Chapter 179 New Year's Eve
"Happy New Year!"

On New Year's Eve, everyone gathered together to celebrate, not just Group A, but Mo Zhixun, Chen Guorong, Zhang Chongbang, Guo Peiqiong, Gao Zhanbo, Ma Guoying, Gou Tou...

There are five tables!
Laughing and laughing, pushing cups and changing cups, everyone was lively and lively, and before Chu Shaojie knew it, many friends had gathered around Chu Shaojie.

"You three." Chu Shaojie raised his glass, and said to the cat boy, Afei Longzai, "Work hard, you must pass the inspection test, understand?"

"Yes sir!"

The three stood at attention and saluted, and everyone burst into laughter. The efforts of the three were obvious to all.

Especially Maozai, who was the first to follow Chu Shaojie, but unfortunately his education is a bit low, otherwise he would have been recommended for selection, maybe he is now a trainee inspector.

"When will you have your wedding?" Chu Shaojie teased Wang Weiye and Guo Peiqiong, "My best man needs to make an appointment in advance."

"Next month." Wang Weiye said with a smile: "I don't plan to make a big fuss, it's simple and then honeymoon, remember to grant a few more days off then."

"No problem." Chu Shaojie teased: "Happy honeymoon, work hard, let me be worthy of the name as a prospective godfather as soon as possible."

"Hmph, I should worry about you." Guo Peiqiong said dissatisfied: "There are so many beautiful police girls who don't like any of them?"

"You're not too young, why don't you find a girlfriend to be serious?"

"Don't worry, uncle and aunt must..."

Seeing Guo Peiqiong babbling like a sister, Chu Shaojie turned around and left, can't he be provoked or hide?

Returning to Mo Zhixun, he asked, "How about O Ji?"

"So-so." Mo Zhixun said honestly, "There are a lot of jobs that need to be familiarized with just now, especially clubs, there are twenty or thirty large and small."

"The interests are intertwined, and a mess is very troublesome. It is not as comfortable as a serious case."

Chu Shaojie smiled, there is no other way, that's what O's is like, it sounds quite bluffing, but in fact he is a peacemaker everywhere, hits a few disobedient ones, and usually don't make trouble for Sir.

This is the local culture, which has penetrated deep into the bone marrow. It is impossible to completely uproot it.

That's why I don't want to go to O Ji too early, and I would rather go to NB, at least people are working hard and rushing with submachine guns.

A few old men drink tea, chat and play mahjong?

It hurts to be idle!

Mo Zhixun didn't ask Chu Shaojie, this kid doesn't have to worry about himself at all, he must be very comfortable now.Just sent Ye Tao back in, the gossip heard that he helped Feihu solve a big problem?

I am really old.

It's not obvious to stay in the comfort zone. When I first arrived in the new department, I was very busy. Although I was the head of the department, whether my subordinates obeyed orders or not depended on the leadership ability.

The methods and methods of handling cases need to be re-adapted. Mo Zhixun is a little bit powerless, but there is no way. Rules are rules. It is impossible for the police force to let himself stay in serious cases for retirement.

With ten years left before retirement, the chief inspector was already content. He didn't have much hope for the superintendent. If he was lucky, he would get it, and it didn't matter if he was unlucky.

I can't compare myself with Zhou Guowei. I knew the difference when I was in the police academy. Seeing my old classmates making progress, it would be a lie not to be envious at first.

But it gradually faded away, especially when he was over forty, many things could not be achieved by hard work alone, the right time, place and people were indispensable, Mo Zhixun was quite content.

What's more, God let me meet Chu Shaojie. When I first met, I knew that this kid was not simple. He was another Zhou Guowei. No, he had a brighter future than Old Zhou.

Strength, character, and especially how to behave in the world are perfect.In just three years, he changed from a patrolman to a senior inspector, taking over from himself to be in charge of the West Kowloon Ace Crime Squad.

Even with him, Mo Zhixun was promoted and his salary increased, and his career ushered in a second spring. Now no matter where he goes, as long as Chu Shaojie is mentioned, he is a master.

Although O Ji was very tired, Mo Zhixun had a high spirit, he couldn't let other people laugh at him, he couldn't lose Chu Shaojie's face, he had to hold up his face.

"Old Mo, don't hold on if you have something to do." Of course Chu Shaojie knew what Mo Zhixun was thinking, and said seriously: "Why are you afraid of so many brothers supporting you?"

"Who's afraid?" Mo Zhixun warmed his heart, slapped Chu Shaojie on the head fiercely, and scolded with a smile, "When will it be your turn to teach me a lesson?"

"drink wine!"

Guo Peiqiong looked at the laughter and slapstick, and couldn't help but test: "If you are promoted to a senior inspector, then..."

"Let's talk about it." Wang Weiye waved his hand and said, "It's good to follow Ajie. It will take at least two years to get promoted, and we'll talk about it later."

Guo Peiqiong shut up, she is very satisfied with her husband's official career, according to this rhythm of meritorious service, at most two years with Wang Weiye's qualifications, it is safe to be promoted to a higher level.

Although it is a bit late for the 40-year-old senior inspector of serious cases, there is still hope.

As a woman, the ceiling is there, the most is the chief inspector, female superintendents are rare, and they are basically in the management team.

Guo Peiqiong doesn't want to work in an office all day and face endless copywriting and chores. This is also the reason why she chose to manage the patrol department. Other ace departments are too difficult and there is little room for women to survive.

Fortunately, when I met Chu Shaojie, I had a good career and family, and I immediately reconciled with my lover. From now on, it will be very easy for the two senior inspectors to support their families, and they will have a baby soon, and life will be considered complete.

To Chu Shaojie, he is like a younger brother, so he worries about this kid all day long. Why do so many beauties in the police force go outside to find a reporter?
How many cops are staring at the rising star of the police force, doesn't he know?
"Don't force Ajie to be too tight." Wang Weiye saw Guo Peiqiong's nature as a mother-in-law, and persuaded him: "He must have his own ideas, maybe he doesn't want to find a colleague."

"What's wrong with the police?" Guo Peiqiong dissatisfied: "Even if it's not an action, it's okay, isn't it good for civilians to work from nine to five every day?"

"We are all in the same industry. Isn't it good to understand each other and have a common language?"

"Isn't it good to go to work together and get off work together?"

Wang Weiye: "..."

Ajie, come and save me!
After the show ended late at night, even Chen Guorong went on a date this time. That's right, he and Yang Caini will continue their relationship, and they will probably get married soon.

Chu Shaojie came to the villa and started the second wave of celebrations. He Guohui, Sima Nianzu and Xiaogao were all there, and the four elders drank and chatted together, counting it as New Year's Eve together.

He Guohui is very satisfied with his current life. Originally, he was worried about the freedom of his life being controlled by Brother Qiang. He worked hard and turned into a tool man, but the result...

Idle every day to die!

In fact, I also know that Sima Nianzu and Xiao Gao are confidantes, and I can only be regarded as joining the gang with reluctance. After all, my personal strength is not good enough, and I am afraid to die when I encounter actions.

It's called the behind-the-scenes planning, and I haven't planned anything for so long, the main reason is that Brother Qiang is too perverted, going into the tiger's den alone and planning a fart!
(End of this chapter)

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