Comprehensive martial arts begins with the successor of the Seven Swords

Chapter 163 If ​​you can't say it, let's go to war 【Please subscribe · Ask for a monthly t

Chapter 163 If ​​you can't say it, let's go to war 【Please subscribe · Ask for a monthly ticket】

Seeing the poisonous lord leading people into Jiuli Village, there was an uproar in the venue, some cursed, some drew their swords, or ran away with open legs...

Everyone reacted differently, but none of them was able to sit firmly on Mount Tai. It seemed fierce, but in fact it was just to cover up the fear in their hearts.

It seems that Dugong's prestige in Miaojiang will disappear because of his actions.

Qi Lin looked at the movement of the audience, sighed in his heart, and pinned his hopes on other groups, and the result was completely uncontrollable.

But now the time is too tight, there is no chance to cultivate their own power, and they can only gather these bulk Miao villages to fight against the Wandu cave.

Qi Lin stood up amidst the panic of the crowd.

His aura suddenly changed, and the gentleness on the teacher's side disappeared instantly.

Qi Lin is like a sharp sword out of its sheath at this moment, making everyone involuntarily turn their attention to him.

"What's going on, where did this person come from, and he has such an aura."

The village owners have seen Du Gong and King Hui in their heyday, but even they can't compare with Qi Lin at this moment.

Comparing the two is like comparing the dwarf mountain in front of our house with Mount Everest, there is no comparison at all.

The panicked village owners calmed down, but they didn't know what to do, they could only stay where they were, at a loss.

"Please sit back in your seats. Xingyun, show Du Gong a seat!"

Qi Lin gave orders directly and seemed to be the real host of the meeting, but no one felt that there was anything wrong.

The strong are respected, this is the eternal rule among warriors.

Qi Lin was able to overwhelm everyone with his aura, so naturally they would not be so stupid as to offend this sudden master.

Du Gong still remembered the crushing battle not long ago, and he still had lingering fears in his heart, so he didn't dare to move rashly, so he sat down.

Qi Lin knew very well that force could only subdue the village owners at this moment. Once they left Jiuli Village, without sufficient reason, they would have the heart to repeat themselves, so he said firstly: "Every year, a large number of people in Miaojiang because of the Spring and Autumn starved to death due to food shortages.

Since Dugong is willing to provide food to help the people, he really has the heart to save the world. When the people in Miaojiang learn about it, they must be grateful to Dugong for the rest of their lives. "

Followed by these words, all the village masters complimented Duke Du together and said: "I will thank Duke Du for his great kindness, and I would like to build a shrine for Duke Du, and remember this great kindness forever."

Du Gong's face was gloomy, looking at the enthusiastic attitude of the village owners, he couldn't bear to say a word, who made him the nominal co-owner of Miao Jiang now!
"These are what I should do, so I don't need to say much." He squeezed out each word through his teeth, and at the same time, he said while the iron was hot: "But since I can provide food, you should also believe it. I can lead everyone out of the jungle of Miaojiang and expand the territory."


Qi Lin completely occupied the position of King Hui, and spoke on behalf of Jiuli Village: "With the end of the war, the food consumption will increase several times or even ten times. Can Du Gong still produce so much food by then?"

Du Gong said coldly: "Just go to the Han landlord's house and rob it. Their granary is much richer than ours."

Qi Lin shook his head, and from this sentence, he could see that the drug lord was actually blinded by Miao Jiang.

"Li Cunxu connived at the queen's interference in politics, reused actors and eunuchs, avoided slaughtering heroes, imposed excessive taxes, and was stingy with money, which caused the people to suffer, the towns to resent, and the soldiers to be alienated.

The change of Xingjiaomen, the military leaders from all over the country rioted, and once again beat the Central Plains into chaos. How much food can you grab under such circumstances.

The fertile land of the Central Plains is still like this, how much food can there be in other places.When you come out of Miaojiang at this moment, you will get nothing but corpses and aspirations. "

These village owners look decent, but they are actually a group of illiterates who can't read a few big characters.

Hearing Qi Lin's facts and reasoning, the small landlord's bullying and fearful nature, and all stability-seeking natures in them revived, and swayed to Qi Lin's side again.

Du Gong saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He thought that taking out the big killer of food would solve everything.

I didn't expect that Qi Lin opened his mouth, and he could win a few words and turn people's words around.

He must not be allowed to show off like this alone.

Dugong made up his mind and opened his mouth.

Qi Lin didn't give her a chance at all, and went straight in, poking at his weakness: "Du Gong, I have one more thing to ask. The land in Miaojiang is limited, and there is a master, and the food will not fall from the sky. You Where did you get so much food to support the villages?"

"Shut up!" Facing the unanswerable question, Du Gong slapped the table directly and shouted: "You group of Han people, what qualifications do you have to give advice on the affairs of our country and Miaojiang here.

I suspect that you have bad intentions in coming to Miaojiang.Some time ago, you were the ones who disturbed the promotion meeting of Wan Du Nest. "

To fail to answer the question is to attack the person who asked the question.

This set has been tried and tested repeatedly throughout the ages.

But Qi Lin had been prepared for a long time, and backhanded out a fact: "It's true that I am a Han, but you also colluded with Li Siyuan, the supervisor of the Central Plains, to conspire with the secret art of the Twelve Caves, and wanted to train the insect master A war puppet?"

Hearing this shocking news, some of the village owners around him were furious, and some were half shocked and half angry.

Although Twelve Caves has always been aloof and does not interfere with Miao Jiang's affairs, it has an absolute prestige among the various villages, and Wandu Cave is far from being able to compare with it.

Poison Lord's plan for the secret technique of Twelve Caves is the same concept as Zao Rebellion.

As for the authenticity of the news, as long as you are not a fool, you will not lie on such an occasion. Once exposed, the liar will only die worse.

Chi Li spoke at the right time to support Qi Lin and said, "That's true. I've personally seen Du Gong use living people to refine the puppet of the God of War in the Wandu library."

"Duke Du, Twelve Caves are the ancestral land, how could you have such an idea."

"Hundreds of years ago, we were almost exterminated because of this secret technique. Are you going to kill us?"

"You have to make amends like the people in Twelve Caves."

For a while, most of the village owners in the venue stood by Jiuli Village, criticizing Du Gong verbally, as if he was some heinous sinner.


"A bunch of fools are worthy of accusing me of guilt?"

"Shut up and die."

The poisonous lord was furious, and he slammed the table violently, the poison power in his body was activated, the poisonous gas eroded the entire table, and killed the creditors.

"Why get angry?" Qi Lin flicked his fingers, suppressing the poisonous gas in the middle of the table with genuine energy, and in turn seized the initiative of the meeting, completely suppressing the poisonous man.

Du Gong's face was alternately purple and white, and finally he snorted coldly, put down his ruthlessness and said: "Even if I lost today, but I can't speak well, send troops to fight, you can't."

"Let's meet Zhenzhang on the battlefield. You Chuan, let's go."

Du Gong didn't get any benefits, so he was naturally full of hard work, turned his head and left the village without grace, and launched an attack when he was about to go back.

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(End of this chapter)

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