Comprehensive martial arts begins with the successor of the Seven Swords

Chapter 70 Heavenly Killing 1 Sword, Slaying Demonic Qi【Please subscribe · Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 70 Heavenly Killing Sword, Killing Demonic Qi【Please subscribe · Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Do you know what you're doing?
I spent so much time trying to win over the officials, but it was all in vain because of your interference!

Qi Lin, I invited you to be my guest, but what have you done? "

Xiao Yu was already mad with anger.

As a person who has no trust in his heart, he once thought about the various situations in which Qi Lin would turn against him, but he never expected that the banquet would be violently broken up before it even started.

And he, the Scarlet King, the host of the banquet, could only watch the whole process helplessly, let alone stop him, he couldn't even speak.

What a humiliation!

The anger in Xiao Yu's heart was burning so fiercely that he was about to burn himself to death.

Qi Lin looked at Xiao Yu, as if he was looking at a child making trouble for no reason. He said lightly, "I just punished those who slandered me behind the scenes. Just based on what they said to me, those just now are nothing but a child. It's just punishment."

Xiao Yu looked at Qi Lin's indifferent appearance, gritted his teeth and said, "Those people are officials from various important departments of the imperial court. Today you beat..."

"If you hit it, hit it, what can you do, what can they do?"

Qi Lin changed from his usual gentle and reasonable image today, to be quite unreasonable.

Xiao Yu wanted to say something, but when he thought of his cultivation as a sword fairy, he suddenly opened his mouth, unable to utter a word, and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the loyal Long Xie helped him up.

He explained for the prince of their family: "Mr. Qi, what happened today is purely a misunderstanding. The prince has no intention of offending, please forgive me."

"Whether it's intentional or unintentional. It's already happened and it's irreversible, not to mention we're not the same people."

Qi Lin completely explained: "I came here this time for the ghost doctor Ye Ya. He used medicine to turn people into walking corpses. It hurts nature and justice. Today we have to pay the price."

"You guys should be more acquainted, take the initiative to hand over the night crow, I think it's for the sake of friendship, I just met him when I was walking on the street."

He didn't say that the result of ignorance, but everyone knew that the result was hands-on.

These people in Xiao Yu's mansion are definitely not Qi Lin's opponents, but he still pushed away Long Xie's support, and shouted loudly: "It is absolutely impossible, even if the surname Qi dies together, you will never want to take it away from the Red King's mansion today." Every plant and every tree!"

He is the Scarlet King, one of the few people who stand at the pinnacle of power in the world, and he absolutely cannot accept being ignored like this.

Qi Lin looked at Xiao Yu like he was looking at an unreasonable child: "You are wrong, if you really want to fight, you are the only one who will die."

"I am the Red King!"

"In my eyes, you are no shit."

Qi Lin's voice was colder than the cold wind from the extreme north, and his gaze pierced deeply into Xiao Yu's heart like two steel knives.

"I'll say it one last time. Hand over the man. For the sake of Xiao Se and the emperor, I will spare you once."

When Xiao Yu heard Xiao Se's name, his face turned blue and red, and his chest was about to explode with anger.

"Absolutely, no, yes, yes!"

Xiao Yu squeezed out these four words from between his teeth.

Long Xie behind him let out a scream, and dozens of killers in black jumped out immediately.

"Kill him." Xiao Yu shouted loudly.Because of being too excited, one of his faces has already been distorted and deformed.

"Be stubborn, court death!"

After all the good words, Qi Lin is no longer merciful.

The Changhong Sword moved according to his thoughts, flew out of the sword box, and landed in his hand.

The remaining six swords flew out one after another, combined with the Great Bright Sword Realm, forming a unique field, spreading from the inside to the outside, enclosing the entire Red Palace, and by the way, those innocent servants and maids were also thrown out .

"Give it to me and kill him."

With such a loud shout, those gloomy killers rushed forward.

Different from the medicine people I saw in Tianquan Villa last time, this time the medicine people are much more perfect than last time. Their eyes still glow red, and there is no trace of human expression on their faces, but they retain the ability to The mind to fight independently.

Dozens of people gathered in twos and threes, murderous in the form of a battle formation.

As soon as he made a move, the demonic energy rolled out, sweeping all directions, wherever it passed, the vegetation was bitter, life was gone, even the fine wine turned into a fountain of blood, it really felt like a demon dancing wildly.


Qi Lin picked up his long sword, and the sword energy flew out with flames and light. Nine dragon shadows flew out, sweeping all directions, and immediately separated more dragon shadows, wandering and reverberating, breaking through all the medicine man killers, and killing them all. Their heads and hearts were torn to shreds.

The mutilated corpse fell to the ground with a plop, and there was no sound in an instant.

The killers died, but after their bodies fell, streaks of black air rose from their bodies, rushing into the sky, as if they wanted to escape from here.

"Want to run? Leave it to me!"

Qi Lin stretched out his left hand, his five fingers clenched into a fist, and the six swords that blocked the Red Palace burst out with brilliant aura.

The demonic qi made piercing screams, revealing all kinds of signs of doom, trying to break through the aura and rush out forcibly.


Qi Lin yelled violently, holding a sword in the void, and the Qi mechanism of the entire Tianqi North City was affected, and they rushed here, and after colliding with each other, sparks were born.

He raised his eyebrows, his heart was full of murderous intent, the Great Bright Sword Realm suddenly turned, boundless murderous aura surged, the billowing sea of ​​blood was looming, and layers of swordsmen collided with each other, making the sound of golden spears.

"The way to kill!"

If a person kills, there is still forgiveness; if the sky kills, there is nowhere to save.

This is the meaning of killing on the battlefield that Qi Lin learned from Xie Zhize's sword on that day.

The boundless aura accompanied by sparks turned into endless sword energy, which was directly suppressed, and the madly flying demonic energy did not last for a second under the Heavenly Killing Dao, and directly turned into nothingness.

Qi Lin held the Changhong Sword in his hand and stood in the sword array, illuminated by the boundless blood, like a peerless killer.

Xiao Yu, who was still rampant just now, turned pale with fright, unable to speak a word.

This was the first time he saw the Sword Immortal attack with all his strength. Although Qi Lin didn't have the heart to deal with this unimportant guy, the little bit of sword energy that leaked made him collapse on the ground.

Qi Lin showed off his sword power to his heart's content, and the entire Tianqi City could see the shining aura of the six swords, as well as the hellish killing intent on the battlefield.

In the first floor of the world, Xie Zhi felt Qi Lin's heavenly killing sword, and said with a strange expression: "This kid is really weird, he can reproduce it just by looking at my sword."

At the same time, he could also feel the devilish energy where Qi Lin was, so he sat down with peace of mind.

In the palace, Emperor Mingde looked at the boundless murderous intent soaring into the sky, with a complex expression, and asked Qi Tianchen beside him, "Master Qi, will Mr. Qi really save Yuer's life?"

Entrusted by Qi Lin, Qi Tianchen, who came to tell Emperor Mingde what Xiao Yu had done in private, said helplessly, "Your Majesty, please be at ease. To put it bluntly, in Qi Lin's eyes, Xiao Yu's life is not worth mentioning at all." .”

Emperor Mingde gave a bitter smile, and scolded: "This scoundrel, I thought he was only interested in the throne, but I never thought that he would dare to study the art of medicine and raise private troops outside, really."

Qi Tianchen didn't answer. If Qi Lin hadn't said that the Red King was involved with people from outside the region, he wouldn't have done such a thing.

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(End of this chapter)

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