Hong Kong comprehensive begins with the police

Chapter 114 The Heavenly King Appears

Chapter 114 The Heavenly King Appears
In the evening, the paparazzi were added to the serious case, the vast seafood restaurant was added to the KTV, and more than 2 yuan was thrown out, and Chu Shaojie didn't even bat an eye.

Brother Jie, not short of money!

The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the relationship with the dog's head is closer. If I have something to say in the future, I will definitely help.

Host: Chu Shaojie
Stamina: 11.9
Brain Power: 10
Killing value: 0
When I got home, I took a shower and lay on the bed, looking at the system panel. Since my physical and mental strength both broke ten, I started the process of quantitative change and accumulation waiting for qualitative change.

Chu Shaojie was very curious when the next time he would activate a new skill?Twenty o'clock?Thirty o'clock?Even fifty?
Since getting mentally confused, I can't extricate myself from research every day.Compared with physical strength, the brain is the treasure of the human body. I don't know how much potential is hidden under the tip of the iceberg.

He enjoys doing research and has gained a lot of experience. For example, He Guohui, who was half asleep and half awake, really confirmed one thing:

This guy really wants to hang out with Brother Qiang!

No one can tell a lie under hypnosis, it is more accurate than the most advanced polygraph, and it will be used to recruit subordinates in the future without any harm.

As for brainwashing, long-term hypnosis is required. The seeds are planted first, and then fertilized and watered continuously, until they slowly germinate and take root, and finally grow into a towering tree.

Chu Shaojie didn't have that kind of free time, and he didn't meet anyone worthy of brainwashing. What's the fun in controlling a walking dead puppet?
The tiger's body was shaken and the domineering aura swept the audience, and everyone bowed their heads and worshiped is the kingly way.

The next day I went to the police station and continued to fish and paddle. Chen Chongshan was not considered a gangster. After more than a year of baptism in the West Kowloon serious case, this kind of small person is already a thing of the past.

Wang Weiye still has two and a half months to become a full-time member. Originally, Mo Zhixun wanted to transfer three members from the existing team members. Later, he found out that Chu Shaojie planned to train A Fei and Long Zai.

The five-person group of small followers for one and a half years worked hard and worked overtime to help search files and find clues. Chu Shaojie had already communicated with Guo Peiqiong and recommended him to be promoted to police chief as soon as possible.

Especially A Fei and Long Zai, the credit is enough, the promotion next month is not a big problem.As for the other three, Chu Shaojie also asked for their opinions, and was a little hesitant about the serious case of transfer.

It's also human nature, not everyone is willing to go to the front line, being a policeman is just a job, isn't it good to go to work safely?

Chu Shaojie didn't say any more, this kind of thing can't be forced, serious crime is the trump card department of the police force, it must fight with all its might at the critical moment, heavy firepower and thugs won't be used to anyone.

Guo Peiqiong recommended a promotion, and Lao Mo followed the procedure and was transferred to a serious case. The two sides worked together, and everything was ready to wait for Wang Weiye to become a regular.

At that time, there will be three more subordinates in disguise.

Of course, the most important thing is not to form cliques. Brother Jie is not a person who eats alone. He has the same blessings and enjoys the same difficulties. As long as they are brothers, they will definitely get promoted and get rich together.

The days were quiet and another week passed, and before leaving get off work, Mo Zhixun stopped him and told him to change his suit and go with him?

"Commendation meeting?" Chu Shaojie asked curiously.

"Well, the big sir personally organized it, and all the senior officials of West Kowloon will participate." Mo Zhixun explained while driving.

"It's not to praise me, you must go?" Chu Shaojie muttered, Brother Jie's time is very precious.

"Nonsense!" Mo Zhixun hated iron and steel, cursing: "This kind of high-level gathering is rare. The heads of West Kowloon and even other regions are all smart. How many people want to participate are not qualified to understand?"

Chu Shaojie curled his lips, knowing that Lao Mo had good intentions, so he could only send a text message to Le Huizhen, and changed it to an in-depth communication tomorrow night.

Seeing this kid's reluctance, Mo Zhixun said earnestly: "The big sir called you to participate, and then I will follow you to meet the world. West Kowloon is not just our serious case, O's, NB, CCB, CIB..."

"It's right to brush your face more!"

Chu Shaojie was not stupid, he knew that Zhou Guowei was looking for an opportunity to support him, so he just went, eating and drinking is also good.

"Have you heard of Zhang Zaishan?" Mo Zhixun asked.

"Zhang Zaishan?" Chu Shaojie was taken aback, the name sounded familiar, could it be?

"The number one bomb disposal expert in West Kowloon." Mo Zhixun said with a smile, "He was injured on duty a year ago and was officially reinstated a few days ago. He is the protagonist of this commendation meeting."

King Liu?Bomb disposal experts?

Chu Shaojie smiled, said earlier, after traveling for almost two years, I finally saw a model worker!

Driving to the destination, there are quite a few people in the banquet hall of the luxury hotel. They are all high-ranking and respectable senior officers of the police force, and the lowest is the chief inspector.

"Ah Jie, come here." Just as he picked up a glass of champagne and was about to touch the fish, Zhou Guowei caught him and waved him over.

"This is Zhang sir, our police force's leading bomb disposal expert." Zhou Guowei's face was full of red today, and this time has been smooth, especially after Wang Bao was killed, the law and order in West Kowloon has taken on a new look.

"Zhang sir, I am Chu Shaojie, Inspector of Serious Cases." Chu Shaojie greeted with a smile, looking at the familiar face of a model worker in front of him, it turned out to be Liu Tianwang.

"I have admired your name for a long time." Zhang Zaishan also responded with a smile, and said to Zhou Guowei: "I have heard that we have a crime-fighting star in West Kowloon, and it will be terrifying in the future."

"It's still the big sir's discerning eye!"

"Hahaha." Zhou Guowei laughed heartily. He loved hearing this sentence.

Chu Shaojie smiled and said nothing, because Zhang Zaishan was being commended today, and Zhang Zaishan was wearing a formal police uniform.

I have also learned about the back then. A group of thugs appeared a year and a half ago.

As a bomb disposal expert, he must be tit-for-tat. The last operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he ran away in a hurry. His brother was arrested, and he is still squatting in a kiln.

In other words, the appearance of Zhang Zaishan means that the popularity will debut soon?

Without saying a few words, the commendation meeting officially started. Zhou Guowei stood on the stage in high spirits, talking eloquently, without repeating the same thing for half an hour.

Chu Shaojie was very skeptical, was the so-called commendation meeting just because he wanted to pretend?
"It's not easy for Zhang sir." Mo Zhixun said in a low voice, "Bomb defusing is very dangerous, maybe if one is not careful..."

Chu Shaojie nodded. Indeed, bombs are the most dangerous weapon at any time, and they are also the most troublesome crime tools for the police.

If the original plot develops according to the original plot, being hot is extremely dangerous, fleeing to the Golden Triangle, and forming a mercenary regiment, this time the comeback will not be trivial.

Compared with others, Azu is a younger brother!

Thinking of this is full of anticipation, and there is another wave of crime killing value, let the storm come more violently.

The atmosphere at the banquet was very good. Zhou Guowei took Chu Shaojie for a stroll around, showing his face in various ways as a junior. Many people had heard of the so-called crime-fighting star, a young man who was a sudden detective in a serious case, but not many had actually seen it.

This time it can be considered alive!
With a sunny smile, Chu Shaojie socialized and chatted with the big boss, and even saw brother Nanyi and two assistant deputy directors in New Territories, who should be Zhou Guowei's close friends.

"He is Chu Shaojie?" Zhang Zaishan was also surrounded by several people, Qiao Feng, no, Superintendent Zhou asked curiously.

"That's him." Another person answered: "A very powerful young man who uprooted Wang Bao last month. I didn't see the big sir smiling from ear to ear."

Everyone suddenly realized that it turned out to be the case, no wonder the dignified West Kowloon No. [-] brother is showing off, he is a fearsome young man.

(End of this chapter)

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