Chapter 308
Early in the morning, after finishing his exercise, Mr. Akimiya turned on the TV.

Today there is an interview with his friend, novelist Miura.

After clicking on the TV program, there was a scene of the new reporter and the photographer walking towards Miura's study.

"Teacher Miura's home is really antique, and the wood exudes the atmosphere of literature."

The camera shook, and the photographer agreed.

"Tsk, what kind of literary flavor," Mr. Akimiya curled his lips dissatisfiedly. There was no literary flavor at all, it was just pickled by the ink.

His son-in-law's studio couldn't possibly smell like this.

"Today's TV stations are really exaggerated."

He was thinking this now, but he had forgotten the image of TV Asahi praising him.

The female reporter knocked on the door, and Miura's steady voice sounded, "Please come in."

The door opened, and on the TV screen, Miura was wearing a black kimono, with piercing eyes. Even though he was over fifty, he was still in high spirits.

The air of a master.

"Hello, Mr. Miura," the female reporter bowed and praised her repeatedly after standing up. "You wrote all the words on the table, right? It's really spectacular."

The tabletop, which is about five square meters in size, is covered with Miura's pen and ink.

"That's right." Miura nodded slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Teacher's words are simple and unpretentious and embrace the universe."

"Excellent." Miura didn't seem to care much about the female reporter's praise.

Mr. Akimiya looked at the TV and couldn't help complaining, "I have taken out all the writing and ink for a week, and now I still look like this, haha."

But he didn't turn off the TV, watching it with disgust.

"Teacher Miura has read so many books." The female reporter was stunned. "So many bookshelves are filled with books, and there are many ancient books. "Pillow", "The Tale of Genji", "Dragonfly Diary"..."

"I have been absorbing the wisdom of my ancestors in the past." Miura replied calmly.

"Teacher likes ancient literature very much. There are also "Man'yoshu", "Kojishu", "Weekly Shōnen Jump"..."

"Wait a minute, "Weekly Shonen Jump"!" The female reporter stared at Miura with her eyes wide open, "Does the teacher also read shonen comics? I'm so surprised."

Miura opened his mouth, as if struck by lightning.

He calmed down and said without changing his expression, "Yes, there are things we can learn from in juvenile comics."

Mr. Akimiya gloated.

"This Miura who cherishes feathers, let's see how he responds."

A novelist who loves classical literature at the age of Koshi likes to read "Weekly Shōnen Jump". This contrast is very interesting. The character Miura has always maintained is gone.

The female reporter realized that what she just said made Miura unable to get off the stage. She quickly made up for it, "So that's it. The teacher really learned from everyone's strengths. You can also learn the content in jump."

After she finished speaking, she covered her mouth.

"Sorry, sorry!"

The female reporter burst into tears and apologized to Miura repeatedly.

Mr. Akimiya sneered when he saw this.

Miura glanced at the reporter in surprise. Was the reporter really mocking him?He forced himself to concentrate.

"Of course there is, look at this comic..."

He flipped through Jump and calmed down when he saw "Red Hot Chili Peppers."

A few days ago, his friend Shusuke Kaneko recommended this comic to him. He read the latest chapter, but has not read the previous chapters.

This comic is perfect for this.

"This "Paprika" is adapted from "The Detective" by Yasutaka Tsutsui."

"Mr. Tsutsui is a senior I have always respected, and this "Dream Detective" is not inferior to his "All Sinks Outside Japan."

""The Detective" is very complicated. "Paprika" has refined the content and written a new plot while maintaining the characteristics of the original work. It is also a rare masterpiece among literary works."

The female reporter nodded thoughtfully, "I see. Teacher Miura also admires shonen manga."

Miura raised his head and glared at the female reporter.

This woman, can’t she grasp the point?
Is this what I'm talking about now?What I mean is that shounen manga also has classic works of literature, not shounen manga to admire.

Don't get it wrong.

With waves rolling in his heart, he still had a smile on his face, "Comics are also literary works."

Mr. Akimiya no longer cares about Miura's embarrassing moment.

Miura mentioned "Paprika" just now, which slightly surprised him.

The day before, he went to visit his daughter and brought back a stack of comic magazines. He heard that there was a new work by his son-in-law Hibiki Higashino - "Red Hot Chili Peppers" on it, and asked him to give his opinions.

Mr. Akimiya was reluctant.

The words on jump were very small, which was a torture to him, so he didn't read it.

"After working on it for a long time, he praised Dongye's work."

Mr. Akimiya couldn't help but laugh, he was qualified to show off in front of Miura.

Although his old friend Miura cares about false reputation, he will not lie.

In this way, "Paprika" is indeed the best comic?
With this in mind, after watching the interview, Mr. Akimiya dug out the stack of comic magazines, put on his reading glasses, and read carefully.


Higashino Hibiki spread the newspaper on the coffee table, and he and Akimiya Akemi stared closely at the article by film director Shusuke Kaneko.

The title of the article is "My thoughts after reading "Paprika", an unparalleled work of genius."

One look at it shows how he felt about Paprika.

"On August [-]th, I accidentally saw a comic from my son, which was adapted from Mr. Tsutsui Yasutaka's "Dream Stealing Detective"."

"I didn't care about it at first. Because I finished "Big Monster Battle" in 1996, and after seeing "Inception", I couldn't help but want to make this science fiction novel into a movie."

"It was a spur of the moment, but also a determined goal."

"Tshitoi-san happily accepted my idea of ​​adapting "The Detective"."

"But in the end, I had to give up this project."

"The reason is due to the special nature of "Dream Detective". Although the content of this novel is about "dreams and reality", the dream is more important.A lot of special effects are required, and the expensive production costs are a huge barrier. "

"Of course, what's more important is my lack of personal ability. First, I can't perfectly express the dreams in the novel with pictures. This is not my strength. If I can't do this, the movie will inevitably end in failure."

"Second, Mr. Tsutsui Yasutaka's "Dream Detective" is biased toward stream of consciousness, and the articles are messy and scattered. If you don't read it carefully, you may not be able to understand what is said. When adapting the film version, you need to summarize the main line of the novel and also In the representation of dreams, new content is conceived and implemented throughout the whole story, twisting the film into a coherent rope, unlike the novel, which is as messy as the novel."

"This is really a very difficult thing. There are many filmmakers like me who were fascinated by "Inception" but gave up in the end."

"We nicknamed "Inception" - "The Novel That Can't Be Made into a Movie." "

"So when I saw that there was an adaptation of "Dream Detective" in a shonen manga, I actually didn't have much expectations."

"Can a cartoonist sort out the core of "Dream Detective"?"

"But after watching it carefully, I was shocked by "Red Hot Chili Peppers."

"This comic is so wonderful, it's like the painstaking work of a film master."

"Every problem I mentioned was solved perfectly. It makes me feel ashamed and excited."

"My view on comics as a literary creation has changed."

"The movies I have watched in the past two years have not surpassed "Paprika"." "Yes, if an animated film is made according to the storyboard of "Paprika", it will be comparable to Hayao Miyazaki's "Spirited Away". I think so."

At the end of the article, director Shusuke Kaneko said that he would recommend "Paprika" to his friends.

After reading the news, Akimiya Akemi and Higashino Hibiki looked at each other.

This turned out to be a film director's words of reverence for Hibiki Higashino.

To be honest, Akimiya Akemi herself in "Paprika" is also ignorant.I thought this manga was Hibiki Hibiki’s Waterloo, but I didn’t expect it to be the highest-rated work.

"Could it be that Director Kaneko Shusuke is..." Akimiya Akemi asked tentatively, "You are looking for someone to praise you, right?"

Higashikata looked at her blankly, "Huh?"

"I just can't believe it!" She patted Higashino Hibiki's shoulder and laughed, "Congratulations, Hibiki."

"Thank you, but..." Higashi Hibiki forced a smile on his lips, "It hurts so much."

"Sorry." Akimiya Akemi stopped talking.


Shusuke Kaneko's article immediately aroused heated discussion.

"Spirited Away" is the pinnacle of Japanese animated films, and other animated works of Hayao Miyazaki cannot compare.

One current director has publicly stated that "Paprika" has the potential to become the next "Spirited Away."

This morning’s interview with writer Miura also mentioned “Paprika.”

The writer also praised "Paprika".

This has to make many people curious.

They bought Jump, read it carefully, read "Paprika" with the mentality of reading a classic, and immediately gained a lot of experience.

"The manga is not over yet, but just by reading the first chapter, I can feel the amazing imagination of Tori Akino-sensei. This imagination combined with his exquisite paintings can be so impactful."

"It's been a long time since I've seen a comic with such visual effects. It's like experiencing an adventure."

"This is an unprecedented initiative."

Many media people began to speak out.

Suddenly, the previously despised "Red Hot Chili Peppers" blossomed and became a cult favorite.


This is the taxi that Hibiki Higashino and Masashi Kishimoto took.

The driver looked at the rearview mirror and said, "The visual impact of "Red Hot Chili Peppers" is very strong. I was fascinated by it."

"That's right!" the passenger replied excitedly, "it's really good-looking!"

The driver's lips curved into a smile.


Hibiki Higashi's house.

He was on the phone on the balcony.

The caller was Eiichiro Oda.

"Tori Akino-sensei, you are so awesome. Many authors and directors who usually look down on comics are discussing your "Paprika"."

Oda couldn't read this comic. He only learned the storyboarding skills and skipped it. He didn't expect that the content would attract so many high-minded writers to raise eyebrows.

Right now, he was looking at the content on the TV. It was Tsutsui Yasutaka being interviewed.

"In May, people from Shueisha came to see me to inquire about the adaptation of "Dream Detective" on behalf of Tori Akino-sensei."

"I refused at first. You can't just agree if you say you want to adapt it. I have to see the results."

"Shounen comics and "Inception" are totally incompatible. I never thought about it. But after seeing the storyboard of "Paprika", I immediately agreed."

"'Paprika' is clearer and more accessible than 'Inception.'"

"How can I put it this way? It's an eye-opener."


Oda Eiichiro thought that he still couldn't catch up with his teacher's back.

By the time he was drawing the King's Road manga, Tori Akino was already drawing more challenging works.

This type of literary and artistic work is not as good as Wangdao comics in terms of cultural value and social impact, but it brings readers more profound thoughts.

Oda is now satisfied with painting "One Piece". He does not want to involve more areas, but he deeply admires Tori Akino's continued exploration of Mirai.

Hibiya Hibiki looked downstairs and saw that the neighbor's children had come home from extra classes. He waved to Ken Miyano while responding to Oda's words.

"That's why the original was so good, I had no personal contribution."

"Teacher, you are so humble, just like Akira Toriyama-sensei."

Hibiki raised his eyebrows, "Have you been in contact with Mr. Toriyama recently?"

"Yes." Oda replied happily, "Under the arrangement of the editorial department, it may be possible for me to cooperate with Mr. Toriyama."

"Congratulations then." Dongye Xiang said.


Mr. Akimiya struggled to finish reading "Paprika" and his eyes were very dry.

However, he admired Hibiki Higashino's handling of the comics, which simply gave "Dream Detective" greater brilliance.

"Compared to when Higashino painted "Millennium Actress", the current "Paprika" is much improved."

He nodded with satisfaction and couldn't help but pick up his cell phone and dial Hibiki Higashino, wanting to give him a rare compliment.

But there was a blind tone on the phone, and the other party was talking, so Mr. Akimiya had no choice but to give up.

He put down his phone and walked out of the room.

After Hibiya Hibiki ended the call with Oda, he saw Mr. Akimiya's call notification and quickly replayed it. As a result, no one answered the call even after a long time.

He could only regret giving up.


In the latest content of "Red Hot Chili Peppers".

Koyamauchi and the elderly chairman have a closeted relationship.

Like the chairman, he hates [DCMINI].

However, the chairman believes that this machine has invaded people's sacred place - their dreams.

Koyamauchi is jealous of Kosaku Tokita. He likes Chiba Atsuko, but Atsuko likes Tokida, so he hates "DCMINI".

Now that Xiaoshanuchi has caught Red Pepper, he is stroking Red Pepper's body, from crotch to chest, full of love and possessiveness.

Finally, Koyamauchi opened the skin of the red pepper and embraced Atsuko Chiba's body from it.

The chairman stopped Koyamauchi. He wanted to kill Atsuko Chiba quickly to prevent her from affecting his plan.

But inside the hill there is only desire.

While they were pulling, the Fenikawa police rescued Chiba Atsuko.

Ken Miyano is still watching "Paprika" and his face is red now.

The close-up of the naked body in the comics made him too shy as a child.

(End of this chapter)

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