Chapter 60 Black Superman
"Didn't you already have the answer?" Kyle didn't answer directly, but asked Bruce instead.

Hearing this, Batman Bruce was silent for a while.After a while, he asked in a deep voice, "Are you invited by Barry to help our universe?"

A smile slowly rose from the corner of Kyle's mouth. He waved his hand and said, "Help? No, I think you misunderstood."

Speaking of this, the smile on Kyle's face changed, and the original plain smile was now a little more cold.

"Not only am I not here to help you, I'm still here to destroy you."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the underground space dropped to freezing point in an instant, and a trace of cold sweat subconsciously appeared on Kid Lightning's face.

He had just seen the strength of the person in front of him, and his own speed, the other person could easily keep up with just one step away.

This proves that the opponent's speed is definitely above his own.

He didn't have the confidence to deal with such an enemy, and even his senior, Barry, who was also his brother-in-law, might not be a match for this person in front of him.

Just when the atmosphere became more and more dull, as if the two sides were about to start fighting at any time, Batman's hoarse and deep voice sounded again.

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

Hearing this, Kyle didn't say anything, but raised his hand, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.

On the screen, Kyle stretched out his palm to a young-looking Flash, as if he wanted to kill him, but at this moment, a space portal suddenly appeared, and an old Flash with a beard and a very vicissitudes of life came from the space. Emerging from the portal, he charged at the young Flash.

Then the screen flashed, and the surroundings fell silent.

Kyle looked at Bruce silently, not in a hurry, he seemed to want to see what the other party would explain.

After being silent for about 2 minutes, Bruce said slowly: "I don't know why Barry did this, but I believe there must be some misunderstanding during this period."

Hearing the other party's words, Kyle's eyes flashed with admiration.

Because when he was traveling through time, he noticed that the old Flash had a weirdness.

That's why he followed Kid Lightning to Batman's secret base.I want to wait for the Flash of this world to come back and see what's weird about him.

"In that case, then I'll wait for that kid to come back. If he deliberately attacked me, I will destroy the world." Kyle glanced at Bruce lightly, and then his figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Bruce's pupils shrank, and there was a lot of fear and worry in his eyes.

Outside, Kyle, who teleported away, appeared directly in a somewhat dilapidated city.

In sight, there are soldiers in black combat uniforms.

A mark is embroidered on the chest and upper arms of their clothes.

The mark was the same as the mark on Superman's chest.

Obviously, these soldiers are Superman's subordinates.

The sudden appearance of Kyle immediately attracted these soldiers.

Seeing Kyle's domineering black armor, the black cloak grinned behind him.All the soldiers were stunned.Subconsciously, they thought of their current leader.

But in the next moment, everyone reacted.

All the soldiers raised their weapons and aimed at the inexplicably appearing man in front of them.

Kyle's face was expressionless, and he just swept his eyes slowly, his thermal vision containing terrifying high temperature cut all these soldiers into two in an instant.

Da da
Kyle did not continue to use the flight, but walked slowly forward.

A hundred meters away from his line of sight, there is a domed building standing quietly.

The pure white building, the design of the dome, those who are familiar with this building will call it a white house.

But on the dome of the white house at this moment, a big "S"-shaped mark was painted with red paint, and its meaning is self-evident.

Under the super vision, everything in the white house has nothing to hide.

A burly figure with dark eyes was sitting quietly on a throne.

At this time, his eyes were looking at Kyle's eyes through the thick building walls.

From the open dome above his head, bright sunlight poured down on him, giving him a powerful and untouchable feeling.

With a chiseled face, dark eyes, and a tight black battle suit, he is the ruler of this world, the Son of the Star, Kal-El.

I saw him slowly standing up from the throne, his eyes just looking at Kyle through the wall.

After staring at each other for several seconds, Karl El's figure suddenly flew up, and quickly came outside through the window above his head.

Floating high in the sky, Karl-El stared at Kyle with cold eyes, opened and closed his lips and said, "Kryptonian?"

Kyle nodded slowly, without denying his identity.

Seeing this, a trace of gloom flashed across Kar-El's gloomy face, he would never allow anyone to threaten his dominance.

Even if the other party is his own race.

Therefore, he said coldly: "Surrender, or die."

Hearing this blatant threat, Kyle shook his head ineffectively.

Maybe this Kal-El in front of him has been invincible on Earth for too long.

Or maybe, he subconsciously regarded himself as an ordinary Kryptonian, thinking that his strength was not as good as him, so he said such a thing.

For such a guy, one beating is enough, if it is not enough, then two beatings.

As for killing him, Kyle didn't intend to do so.

He still wants to get the information he wants from the other party.

Slowly retracting the smile on his face, Kyle looked at Kar-El calmly, and said in a neutral tone, "Where is Darkseid?"

Hearing the name Darkseid, Kar-El's eyes subconsciously froze for a moment, but immediately after, his expression became very gloomy.

"Damn bug, Lord Darkseid is also named after you?"

As soon as the words fell, two red hot gazes shot out from Kar-El's eyes, and almost instantly, two hot rays shot towards Kyle's head.

In Kar-El's heart, anyone who disrespects Lord Darkseid will go to hell.

Looking at Kal-El like this, Kyle shook his head again.

It seems that Karl El in front of him has been completely controlled by Darkseid.

This made him want to find the other party even more, and get the anti-life equation in his hand.

Seeing that the two heat rays were about to fall on him, Kyle waved his hand casually, and an invisible force appeared instantly, eliminating the two heat eyesight invisible.

Seeing that his attack had disappeared directly, Karl El's heart trembled, but his personality had already changed drastically, and he no longer had the kindness and kindness of the past at this time.

I saw his figure flashed, and his figure was like a cannonball, rushing straight towards Kyle.

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(End of this chapter)

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