Comprehensive martial arts begins with the successor of the Seven Swords

Chapter 111 The great monk's supernatural powers! 【Seeking Subscription·Monthly Pass】

Chapter 111 The great monk's supernatural powers! 【Seeking Subscription·Monthly Pass】

"That's offended!"

Although Tenzin said that he was offended, the movements of his hands were not slow at all, and he formed complex handprints in an instant.

Qi Lin opened the Great Bright Sword Realm, felt that special spiritual power again, and then confirmed that the person he met when he first entered the village was this guy.

He didn't make a move, he just wanted to see the difference between the Great Monk's exercises and the Buddhism of Middle Earth.

Tenzin struggled to form the outer bound lion seal, his own spiritual power faintly echoed something in the void, and the boundless Buddha power fell, filling his body, causing his body to swell and grow, and finally became a There is a little giant more than three meters high, like a statue of King Kong in the temple.

"This is the first time I have seen such a practice!"

Qi Lin exclaimed in amazement, he knew the handprint formed by the other party, and felt the burst of spiritual power of the other party, but he couldn't understand how such things were combined, and how to make such a change in his body.

Whether it is the martial arts of Zhongtu or the inheritance of the Seven Swords, there is nothing similar in it.

Seeing something he had never seen before, Qi Lin smiled and said: "Learning is endless, it seems that there are still many novel things in this world, waiting for me to learn!"

It is almost an instinct for people like him to delve into new martial arts and pursue a new world.

Therefore, Qi Lin threw the Wangbu in his hand, hung him on the roof of the pavilion, and then swung out with a fist.

Although the martial arts of the Buddhist sect in the Western Realm are amazing, the great monk opposite is still far behind Qi Lin, so Qi Lin didn't draw his sword, lest he kill him with a single sword, which is no fun.


With a huge body three meters high, Tenzin waved his big mudra, and the Buddha's light flourished. There was a roar of a lion in the void, protecting his body, and the sound waves gushed out, razing the surrounding area to the ground.

Qi Lin smiled slightly, opened his five fingers, and then clenched them violently. There was thunder and flames between the opening and closing, and he smashed the beating drum out with a magical move.

This is a move created by Qi Lin on the spot. For a person like him who pursues enlightenment, the move is already a trivial matter that is readily available.

At the same time, the mighty divine power, which symbolizes the power of the anode, was poured into the thunder and fire, and the thunder and fire burst out, entangled with each other, and turned into a statue of a god, who easily tore apart the lion's roar, held a sledgehammer, and smashed it head-on towards Tenzin .

The palm print in Tenzin's hand changed again, and his spiritual power burst out, acting on his body, and golden light emerged from his muscles, like a vajra protector.

Qi Lin's Lei Huo punched Dan Zeng and sent him flying, but did not leave any scars.

Tenzin squeezed out the seal of the vase, and sealed all the energy and energy in his body. His whole body was shining with golden light, and he turned into a golden arhat. It seemed that he had made up his mind to fight to the end with this.

"This kind of tortoise shell, if someone else encounters it, there is really nothing to do!"

Qi Lin could see clearly that the key point was that the great monk's zhenqi did not come from himself, but was drawn from other places through spiritual power, which was equivalent to having a huge power bank.

If you want to beat the opponent recklessly, you must either find a way to break through the defense, or fight for consumption and fight through it.

Qi Lin can do both, as long as he pulls out the long sword behind his back, he can cut off the guy's head in an instant, but he still hopes to have some fun!

So Qi Lin chose the second method. He spread his five fingers, swallowing and exhaling the true energy in his body into pure martial arts qi, which spewed out. It was really a big river, hitting the monk.

Tenzin's golden body was tinkling non-stop, and he felt that every part of his body was being attacked, like a water-fixing stone beast in the river, which had to endure the constant washing for thousands or hundreds of years.

Under such an impact, the Buddha's light on Tenzin's body could not be extinguished indefinitely, just like a candle in the wind, the next moment, or the next moment, it would be completely extinguished with a puff.

At that time, without the protection of Buddha's power, Tenzin will be washed into countless fine particles by the martial arts in an instant.

This is similar to Ling Chi, but the better thing is that it only takes a moment of pain for Qi Lin's stellar energy to wash away.

Although Tenzin was not afraid of death, he did not want to die meaninglessly for a country chieftain.

So, he changed the palm print in his hand into a wisdom fist seal, which is the heart mantra of the Great Sun Tathagata, and all his spiritual miraculous power turned into Buddha power. The Martial Dao Gang Qi also slowly weakened.

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows, realizing that this was not martial arts, but some kind of supernatural power.

Wisdom Fist Seal means that one can use superpowers more freely to make everything equal, to be as strong as the enemy, and as weak as the enemy.

The great monk on the opposite side obviously realized that even if he forcibly used supernatural powers to raise himself to the height of Qi Lin, he would not be able to bear the use of such abilities, so he chose to weaken together and win opportunities for himself to break the situation.

"The supernatural powers of Buddhism in the Western Realm really stand alone!" Qi Lin couldn't help but praise.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tenzin punched with all his strength, the roar of the lion reappeared, and the body of King Kong exploded, tearing away the oncoming martial arts, and fled away.

But how could Qi Lin let him go so easily, but seeing that the great monk was about to leave the fortress, and if he used the supernatural power of Zhiyang, it would inevitably hurt innocent people, so he suddenly changed his supernatural powers.

The Way of Tranquility!

Countless spiral energy exploded with the Great Light Sword Realm, and in the reciprocating movement, reached a relative stillness, thus fixing all the substances in the entire fortress, including the great monk who wanted to get away.

Tenzin was not reconciled to being caught without a fight, and wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

Qi Lin didn't give him this chance. The Great Bright Sword Realm changed from emptiness to reality, and sparks fell, cutting off the connection between the people in it and the outside world. things.

He has never encountered such a thing since he was practicing Buddhism since he was a child, and he was able to cut himself off from the Buddhist world.

Qi Lin didn't care what he thought, and rushed forward, instantly sealing the acupoints all over the monk's body, and fixing him in place.

"You have already lost, you better be honest, otherwise I will have to send you to see the Buddha!"

Qi Lin put away all his magical powers and said this to the great monk who fell on the ground.

The opponent's martial arts actually don't rely on the physical body very much, even if the acupuncture points of the whole body are sealed, it may not be able to have any effect.

But Qi Lin could see from the great monk's martial arts that the other party's martial arts must be not low, so he wanted to get some useful information from him.

So I hope he is a smart person and don't seek death himself!
Otherwise, Qi Lin would have no choice but to kill him!

After warning the other party, Qi Lin raised his hand to beckon Wang Bu who was hanging on the roof of the building.

"Sponsor, you are already the winner, why humiliate chieftain Wangpo so much?" Tenzin couldn't help but said that he was conveying his thoughts with his spirit.

Qi Lin didn't answer, just said: "Take care of yourself first!"

Then, he went to the stockade, grabbed the pig-headed toast, earned two rounds, and after making sure everyone saw it, he hung it in front of the city gate.

 Friends to point it!Poor poor and humble author!
(End of this chapter)

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