Full-time cartoonist.

Chapter 349 Arms Girl

Chapter 349 Arms Girl
"As we all know, because of the popularity of "Madoka Magica", everyone is discussing the plot of "Madoka Magica."

"For example, Xiaoyan is so pitiful. She has to face a dark world."

"Kewpie's cooking method."

"What readers are most concerned about is... what kind of wish did Madoka make?"

"Tori Akino-sensei."

Higashino Hibiki raised his head and glanced at the TV host who came to interview him, and smiled slightly, "This is actually not important."

"Why?" the host asked in surprise, "As far as I know, the magical girl's ability is related to the wish she makes. Sayaka made a wish for Kamijou Kyousuke's left hand to recover, so her healing and recovery abilities are extremely high when she is injured. .”

"Madoka's wish should be very important."

Mami Tomoe does not want to die alone, but wants to have companions and friends. Her ability is a ribbon, which represents "connecting to each other" and "binding together."

So when Madoka and Sayaka broke into Tomoe Mami's world and fell in love with each other, Tomoe Mami died because she was no longer alone.

Akatsuki Homura's wish allows her to save Madoka Shikama over and over again.

"How should I put it?" Higashikata scratched his hair, "Because Madoka is a very kind little girl. In a world where there is no Homura to stop her, she is happy to help others and become a magical girl. This wish is very important to Madoka. It doesn’t matter. It could just be a sumptuous dinner, or a small animal that was saved.”

"In the city, it is common for kittens and puppies to be hit and killed by cars. After seeing this scene, Madoka was sad and wished that the kittens and puppies would be resurrected. It is reasonable."

"Well, that's it."

Higashikata Higashikata said.

"It's so casual." The host couldn't help complaining. She realized it and apologized quickly, "I'm sorry, I..."

"It doesn't matter," Higashino Hibiki waved his hand, "Madoka has a happy family and friendly friends. She has nothing to wish for, so this is not important."

"I understand." The host nodded thoughtfully, "Other magical girls all need to make wishes, so they will portray this. This is indispensable to their lives and characters, and it also expresses their world view. method."

"Yes." Higashikata applauded, "That's it, Madoka's mission lies elsewhere."

An hour later, the TV crew left.

"I'm sorry to bother you today, Tori Akino-sensei."

"It doesn't matter," Hibiki Higashino said, "Occasional visits are also little surprises in life."

He bid them farewell.

Dongye Xiang's house became quiet.

"Do TV stations often come for interviews?" Hidden in the bedroom, Higashino came to the living room and asked Akimiya Akemi.

A housewife like her is a little timid when she sees such people.

"Mom, don't worry," Akimiya Akemi said, "It only happens occasionally."

"What am I worried about?" Dong Yexi muttered twice, becoming bolder as he watched everyone disappear.

Akimiya Akemi covered her mouth and couldn't help but snicker.

This usually harmonious and kind-hearted mother-in-law also has a lovely side.

"Um, is there really no TV station to interview?" Dong Yexi couldn't help but ask again.

"Because "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" has done very well, people will come to interview." Akimiya Akemi explained, ""Madoka Magica" has reached its peak, and there should be no room for its popularity to rise."

"So unless the anime adaptation is aired, no one will bother you anymore."

"That's good." Dong Yexi stroked his chest.

Qiugong Minmei glanced at her and remained silent to save face for her mother.


"What troubles you most right now?"

"I always want to take a break from publishing, and I don't know how to adjust my status."

"Is it difficult to advance the main content? Then branch out."

“It’s not that I can’t write a storyboard, it’s that I don’t want to draw the original draft.”

Sasaki looked at the shameless Togashi Yoshihiro in front of him and was speechless.

In front of the editor, I said I was too lazy to draw.

What a shameless old thief.

With Sasaki's usual concern, I thought Yoshihiro Togashi would say something cliché like his poor physical condition.

I didn’t expect that he wouldn’t be able to cover up at all now.

Togashi was devastated, "About 70% of my income was taken away due to taxes, so working 1 hours a day is equivalent to 20 hours of white work. When I think of this, I want to run out late at night and get away from the cartoonist position."

There was nothing Sasaki could do about this.

He is not the Prime Minister, and the Japanese Prime Minister is not easy to deal with.

In front of Laoyouzi's hob meat, Sasaki understood that his words were powerless.

"Toshigashi-san," Sasaki stepped forward and asked with a smile, "Are you paying attention to Tori Akino-kun's "Puella Magi Madoka Magica"?"

"Yes, yes," Yoshihiro Togashi nodded repeatedly, "Because Naoko is very angry, I care about this comic very much."

Oh, I love and protect my wife.Sasaki understood.

"Haha, it's so interesting. I want to see how the comics are drawn that can make Naoko so angry," Yoshihiro Togashi laughed. "Tori Akino is so talented. I love him so much."

"Ah, so..." Sasaki sighed.

He didn't even know how to start the topic.

Togashi continued, "Actually, I have been reading Tori Akino's comics. After all, that guy can always come up with new tricks. Among the unchanging shounen comics, he is one of the few things that I can read."

After "Death Note", "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" opened his eyes.

In just 19 episodes, the work has been reversed many times and surprised him many times.

Oh, it can also be set like this.

How awesome, the witch turned out to be a magical girl.

Sasaki nodded, ""Puella Magi Madoka Magica" is a wonderful manga, and it is now one of the best works on Jump."

"Of course, but," Yoshihiro Togashi grinned and looked at Sasaki with a sense of teasing, ""Madoka" won't be serialized for long, right? I guess it will be finished soon."

Facing this news, the editorial department must have felt very uncomfortable.

He forced the editorial department to finish "Yu Yu Hakusho", but he suffered a lot, and he still feels resentful now.

"Madoka" ended earlier than "Death Note", which is a big loss for Shueisha.

"That's right," Sasaki admitted easily, "there are only two months left, and by November, "Madoka" will be finished."

"You agreed!" Yoshihiro Togashi asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Sasaki nodded.



"Why did you let Tori Akino go so easily?" Tomiashi felt unbalanced, "Why wasn't my editor-in-chief at the time Mr. Sasaki?"

Sasaki couldn't say anything.

During the period when Yoshihiro Togashi serialized "Yu Yu Hakusho", the jump editor was Nobuhiko Horie, and he could not harm the senior.

"Togashi-sensei, you should also know." Sasaki leaned forward, "Toriakino-kun will finish "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" after he finishes it..."

This news has spread throughout the industry.

"Huh? Closure!" Before Sasaki could finish his words, Togashi Yoshihiro stood up in surprise, and his waist made a "bang" sound, "I don't know!"

Don’t do this kind of thing like Tori Akino sealing the pen!

He also wanted to continue watching Tori Akino's new works.

Starting from "The Soul of the Game", he has read every work of Tori Akino Mirai.

"Millennium Actress" and "Red Hot Chili Peppers" are comics he is ashamed of.

"Slam Dunk" also made him very passionate.

In "Death Note" he saw a new level of intellectual comics. "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" is his favorite magical girl work, except "Sailor Moon".

In short, he didn't want to have Tori Akino seal the pen of his favorite work.

"Teacher Togashi..." Sasaki stood up quickly, opened his arms, and tried to support Togashi. He asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Me?" Togashi finally realized what he was doing. He covered his waist and sweat broke out on his forehead. "It hurts so much!"

His body fell down weakly, Sasaki caught him and gently laid Togashi down.

"Because...because I haven't had contact with an editor for a long time, so...I...I don't understand why...Why did Mr. Tori Akino want to close the book?"

He asked immediately without taking a breath.

Sasaki replied, "It's similar to Toriyama-sensei's idea."

"So... that's it," Yoshihiro Togashi roughly understood.

"Teacher, do you want to call an ambulance?" Sasaki asked with concern.

"No need, it's an old problem." Togashi shook his head, "You just continue what you were doing."

Sasaki saw that he had calmed down for a while and his condition was much better, and then said, "I want to hold a farewell ceremony for Tori Akino-kun. Do you want to attend?"

This sentence stunned Togashi Yoshihiro. He looked at Sasaki and said after a long time: "I understand now, editor-in-chief, your feelings for Tori Akino."

Different from the relationship between colleagues, it has reached the aspect of close friends.

He was wrong. Even if Sasaki was the editor-in-chief when serializing "Yu Yu Hakusho", the result would probably be the same as Nobuhiko Horie's.

It is the level that can only be completed after a rift occurs.

Sasaki's tolerance for Tori Akino stems from his care for Tori Akino that goes beyond the scope of editor-in-chief.

"It's very interesting," Yoshihiro Togashi said with a smile, "When? I will participate."


""Madoka", "Madoka"..."

Amid Mingjiu's call, Monday finally arrived.

There is generally no thunder in September, but the sky is filled with dark clouds, as if they are overhead and close at hand, giving a doomsday scene.

In school, Mingjiu held jump in his hands and prepared to watch it with a big smile.

"Akihisa," Yuuji came to him and joked, "Thunder is coming, aren't you worried?"

"I'm no longer afraid of thunder." Mingjiu raised his head and said proudly, "I wasn't afraid last time."

That was when Tomoe Asami turned around and died. The thunder was so loud that it hurt people's ears.

But Mingjiu didn't pay attention, as if he didn't hear it.

"I am immune to thunder."

"Hmph." Yuuji crossed his chest, "I'll wait and see."


"Puella Magi Madoka Magica" No. 20.

Madoka became a witch, and Homura Akatsuki knew the truth behind the magical girl.

She went back to the past again and told Madoka and the others about this.

Sayaka doesn't trust Homura Akatsuki, and Asami Tomoe has just been attacked by Sakura Kyoko, and Madoka and the others also have a problem with the magical girl Homura Akatsuki.

Worried that she is here to stir up trouble.

Sayaka, who is in charge of melee combat, is always affected by Akatsuki Homura's attacks, so she has a lot of objections.

"Does Xiaomi-san have any weapons other than bombs?" Tomoe Asami asked.

Then there was a picture.

Xiao Meiyan, who looks like a good baby, came to the territory of the gang.

She used the method of pausing time to secretly take the pistol, shotgun, and bullets in the cabinet among a group of vicious people...

"Arms Girl Xiaomi Homura! Haha." This contrasting scene made Akihisa burst into laughter.

"This thing is much easier to use than magic."

"It turns out that Xiao Meiyan's explosive abilities are all modern weapons."

He couldn't hide his smile, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

"What? It's so disgusting." The monitor curled his lips.

She also wanted to watch "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", but she went to bed late and didn't have time to buy jump. She was greedy to see Akihisa happy.

The world suddenly brightened up, lightning struck from the sky to the earth, Mingjiu's shadow shone on the wall, and then "Boom!" there was a loud thunder.

"Wow!" Mingjiu, who was still laughing just now, trembled and hid under the table, "It's so scary."

His teeth couldn't stop clashing and making a sound.

The monitor's eyes lit up and he walked over, "Mingjiu, don't you want to see it?"

"I..." Mingjiu stretched out his hand, "Boom!" With a sound, he shrank back again, trembling all over, shaking like chaff.

"Thank you." Seeing that he didn't object, the monitor thanked him and took the jump away.


Sayaka still became a witch, Kyoko joined Tomoe Mami's side, and Madoka and the others wanted to save Sayaka.

Everything seems to be back to what it was before in the comics.

Xiaomi Homura rescued Madoka who was in danger and solved the mermaid witch.

Madoka burst into tears.

Kyoko gritted her teeth.

"This time there are four people alive," the squad leader expected. "They should be able to pass the Witch Night."

Just like playing a game, Meiyan did a good job this week, retaining most of her combat power and being able to deal with the final boss calmly.

But the unexpected happened suddenly.

Tomoe Asami's ribbon entangled Akomi Homura, and Kyoko's Soul Gem was shattered.

"If the soul gem can give birth to a witch, wouldn't everyone have no choice but to die?"

"You too, and me too."

With tears on her face, Asami Tomoe pointed the gun at Homura Akatsuki.

This desperate fate made her soul collapse.

"Huh?" The squad leader was surprised, and then realized that although Tomoe Mami looked mature and steady, she was actually very fragile inside.

Facing a hopeless future, it is normal to choose to end it all by killing everyone.

If Xiao Meiyan is killed, everything will be over.

Madoka takes action decisively, saves Homura Akatsuki and kills Tomoe Mami.

"Don't...have had enough...of this."

Madoka cried sadly.

"Madoka is so decisive,"

In the face of all this, we can take action in time.

As long as Xiao Meiyan is saved, there is still hope.

The squad leader discovered that Xiao Meiyan was really too mature.

Friends died one after another, but she could still comfort Madoka softly.

"It's okay, let's work hard. Let's defeat Witch Night together!"

 Historically classified medieval books by an author I like very much.

(End of this chapter)

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