Full-time cartoonist.

Chapter 325 The troubles of happiness

Chapter 325 The troubles of happiness

It's Christmas time, and Jump's serial meeting is about to begin.

Higashino Hibiki recalled that in 93, he was also waiting hard for news about Sasaki on this day.

At that time, he was just a newcomer to the industry, and he was a little anxious while waiting. Now, he is already a participant in the serial meeting.

Time really flies.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tori Akino, for disturbing you on this special day today." Sasaki said to Hibiki Hibiki.

"It doesn't matter. Although my wife and I don't hate each other, we don't care much about holidays," Higashino Hibiki chuckled, "After all, we are tired of being together all day long, haha."

He looked at the time, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and asked Sasaki, "Are we going to start?"

"Yes." Sasaki nodded and gestured to Ping Yoshihisa.

Bottle stood up and clapped his hands, "The serialization meeting has begun."

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Ibaraki Masahiko, team leaders Yahagi Kosuke, Asada Takanoori and others all looked seriously, following Sasaki and Hibiki Hibiki into the conference room.


"It's almost time." Sorachi Hideaki raised his head.

Editor Onishi thinks highly of him. He always said encouraging words during the "Golden Mirai Cup", but before the serialization meeting, he changed to this:
"The probability of "All Things House Ah Yin" being approved is very low, so don't get your hopes too high."

"Ha!" Sorachi Hideaki thought of this sentence and opened his mouth.

"That guy Onishi must be very sophisticated!"

He really couldn't figure out what the level of the hodgepodge work he had created was.


Sorachi Hideaki sighed.

"It doesn't matter if it's not serialized. I can create according to my own ideas." He patted his cheek, picked up a pencil and sketched out the storyboard.

But what he drew was the storyboard of the fourth episode of "All Things House Ah Yin".

After all, he still didn't want to miss this opportunity.

No matter what, serialization is the most important.

"Mr. Onishi, don't let me miss it!"


"The original name of "The Exorcist Boy" is "Zone", a work by the "Golden Mirai Cup" award-winning writer Hoshino Katsura.It is the manga that my subordinate Koji Yoshida is in charge of. "Above Yoshihisa said this, looked at Hibiki Higashino, and then continued, "Everyone can see that "Exorcist Boy" is much more mature than "Zone", with a more complete background, and in terms of plot, it is more mature than "Zone". It was even more attractive to be selected. "

As soon as the bottle finished speaking, Asada Takanoori nodded and said: ""Exorcist Boy" is an interesting comic. The protagonist is an exorcist who fights demons. It is very interesting. Mr. Hoshino Katsura is a female cartoonist who writes The characters’ outfits are quite fashionable, which is not bad at all.”

Ibaraki Masahiko tapped his fingers on the table, "I also think "The Exorcist Boy" should be serialized."

There is no doubt about the excellence of this comic. The editors here have been working in the industry for many years and have no problem with their ability to appreciate it.

Sasaki looked at Hibiki Tono and asked for his opinion.

Hibiki leaned on his chair and thought for a while, then asked Yoshihisa Abo, "Ms. Hoshino is a newbie, and a girl. Can he complete the difficult workload of Jump Weekly? To be honest, when I was drawing "Soul of the Game" or "Slam Dunk", I At one point I felt like I was going into shock, it was so hard to draw comics day and night."

Bottle said: "I don't know about this."

He had never met Katsura Hoshino, and Koji Yoshida did not convey this at all.

"Go and ask Yoshida to come in." Sasaki said to him.

"please wait for a moment."

The bottle went out, and under the anxious and curious looks of Onishi Tsunehei and Aida Satoshi, they called Yoshida to go to the conference room with him.

Halfway through, Yoshida understood the content of the meeting that the bottle handed to him. Yoshida Koji did not expect that the person who questioned him was Tori Akino Mirai.

He thought about Hoshino Katsura, who was thin and looked like he could be easily crushed.

"Yes, Hoshino-kun is indeed weak," Koji Yoshida bowed after entering the conference room, and then opened his heart, "but she likes drawing comics very much, to the point of selflessness. "Exorcist Boy" is not what she wants to create I strongly requested her to draw this comic.”

"So, after Hoshino-kun finishes drawing "The Exorcist Boy", he will also find time to draw a manga called "Contiute"."

"She will carefully conceive the storyboards, pay attention to the character expressions, picture composition, polish the works, and take a long time to complete the comics. These are all shortcomings, but they are also Hoshino Katsura's love for comics."

"It's normal to question her inability to complete the weekly schedule, but I hope she can be given a chance."

"If the opportunity to be serialized is denied because of her body, I think it would be a huge blow to her and very unfair."

Yoshida Koji looked directly at Hibiki Higashino and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

"Why do you think I'm a bad person?" Hibiki Higashikata was speechless. He looked around, "I just raised a possibility."

"Sorry." Yoshida Koji lowered his head.

"Yoshida-kun," Higashino Hibiki said with a smile, "you have really grown up by caring so much about responsible cartoonists."

When Yoshida Koji first took charge of him, he was still a very unreliable newcomer. Now, these words made him feel that Yoshida sincerely defended Hoshino Katsura.

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Tori Akino." Koji Yoshida's nose twitched, feeling deeply moved.

Sasaki listened carefully to the whole process and said, "In this case, let's include it."

Yoshida Koji couldn't help clenching his fists and cheering, he was about to quit.

Sasaki stopped him, "One more thing, Yoshida."

"Editor, please speak."

"What Tori Akino-sensei said is indeed a hidden danger. You should pay more attention to Hoshino-sensei's body and let her rest."

"Yes," Yoshida looked directly at Sasaki, "I will strictly demand her."

"Then let's start the discussion on the next manga." Sasaki said.


Onishi and Aida looked worried as they watched Yoshida Koji happily walk out of the conference room.

Especially when Koji Yoshida took out his mobile phone and hid in the corner of the conference room, he was notifying the newcomers who were participating in the serialization meeting.

That proves a point, that comic has been included.

There is one less spot in the small number of places.

The competition became more intense, Onishi and Aida looked at each other fiercely without blinking.

Until Yoshida returned to his work station and looked at the weird looks of these two people, he couldn't help but ask: "Aren't your eyes sore?"

As soon as the words fell, the two people blinked wildly and shed tears.


"Sister! I passed the serialization meeting! My manga can be serialized on Jump! This is "Weekly Shonen Jump"!"

"Gui, you finally succeeded, congratulations!"

Hoshino Katsura and her favorite sister hugged each other warmly.


"Teacher Arai's "Sweetheart Pie" is included." Sasaki raised his head and asked, "How many works have been included?"

He counted the bottles and opened his mouth in horror, "The Exorcist Boy by Katsura Hoshino, Diary of Despair by Youra Omori, Secret Words by Tanakai, and Sweetie Pie by Arai, a total of 4."

There are also several comics that have broken the previous record for the number of works included without judging their merits.

"Well, keep going." Sasaki said coldly without changing his expression.

The next few films were dismissed one after another.

Until Sorachi Hideaki's "Gintama".

"I'm very optimistic about this comic, and that "Tutor"," Hibiki Higashino said immediately.

"Oh?" Ibaraki Masahiko raised his eyebrows, "Tori Akino-sensei, these two comics are currently daily comedy comics, right?"

There is a ceiling for daily comedy comics, and they can never become the mainstay of Jump unless the style of the work can be changed halfway.

If it's just a comedy comic, it would be strange for Akino Tori to say that Mirai is optimistic about it.

To his extent, he would not support mediocre works.

Instead, Sasaki stared at Higashi Hibiki closely, looking very uneasy.

"I can feel the potential of these two comics. You cannot judge the tension of the subsequent plot based on the style of the first three chapters."

Fortunately, "Gintama" has always had quite a lot of daily plots.But "Tutor" has become a passionate battle comic starting from the Obsidian chapter.

"It's really inexplicable." Ibaraki Masahiko shook his head and cursed in his heart.

At least he had some basis, Tori Akino was just talking nonsense out of thin air.Feel what the hell.

"Include it." Sasaki said.

He still remembers the stories of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" and "One Piece."

Of these two comics that Hibiki Higashino is optimistic about, one is now the most profitable IP in Jump, and the other is the number one comic in Jump.

"Gintama" and "Tutor" have half the potential of Two Kings, and they are indispensable comics.

"Editor-in-Chief!" Ibaraki Masahiko's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that Tori Akino's future opinions were so important to the rational Sasaki, allowing him to make a decision easily.

"'Gintama' and 'Tutor' are both interesting comics." Sasaki said solemnly, "Interesting comics can be serialized, regardless of other things, there is no problem with this."

"...Yes." Ibaraki Masahiko nodded reluctantly.

Normally, it would be normal for "Gintama" and "Tutor" to be serialized, but now that there are so many excellent works, they must be postponed.

He doesn't think "Gintama" is more interesting than "Diary of Despair".

Because of Tori Akino's judgment, giving preferential treatment to "Gintama" and "Tutor" is really unlike Sasaki's usual style.

"But editor-in-chief," Bo Bo said in a dilemma, "Now that six comics have been included, what should we do with this..."

Jump has a total of 20 comics serialized, and replacing six of them at once is a terrible decision that can easily lead to serious consequences.

"No matter how many comics there are, only interesting comics will be included." Sasaki said seriously.

"Alas," the editors sighed.

"Let's do another round of screening." Ibaraki Masahiko said.


"Arai's comics are still the same," Sasaki decided after another round. "The readers are probably impatient, so let's eliminate them first."


"The remaining five comics are all finalists for the "Golden Future Cup". "

"What to do? What a happy trouble."

"Each one has its merits, and I don't want to give up on any of them."

"But Yoshida was responsible for three of them. That guy is really awesome."

There were too many wonderful works, which made them hesitant and hesitant for a while.

Sasaki also didn't speak for a long time, and he was also rarely embarrassed.


""Exorcist Boy", "Secret Words", "Diary of Despair", "Gintama", "Tutor"... Hmm~"

The time came from three o'clock in the afternoon to seven o'clock, and the serialization meeting was still not over.

Omori looked at the clock anxiously, "It shouldn't have taken so long, the results should have been obtained long ago."

Another half hour passed, and he finally received a call from Yoshida Koji.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Omori," Koji Yoshida apologized, "This time the serialization meeting was not passed."

There was no sound from the other side of the phone for a long time.

"Keep working hard! The competition this time is too fierce. Bottle-san also said that it was already included, but because six works were included at the same time, "Diary of Despair" was eliminated. The next serialization meeting will definitely pass! "Yoshida Koji quickly comforted him.

Now he desperately wants to be promoted to team leader. At least he can argue for the works he is responsible for at serialization meetings, instead of just waiting at the workstation.

"It's okay, Yoshida-kun," Omori said in a heavy voice, "I should have thought of it a long time ago. It's just that this time is the most promising one. I paid too much attention to it, so I was a little absent-minded."

"I will revise "Diary of Despair" to make it better and not like it is today, where it loses to other works."

Omori hung up the phone.

Yoshida was in a daze, feeling the weight of the editing job.

It takes a lot of endurance to break bad news to a creator.

No wonder other senior editors always sigh when they arrive at serialization meetings.

A heavy pressure suddenly enveloped the editorial office.

He picked up his phone next and prepared to notify Tanaka.

Another cell phone email message suddenly rang.

He took it out and looked at it, and his heart couldn't help but become heavier.

"I'm sorry, Xiaotian, I failed this time. Can I meet with you to comfort me?"

Yoshida Koji didn't know how to answer at first.

He began to regret that when he was young, he was so reckless that he left problems for his future self.

"It's not scary to fail once. What's scary is to feel discouraged because of failure. Come on, I believe in you, keep up the good work!"

Omori was greatly moved when he saw the news.

He began to reflect, was he too weak?
"Yeah, I'm far less strong than Xiaotian. That's right, I haven't completely failed yet. As long as I complete the work well, there is still the possibility of serialization!"

"Will what I just said make her look down on me? Woohoo."

Omori blamed himself and panicked.

Yoshida Koji looked at his phone. Omori didn't reply for a long time. He sighed and finally made up his mind.

"If you serialize it for more than half a year, I will come to see you."

Let’s put an end to this matter.

Omori's nostrils dilated as he looked at this new message.

"Long live!"

He cheered.

"For serialization, work hard! Fight!"


"I know! I will definitely serialize it! Please wait for me!"

Yoshida looked at the message with numb eyes and put away the phone.

He calmed down for a while and contacted Tanaka.

"Teacher Tanaka, I did not pass the serialization meeting this time, but next time..."

"I understand." Yoshida learned from Omori's lesson and thought of a lot of words to persuade Tanaka, but Tanaka accepted it easily.

"It's not that easy to jump into a serial," Tanaka said. "I've long been mentally prepared for a protracted battle."

Yoshida comforted Tanaka that "Secret Words" can still participate in the next serialization meeting and ended the call.

"Teacher Tanaka is cuter." He sighed easily.


"Ah, "All Things House Gin" is included? Didn't you say it will definitely fail? I don't want to serialize this shit-like comic!" Sorachi Hideaki vented the accumulated emotions in his heart with a smile on his face.

"I just want you to be mentally prepared in advance." Onishi said like spring breeze, "It will be published in February next year, so prepare for serialization as soon as possible. Also, the name needs to be changed, it is too mediocre."

"I will go home in a few days. Let's hold a family meeting to discuss it then." Sorachi said.

"Be careful not to waste time."

"I know."


"Teacher Amano, "Tutor" has passed the serialization meeting." Aida Soichi excitedly informed Amano Akira.

"Thank you, Mr. Aida!"

Afterwards, Akira Amano touched the cat and said with a smile: "I am finally serialized in Jump, Mimi, you have to be happy for me."


After the serialization meeting ended, Hibiki Higashino prepared to leave.

"Please wait a moment," Sasaki stopped him, "New Year is coming soon. How are you preparing for your new work?"

(End of this chapter)

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