Hong Kong comprehensive begins with the police

Chapter 132 It's too late to regret

Chapter 132 It's too late to regret
As soon as these words came out, it was like a sharp knife piercing He Cansen's heart. Thinking of his brother who died in peace, his eyes were red and he roared: "Shut up, if you say anything else, I will shoot."

"Go!" Chu Shaojie took a step forward and shouted violently, "Shoot if you have the guts!"

"Who in the room doesn't know that the Ice King is a scum, if you have the guts, shoot, I will be the first to give He Cansen a thumbs-up..."

"People from harm!"

Ice King: "..."

"Chu sir, I am innocent." Bing Wang was frightened and shouted desperately: "You guys have to save me!"

Chu Shaojie raised the muzzle of his gun and motioned, "Aren't we saving you now?"

"By the way, what have you done that people insist on your life?"

"I'm curious to hear it."

Bing Wang was speechless for a moment, and He Cansen said, "He bought the murder of my own brother and pretended it was a car accident."

"Pretending to be a car accident?" Chu Shaojie asked knowingly, curiously: "Didn't you find out at the time?"

"Me!" He Cansen was speechless for a moment, yes, why didn't he find out back then.

"Hmph, your brother's death is a tragedy, but why, as a senior inspector of serious cases, have you let the real culprit go unpunished for so many years?"

"Now think about it and come back for revenge?"

Chu Shaojie was full of disdain, and mocked extremely: "He sir, is this your level as a policeman?"

"Damn, what is this guy doing!"
That's right, this kid just wants me to die!

"Head, it's so ruthless." The cat in the front row was so excited to watch the show, and seeing that the Bing King was about to pee in fright, he muttered, "This is the legendary murderer?"

"Fart, this is called negotiating skills." Shen Xiong coughed lightly, and corrected: "The head is saving people, understand?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Even Wang Weiye couldn't listen anymore, and said in a low voice, "Don't be distracted, if He Cansen dares to move, shoot him immediately!"

Everyone held back their laughter and waited in full force. This guy is even more hateful than the Ice King. As a former colleague, he even pointed a sniper rifle at his own people?
Traitors should be damned!

Feeling the murderous intent coming towards his face, He Cansen's back was covered in cold sweat, and he didn't dare to move. That's right, as long as he dared to move, he would immediately become a hornet's nest.

This kind of situation is death in vain, holding hostages in public and arresting them with guns, shooting after multiple warnings, writing a report at most, and writing a lot about the media. Property security.

"I surrender!"

Slowly raised the gun, pushed the Ice King forward, and said loudly: "I surrender!"

Chu Shaojie pouted, motioned for everyone to work, took everyone back, walked up to He Cansen himself, took out the handcuffs and said, "Put them on yourself."

Looking at the full 2.8 crime killing value, this wave is not a loss.

Host: Chu Shaojie
Stamina: 22.3
Brain Power: 10
Killing value: 0
He went back to the police station in a mighty way, and began to interrogate and record statements. The younger brother Miscellaneous Fish was locked up first, mainly He Cansen and Bing Wang.

Fortunately, He Cansen said that when the news spreads tomorrow, O Ji and even CCB will come to beat the autumn wind. Bingwang is a club leader, and his credit is definitely not small.

Of course, you don't need to worry about this kind of thing. You have already reported to Zhou Guowei in advance.

What, you say credit?

Brother Jie still lacks credit!

It has been less than three months since he was promoted to inspector, no matter how great the credit is, it is impossible to be promoted again. This is a rule that no one can break.

What's more, not to mention serious case group A, a phone call can even call for help from two groups of uniformed patrol officers in BC. Is there a big difference between being promoted to senior inspector?

That being the case, why did Brother Jie leave a story for others!
In fact, I am very satisfied with my life now. If I really want to be promoted to Chief Inspector, I will definitely have to change departments, and then it will be so troublesome to win people over again.
From Chu Shaojie's point of view, his greatest confidence is his ability to solve crimes. No matter how much the police are fighting for seniority, they are still professional troops. Someone must be on the front line and dare to fight.

It's like Chen Guorong, who made such a big mistake and finally made a comeback. Is there really a so-called big backer behind him?

After all, it can solve the case!

Of course, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. It is not a big problem to make meritorious service all the way to the chief inspector, but the superintendent is the threshold, and each constitutional committee level is one in a hundred.

Look at Shen Xiong, who has not been admitted to the inspector after more than 20 years, and is probably a senior police officer when he retires.

Look at Mo Zhixun again, he has been promoted to chief inspector next year for the police force, and it will be very difficult to become a superintendent in this life.

Therefore, inspectors and superintendents are the two major barriers to becoming a police officer. The sooner they cross the threshold, the more promising they are, especially now that the entire police force is young and professional, and it is even less friendly to the elderly.

According to Chu Shaojie's plan, Wang Weiye will become a full-time member in two months and is qualified to lead two or three police officers. At that time, A Fei and Long Zai will be transferred from the patrol, and two more helpers will be added.

All in all, as long as you can solve the case all the time, you can sit on the Diaoyutai. Even the first brother in West Kowloon looks at him with admiration. With so many achievements, Brother Jie will not be guilty wherever he goes.

When I arrived at the police station the next day, I received the news that He Cansen actually wanted to see me?
"You have something to say." When he came to the interrogation room, facing He Cansen with a cold expression, Chu Shaojie cut to the point and said, "Don't waste everyone's time."

"I would like to ask you to do me a favor." He Cansen raised his head and said earnestly, "I still have some savings over the years, which are all legal income. Can I ask you to help distribute it to my brothers and family members?"

Chu Shaojie looked at He Cansen, saw remorse and self-blame in the two eyes, finally nodded and said: "Yes, I will do my best."

"Thank you." Receiving an affirmative answer, He Cansen felt relieved and leaned back in his chair, as if he was a teenager.

"As a family member of the victim, it's understandable that you choose revenge." Chu Shaojie couldn't help but said, "But why did you provoke the police?"

"If I were you, as a senior inspector of serious crimes, I watched the murderer get away with it, shouldn't I find the reason from myself?"

"What kind of logic is constipated and resentful that the earth is unattractive!"

"Yeah, you're right." He Cansen was silent for a moment, then smiled wryly, "I can only say that I was overwhelmed by anger, and I am the one most responsible for my brother's death!"

Chu Shaojie curled his lips, there must be something hateful about poor people, who can blame him for his death when he has a bright future.

If you don't resign, you are at least the Chief Inspector now. There are people with guns and backers. Is it difficult to kill an Ice King?

Don't say there is no evidence, Chu Shaojie doesn't believe that there are no clues for doing evil for so many years?

If you don't have the money, hire a lawyer to get rid of the crime in various lawsuits, and finally find a scapegoat to take the blame.If there is no background backer to directly interfere with the judiciary, the judge is also a human being.

Look at Boss Liao, he has already exposed himself to black material, and now CCB is still moaning.

Not to mention that the Landlords Association, which covers the sky with one hand, wants to convict them through due process?
Hard to beat!

(End of this chapter)

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