Comprehensive martial arts begins with the successor of the Seven Swords

Chapter 117 The Demon and the Buddha【Please subscribe · Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 117 The Demon and the Buddha【Please subscribe · Ask for a monthly ticket】

Qi Lin's eyes emitted two sword-like rays of light, piercing through all the illusory images, and saw what was under the bodhi tree.

The above ground part of this golden sacred tree seems to be a beautiful treasure piled up with the most beautiful treasures in the world.

But the tree roots underground were pitch black, with countless roots entangled and crisscrossed, as if a devil's claw had locked a ball of golden light firmly in the ground.

Qi Lin moved his nose slightly, smelled a familiar smell, and then thought of a Buddhist allusion.

"If it's really like that, you'll be in big trouble!"

Countless thoughts kept flashing through Qi Lin's mind, but his hands didn't stop for a moment.

The sword intent of the Seven Swords burst out again, the sun rose and the moon set, the wind rolled and the clouds cleared, thunder and lightning rained, and countless streamers and sparks rushed from all directions into the roots of the tree like claws.

This was Qi Lin's first use of a sword after entering the Western Realm. He burst out like thunder and fire, cutting off countless roots and turning them into black air. He wanted to escape into the void, but was caught again. The Great Bright Sword Realm suppressed all of them.

The pitch-black roots immediately launched a counterattack, growing in size in the blink of an eye, turning into countless poisonous snakes, spitting out foul-smelling venom, and directly swallowing the sword energy that hit the face one by one.

Seeing this, Qi Lin couldn't help frowning.

He suppressed the bodhi tree with the great light sword, so the people around him could only see the countless scriptures growing on the bodhi tree, but did not notice the battle taking place underground.

But Qi Lin couldn't afford it. It wasn't that he had nothing to do with this broken tree with rotten roots, but he was worried that the movement would attract monks from the main courtyard, and it would be difficult to deal with it.

"Since you are ignorant, don't blame me for being cruel!"

When he first entered Lawa City, Qi Lin didn't want to make any big disturbances.

But since this broken tree is so ignorant, don't blame Qi Lin for burning it.

The true qi burns and turns into countless qi machines in the sword realm, simulating the images of all living beings, and randomly generates thousands of red meteor flames.

The seven divine swords in the sword box felt the anger of the sword master, clanging, and the sword intent came out through the box, and was blessed on the Great Bright Sword Realm, adding a lot of Xinghuo.

The black roots sensed a threat, and transformed from a poisonous snake into a poisonous dragon, flying wildly, with venom flying everywhere, fierce, seemingly ferocious, but actually felt a deadly threat, and wanted to fight to the death.

Qi Lin sneered, if it wasn't for the fact that this thing only had the most basic intelligence, he would have taunted the other party severely.

But neither he nor the Bodhi tree expected that at this moment, the suppressed golden light suddenly burst out.

The unparalleled golden light hit the Bodhi tree in the back, disrupting the Bodhi tree's killing formation.

Although Qi Lin didn't know what was going on, it didn't prevent him from reacting.

The killing intent circulated, and boundless sparks flew out, rushing out.

Although the roots were backstabbed by the thing it suppressed, facing the ubiquitous Xinghuo sword energy, the magic energy erupted, and countless root hair black dragons flew towards the Xinghuo streamer.

chi chi chi...

The sword energy poured into the wild dragon's flying roots, and then the sound of cutting the roots was heard endlessly!
The black dragons with root hairs were cut off from the main body, howled and turned into endless black energy, trying to escape into the void

From this, Qi Lin determined that the so-called bodhi tree did not give birth to real wisdom, but only thought like a beast according to a fixed logic of thinking. Therefore, the other party did not notice the existence of the Great Bright Sword Realm at all, and still wanted to let the black air Get out and do something.


Qi Lin estimated the time in his heart, raised his sword finger, and swung the final blow.

The Xinghuo sword energy that filled the entire space turned into countless flying dragons, tore apart the opponent's defense, and then broke through the ground, burning the entire tree to ashes.

At this time, the suppressed golden light suddenly blocked in front of the Bodhi tree.

Although Qi Lin was surprised, he didn't hold back. Before he was sure what it was, he would not hesitate.

As a result, countless sword qi gathered into rivers and crushed them mightily.

The golden light didn't dodge, it swallowed all the sword energy, and then returned along with the sword energy.

Qi Lin felt that there were countless information rushing in along with the sword energy. The information was so huge that even he was unprepared, he couldn't bear it, and he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Just in a coma on duty, he saw a huge Dharma image riding a lion.


"Amitabha, you don't have to worry, Qi Lin is fine, just pass out and take a rest!"

In the seminary, Tenzin checked Qi Lin who was lying on the bed, and then comforted Tsering Gonpo who was worried.

The sudden eruption of the Bodhi tree shocked the main courtyard, and even the three statues personally intervened in the matter.

When Tenzin heard that the little novice took Qi Lin to go, he was also shocked and almost died of fright.

He knew all too well how capable Qi Lin was of causing trouble, so he hurried to the scene.

Fortunately, Tsering Gonpo was holding Qi Lin, who had passed out for some reason, at the outermost periphery, and he couldn't even touch the shadow of the Bodhi tree.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, he immediately brought them back and told them not to leave the seminary.

"Go and rest first, I'm enough here alone." Tenzin told the worried Tsering Gonpo to retreat.

Tsering Gonpo hesitated again and again, but still bowed to Tenzin, and then left the room.

When there were only two people left in the room, Tenzin said to Qi Lin who was lying on the bed: "Don't pretend to be dead, Tsering Gonpo has left, don't get up yet!"

"You are an eminent monk, why are you so irritable? Be more polite."

Qi Lin sat up from the bed, but he had already woken up.

"What exactly happened that made you, a fearless person, pretend to be dead?"

Tenzin was very worried, for fear that Qi Lin would make something that would break the sky, and he would not be able to handle it.

Qi Lin looked at him and said seriously: "Do you know what the Buddha and the demon Bodian debated in the Mahāparinirvana Sutra, and talked about the end of the five ages?"

Tenzin was taken aback for a moment, feeling bad, but he still answered.

Bo Xun said to the Buddha: "You said that all living beings are equal, and anyone can be taught. You will not refuse my disciples to accept your teachings?"

Buddha replied: "No."

Bo Xun said again: "At your Dharma-ending period, I asked my disciples and descendants to mix into your monk's room, wear your cassock, distort your scriptures, and destroy your precepts, so as to achieve the goal that I cannot achieve today."

The Buddha burst into tears and said, "How helpless you are! It's like the worms in the lion's body eating the meat of the lion's body. You know that in the last days, all the bhikkhus are demons!"

"If you bring this up now, could it be that the end of the Dharma has come?" Tenzin clenched the rosary in his hand.

Qi Lin smiled slightly and said, "Even if I tell you about this kind of thing, you won't believe it.

Things under the bodhi tree can’t be dealt with for a while. If you really have the Buddha’s heart, you can see it yourself, everything is self-evident. "

Tenzin hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Amitabha!"

Afterwards, he got up and left the place.

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(End of this chapter)

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