really
Of course, Tu Hai, who had been in charge of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and was very familiar with the "Great Qing Law", had carefully calculated his "crime", at most he would be dismissed from office.Because he felt that he hadn't committed any serious crimes, he was nothing more than flattering Oboi.

It's actually not a big deal, as an official. How can there be anyone who doesn't flatter?If it is a crime to flatter, is there any official in the Qing Dynasty?What's more, if the officials don't know how to flatter them, and they all remonstrate with the emperor, how can the emperor die of anger?

But Jinbatai and Suo'etu, the two great scholars, think that Tuhai is nothing important, and they are still there to enlighten Tuhai at the moment!

"Don't be afraid, didn't you just flatter Oboi? Suo'etu and I have done this before, what's the matter! Why are you an official?"

"That's right, Linzhou, don't worry, you'll be fine. The empress dowager said that you were a talent that the late emperor told you to use. The emperor will give you an external punishment at most, and the official will not be too small. There is always a garrison capital.”

"Yes, yes, with us here, if you work for a few years, the cabinet will seal the border again!"

After listening to Jin Batai and Suo'etu's enlightenment, Tu Hai felt at ease, and was just about to say a few good words to contact Jin Batai and Suo'etu, when suddenly there was a commotion outside the duty room.Then the curtain on the door of the guard room was picked up, and after a gust of cold wind, Fuquan, Mingzhu, and Wang Zhongxiao were seen walking in from the outside.

Jin Batai, Suo'etu, and Tuhai hurriedly stood up to salute King Yu Fuquan.Fuquan, who was always joking and laughing, rarely put on a straight face today, and waved his hands to make the three of them get flattened, and then said straight to Tu Hai: "Tu Hai, do you know your crime?"

"It's me, me." Tu Hai was already confused!
"My lord, what happened to Tu Linzhou?" The old man Jin Batai didn't expect this, and felt that there was some misunderstanding, so he called Fu Quan.

Suo'etu was also a little strange, and echoed: "Yes, Tu Linzhou is a capable minister who was promoted by the late emperor before his death!"

He didn't know that the late emperor hadn't ended yet, so it can be seen that his father Sony's mouth is tight enough!
Fu Quan said: "Old man, third brother Suo, Tu Hai's subordinate Zhou Chang revealed yesterday that Tu Hai is the best friend of Aobai who yelled outside the Royal Medicine Academy that day!"


"Tuhai, you."

Now Jinbatai and Suo'etu were startled, and hurriedly leaned to the two sides—they actually didn't know Tuhai at all, and they didn't usually have a good relationship!
Tuhai froze there as if he had been hit by a hold spell!

He never thought that he would be framed by someone!
That day, he was clearly squinting in the guard room of Longzong Gate. Apart from Zhou Chang, there was also Mingzhu to testify!
Thinking of Mingzhu, Tuhai saw Mingzhu, and quickly said to Mingzhu: "Duanfan! You were also on duty at Longzongmen that day, we are together, you have to testify to me!"

Mingzhu said with a helpless face: "Tu Linzhou, I was actually upset that day, and my thoughts were all on Catch Oboi. I didn't care who was in the guard room of Longzongmen. Because Zhou Chang and you both After stringing up the confession, I will follow along."

"A series of confessions? I don't have one!"

"Linzhou, don't worry, this matter can be explained clearly." Mingzhu still pretended to be a good person, "The emperor didn't say that he would put you in prison, he only said that you should go to Shangfangyuan for a few days first. He didn't say anything either." Copy your home, just let us go to your home to find evidence. Maybe we can't find anything, so we will let you go."

Fuquan didn't have the patience like Mingzhu, and when Mingzhu finished speaking, he said to Wang Zhongxiao: "Big head, take Tuhai down for me!"


Wang Zhongxiao is also capable of pretending. After receiving Fuquan's order, he took a step forward and cupped his fists at Tuhai, "Tutang, can we be more decent?"

"Dignity?" Tu Hai sighed, "How can there be any respect now?" He clasped his fists at Fuquan again, and said in a pleading tone, "My lord, let me give the emperor and the empress dowager their respective respects." Can you write an apology note?"

"Okay, you can write it." Seeing how pitiful he was, Fuquan nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." Tuhai clasped his fists together again, tears rolled down his face, he went to find a pen, ink, paper and inkstone as he cried, and began to write a booklet to defend himself. It is not so easy for him to be "decent", so he must struggle a few times ?And based on Zhou Chang's words alone, the emperor and the empress dowager wouldn't want to kill him, a talented man from Manchuria who the late emperor hadn't forgotten when he was dying, right?

And Mingzhu frowned slightly when she saw Tuhai started to write with a pen while she was crying.Because he knew that Tu Hai was unwilling to be "decent" and wanted to win the sympathy of the emperor and empress dowager, but he didn't know what those two were thinking?If Tuhai can't be dealt with with one blow, it will be difficult to deal with it after he recovers and finds out who killed him.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Wang Zhongxiao, only to find that this guy looked calm, as if Tu Hai was not going to Shangfangyuan next, but to go to the vegetable market to get a job.
"This Tuhai is slippery enough, and nothing was left for us, not even a single letter or manuscript related to Aobai, Murima, Banburshan, Zhuobutai, Wu Sangui, Wu Yingxiong, etc. in the house !"

"My lord, it's not the first day we've hunted down Oboi's henchmen. Can Tu Hai wipe his ass clean? But we still got some things. He Heping, the second vassal of Jing, and some officials in the frontiers have close contacts. For example, Shi Lang, Zhao Liangdong, Zhang Yong and others all have a close relationship with Tu Hai."

"Hmph, what's the use of that? Could it be that you still want to sell these letters for money?"

"My lord, look at what you said, why did the humble job fall into the eyes of money?"

"I think you're about the same."

"My lord, what crime can Tu Hai convict with this little evidence?"

"It's hard to say, I shouldn't be able to die, right?"

In the value room at the sticky pole in Dongtangzi Hutong, Fuquan and Wang Zhongxiao, who had just returned from a search at Tuhai's house, ordered the servants to prepare a few drinks and dishes, and they were discussing things while eating and drinking!

The matter of "framing" Tu Hai did not seem to be going well
"Can't die?" Hearing Fuquan's judgment, Wang Zhongxiao frowned slightly, "He's from Oboi and Wu Sangui!"

Fuquan shook his head and said: "He is Oboi's person, and he can basically give it a shot. But it is not easy to involve Wu Sangui, unless it can be proved that Oboi really voted for Wu Sangui, otherwise there is still a possibility of his life. After all, that voice can't be completely hammered."

"Really?" Wang Zhongxiao frowned, seeming a little worried.

"Big head," Fuquan said again, "the emperor asked you to investigate whether Aobai escaped to Yunnan. There is a clue. The two-month deadline has already passed half a month, how is your investigation going?"

"Check?" Wang Zhongxiao shook his head, "My lord, we are thousands of miles away from Yunnan, how can it be so easy to check?"

"Then how do you explain to the emperor?"

"My lord, don't worry," Wang Zhongxiao said with a smile, "I can wait for the news!"

"What news are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for my brother's news," Wang Zhongxiao said, "my brother is still in Qujing, Yunnan! Besides, he is good friends with Lu Yifeng, Wu Sangui's prefect of Qujing, and the news is very good! This Qujing is the gate of Kunming, if Oboi wants to vote Wu Sangui, you must beat Qujing. My brother will definitely get the news, and with his cleverness, he will definitely run back to Beijing with oil on his feet. If Oboi really didn’t go to Yunnan, my brother would also write to me and my father .”

As soon as he said this, Master Yu suddenly came in from the outside, first gave Fuquan a thousand-child gift, and then said to Wang Zhongxiao anxiously and quickly: "Second son, your eldest brother came from Yunnan. Here we come, I just arrived at Jingwumen in Haidian Town!"

(End of this chapter)

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