Football: start copying peak Messi attributes

Chapter 528 Lin Quan makes his debut, shocking all countries!

Chapter 528 Lin Quan makes his debut, shocking all countries!

The No. 10 jersey was originally worn by Cesc Fabregas, but during last year's European Cup qualifiers, he gave up the number to Lin Quan, the real core of the team.

Although for Lin Quan, either the No. 7 or No. 11 jersey will work, but the No. 10 jersey obviously has a special meaning.

Therefore, he did not refuse and accepted Xiaofa's gift as a matter of course.

Although the Italians suspected that Lin Quan might play in this game before the game, based on the intelligence they collected and their guesses, they judged that Lin Quan's injuries were probably not healed yet.

So even if he played, he would only play in the second half at most. I didn't expect that Lin Quan would start the game.

This greatly exceeded the Italians' expectations and made all their preparations before the game in vain.

In this game, Italy originally wanted to be more proactive.

But now that they saw Lin Quan appear on the starting lineup, they suddenly didn't dare to do so.

After the players from both sides came on the field, tens of thousands of fans at the scene suddenly burst into exclamations when they saw Lin Quan appearing in Spain's starting lineup.

"I'll go, am I right? Emperor Lin actually appeared?"

Before the game, many experts firmly believed that Lin Quan had completely missed this European Cup.

As a result, I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly. When no one was prepared, he suddenly appeared and directly appeared as the main starting force!

This makes people have to wonder, are all the previous traps deliberately set by the Spaniards?

"Haha, I have a hunch that the Italians are going to be in trouble!"

After seeing clearly that it was indeed Lin Quan who appeared on the court, some fans' eyes became playful, as if they were gloating and waiting for a good show.

"Spain has been Italy's nemesis in the past few years. I don't know if the Italians can get back on track in this game!"

Facts have proved that the Italians were completely disrupted by Spain's move. After the game started, they had to seek stability first and choose to stick to the defense line.

This choice caused them to quickly lose the initiative and fall into a passive situation.

This disappointed many fans at the scene, especially those who were optimistic about Italy.

When fighting against Spain, we can't be beaten passively. With Spain's offensive power, we will definitely not be able to survive being beaten like this without fighting back!

These people were still ridiculing Spain's players for not knowing how to attack, but they began to worry that Italy's steel defense line could not withstand Spain's devastation.

This is not because they are schizophrenic, but because Lin Quan's appearance has revitalized Spain's frontcourt attack system and greatly improved Spain's offensive power!

Although Morata's performance in the first two games was quite good, it was only in this game, when Lin Quan played, that he found the feeling that the sky is high and a bird can fly, and the sea is wide and a fish can leap.

It feels so good to have a top-level assistant next to you!

With Lin Quan here, the opponent's defense against him is greatly reduced, and Lin Quan's organization, breakthrough and passing abilities can deliver a large number of shells to him.

As long as he can run into space, he can always receive the pass from his teammates immediately.

Not only Morata feels this way, but Iniesta, David Silva, Fabregas, Busques and others all have the same feeling.

When Lin Quan was present, these people all felt that the burden on their shoulders suddenly became lighter.

When Iniesta gets the ball, Lin Quan is always in place, allowing him to deliver the ball safely.

When David Silva broke through from the wing, Lin Quanneng pulled in time to form a small-scale cooperation with him, allowing him to give full play to his advantage in passing and cutting cooperation in a small area.

Every time Fabregas wants to pass a long ball, he can always see Lin Quan appearing in his expected passing route. Even many times, the passing opportunities he can see are created by Lin Quan on his own initiative!

Lin Quan not only played a huge role on the offensive end, but also on the defensive end.

When the opponent launches a counterattack, Lin Quan is always the first to defend, and his defense is very deep.

With him around, Busques can make more confident and bold interceptions, frequently stifling Italy's offense in the midfield, and denying them the chance to dribble into the 30-meter dangerous area.

With Lin Quan on the court, it was like there were several more people on the Spanish court. With his diligent and active running, huge range of activities and positive attitude, he completed the work of several people by himself, not only sorting out Spain's frontcourt. It was well organized and formed a barrier in Spain's midfield, preventing the Italians from counterattacking.

Del Bosque was so elated watching from the sidelines!

Have you seen, what is a superstar?

This is called superstar!

Our Spanish team is so lucky to have a player like Lin!

On the Italian coaching bench, Coach Conte became more and more frightened as he watched.

Although Spain had not yet scored a goal at this time, Italy's defense was already crumbling under the opponent's attack.

How could Lin Quan bring so much change to Spain?

If he hadn't known these players on the field, he really wouldn't have been able to connect this Spain with the Spain in the group stage!

This is not a team of the same level at all!

In the stands, Guardiola saw Lin Quan playing so aggressively after coming on the court, frequently sprinting and running without hesitation, constantly demonstrating his presence on both offense and defense.

He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. This kid hadn't competed for too long, and he was probably suffocating.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Italy's head coach Conte with some sympathy. The Italians were also unlucky.

If Bosque hadn't used up all three spots early in the last game, Lin Quan would have played in the last game against Croatia.

If he had played in the last game, he would not be so eager for the game. In that case, Italy might die a little more honorably against Italy.

But this thought only passed by for a moment, and Guardiola did not let it stay in his head for too long.

He doesn't want to do anything now, he doesn't want to think about anything, he just wants to watch the game quietly.

In his opinion, watching Lin Quan play football at close range is a complete enjoyment, because it is simply an art!


Guardiola is not the only one who is paying close attention to Lin Quan's every move. Deschamps, the coach of the French team, and Loew, the coach of the German team, are also paying close attention to this game at this time.

Since this European Cup is held in France, the French team is bound to win the championship.

However, before they can win the cup, they must climb the Spanish mountain.

Originally they seemed to have a good chance, but at this time, seeing the earth-shaking changes that had taken place in Spain after Lin Quan came back, Deschamps couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Can the French team under his command really defeat Spain as a whole?

Compared with Deschamps, Loew's attitude is obviously less calm.

After the German team defeated Slovakia, their next opponent will be the winner between Italy and Spain.

Although the game has just begun and the score on the field is still 0:0, Loew has already sentenced the Italian team to death in his heart. Unless a miracle happens, Conte's team will be eliminated by Spain.

As a result, in the quarter-finals, the German team's opponent is Spain!

It has been two years since the last World Cup, and the German team has become stronger in the past two years.

Although striker Klose has withdrawn from the national team, among the younger generation, Muller has fully grown up, and Kroos was not injured this time and played with the team.

On the contrary, Spain, after winning the World Cup, they made a lot of changes between the old and the new.

A large number of old players have withdrawn from the national team, which has greatly weakened Spain's strength.

Calculated in this way, compared with two years ago, the German team's winning rate has not decreased but increased.

However, Loew always felt a little uneasy in his heart. This uneasy feeling reached its peak after he saw Lin Quan.

Could it be said that this time, our German team will be defeated at the feet of this person?


Although Italy is very passive, its Italian defense is not in vain.

In a passive situation, they relied on their excellent defense and did not allow Spain to score early.

Thirty minutes have passed since the first half of the game, and the score on the field is still 30:0. Although in various statistics, Italy is miserable and almost completely defeated by Spain.

But on the most important score line, they clung to it.

This made the Italian players feel a little relieved. The first three minutes of the game really made them sweat. They almost lost their breath and were taken away by their opponents.

After enduring the most difficult half hour, the Italian players regained a lot of confidence.

They tested Spain's offensive strength. The opponent's offensive power was indeed very strong, and Lin Quan's personal strength was indeed abnormal.

One-on-one defense is almost completely ineffective. To limit him, multiple people must double-team him.

But what Italian defense is best at is teamwork. After the coordination of the three lines of defense, they guarded the goal and did not let the opponent succeed.

Although the scene was a bit passive or even embarrassing, the result was always good.

As long as they continue to persevere and find opportunities to steal a goal from the opponent, the victory of this game will be theirs.

If that doesn't work, the game can be dragged into overtime or even a penalty shootout.

In terms of offense, they can't beat Spain, but in terms of defense, they really have no one to fear.

After thirty minutes of fierce attack, Lin Quan also saw that Italy's defense was not easy to deal with.

The opposing players seem to share the same brain. If one person moves, the entire defense line moves, and there is almost no opportunity to take advantage of it.

No matter who is holding the ball on Spain's side, as long as it crosses the center line and enters the opponent's half, Italy will immediately mobilize its defense lines to hold on to three impenetrable lines of defense facing the ball holder.

Italy's defense is very particular. The distance between their players is not far or close, but it is difficult to pass the ball directly from the space between the two players, because this is simply a trap deliberately left by the opponent. Dare to pass from here If you pass the ball, it will be intercepted.

As for transferring the ball to the open weak side on a large scale, it is not realistic. The opponent moves on the inside and adjusts the defensive line very quickly. Moreover, the position rotation of their midfield players is very flexible, and it only takes a few seconds. It takes time to complete the adjustment.

Facing such a hedgehog, the average team is really a bit numb and don't know what to do.

But Lin Quan keenly discovered the loophole in the opponent's defense, and that was the opponent's left midfielder-De Sciglio!

De Sciglio's speed is average, his positioning sense is not strong, and his game experience is not rich, which makes him slightly out of touch with his teammates when defending.

In the 20th minute of the first half, Lin Quan found an opportunity here. A quick breakthrough from the side caused him a foul and earned him a yellow card.

After receiving the yellow card, De Sciglio became more cautious and did not dare to make any big moves.

Italy plays a three-centre-back system with no full-backs, which means their wings are under a lot of pressure.

Spain naturally knows this, so they frequently attack them from both sides.

As a full-back, De Sciglio has a lot of defensive responsibilities. After figuring out his strength, strengths and weaknesses, Lin Quan took action.

In the 32nd minute of the first half, Lin Quan dribbled the ball forward slowly.

Seeing Lin Quan appear in front of him, De Sciglio had to step forward to block it.

At the same time, his teammates quickly moved over to form a fan defensive formation, blocking Lin Quan's breakthrough and forward passing routes.

It's so perfect, don't give it a chance!

Seeing that Morata had been completely blocked by the opponent, Lin Quan did not risk passing the ball to him.

Instead, he glanced at the left side of the court, and then moved the ball to the left side in a wide range and handed it to David Silva.

The Italian was not surprised by Lin Quan's pass, as if he had predicted his intention in advance.

Right midfielder Florenz immediately stepped forward to interfere and intercept David Silva.

De Rossi, Parolo, Barzagli and others nearby quickly moved over and formed an airtight line of defense on the left.

David Silva just stopped the ball and looked up, oh, good guy, he really didn’t give him any chance!

What a pity, you are targeting the wrong person!

He took a few steps laterally, got rid of Florenz, and then made another large-scale transfer.

And this time, the ball was transferred to the right!

The right side is where Lin Quan just appeared, so this ball is aimed at Lin Quan!

In the blink of an eye, the Italians figured this out, but didn't pay much attention to it.

The Spaniards are at their wits end, so they are wasting their time by passing people here and there?

However, when they saw the trajectory of the ball in the air, they all felt bad!

No, this is going in the direction of the bottom line!

Could it be that someone passed by on the side?

The Italian players all turned to look to their left, and saw the Spanish player wearing the No. 10 red jersey speeding up, and behind him, De Sciglio was trying his best to catch up, but couldn't. If you can't catch up, you will be pulled further and further away!

(End of this chapter)

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