Chapter 206 Official Entry
Szeto is self-aware that reaching the limit of being a senior superintendent before retirement is the limit. Any chief superintendent is an absolute elite, and there are only 42 in Hong Kong Island.

Ability, character, means, background, resources...

That is the seed for the cultivation of high-level police officers in the future. Even if there is only one brother in the end, each chief superintendent has a great say and has an independent existence.

In their respective departments and fields, they can be called the great officials of the frontier!
But Chu Shaojie is different, Situ has seen the last promising star of tomorrow, and in all fairness, even the senior police superintendent does not have as many credits as the crime-fighting star, that guy is easier to catch a thief than to eat and drink.

What's even more perverted is that he seems to never get tired of it?
Many people don't understand this matter. Isn't daring to fight for meritorious service and promotion?

Obviously the credit is enough, as long as the number of years is comfortable, you can get promoted, why do you have to work so hard?

Not scientific!

At the beginning, it might be just for fame, but it has been like this for the past three years. I don’t know how many gangsters have fallen into Chu Shaojie’s hands. Even the people who used to stand on the sidelines were speechless. This guy was born to catch thieves!

Unknowingly, Crime Fighter's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and his reputation is getting better and better. Especially in West Kowloon, he has become the goal of all young police officers. It is no exaggeration to say that he is an idol.

To put it bluntly: Many citizens don't know who the first brother of West Kowloon is, but they have basically heard of Crime Fighter.

This kind of influence is enviable, especially after experiencing several major trust crises, such as the Guanzu incident, and Chen Yiyuan, who turned the tide at the critical moment, and now Chu Shaojie's name even impressed the first brother deeply.

He is the senior inspector. Even the senior superintendent may not be able to please Brother Yi.

All in all, in Situ's view, as long as this kid doesn't commit suicide, he will have a bright future, and the chief superintendent is just around the corner, especially the action department, which has more say.

Look at Zhou Guowei, who is also one of the most powerful contenders for the deputy chief, who is also one of the most powerful contenders for the rise of serious cases.

Situ is sure that Chu Shaojie is now in the eyes of high-level experts, and even if there is a certain faction, the most likely one is the first brother.

There are people above who take care of and support, and they themselves strive for success. It is unacceptable for such a person not to flourish!
Chu Shaojie returned to the office and continued to fish comfortably. Since his physical strength broke through ten points, exercise has long since lost its meaning, and it is far less refreshing than adding points.

Not to mention actual combat, there is not even an opponent, let alone go all out, where is the one who can survive five points?
It's not that Brother Jie looks down on you, everyone here is rubbish!

It's not that I don't work hard, but that it's useless.

I was idle and took stock of the criminals I had caught so far, and I was shocked before I knew it. There were already so many?
Not to mention gangsters, several ghosts were sent in, Chu Shaojie was speechless, wouldn't it be nice to be a good person?

Looking at the densely packed long list of names, Brother Jie felt a sense of accomplishment, and wondered how these people lived in prison?
Do you want to go and have a look?
Late at night in the villa, Xiao Fu looked at a full 3000 million Swiss bank notes, his hands trembling uncontrollably.

"Thank you Brother Qiang." Xiao Gao took the check, flicked it lightly, and said proudly: "I have pension money for the rest of my life, hehehe."

"Thank you, Brother Qiang!" A Jiang was even more excited holding the check, 3000 million, which he never dared to dream of before.

With this money in hand, Aman no longer has to endure hardships, and will live comfortably in the world of two people in the future.

Nianzu's face is calm, money is not important to him, he has to avenge his wish, and the only thing left is to do justice for the sky and repay brother Qiang's great kindness.

"Brother Qiang, I..." Xiao Fu took a deep breath, raised his head abruptly, and said firmly, "I want to be with you!"

"Oh?" Chu Shaojie teased, "Did you think it through this time?"

"Well, I've figured it out." Xiao Fu said seriously, "You are all good people, and you are doing good things for the heavens. I hope to join you."

"That's right!" Xiao Gao put his arms around Xiao Fu's shoulders, and said happily: "From now on, we will be brothers, and we will have the same blessings and share the same difficulties, and we will eat and drink with Brother Qiang."

"Welcome to join!" A Jiang smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Welcome to join!" Xiao Gao was the second.

"Welcome!" Nianzu was the third.

Sensing the anticipation of everyone, Chu Shaojie laughed out loud and finally put his hand on it, and said with a smile: "In the future, we will have the same blessings and share the same hardships!"

At this moment, Xiao Fu feels like he has found an organization. He has thought a lot during this time, and even wants to leave secretly and find a place to live quietly.

But I really like the atmosphere here, especially Xiao Gao, he is laughing and joking all day long, but he didn't expect his beloved girlfriend to die right in front of him?

And Ah Jiang, after going through hardships with Ah Man, they were almost separated by life and death?

Although Nianzu didn't talk much, he took good care of everyone. He was a kind person with a cold face and a warm heart.

Everyone here has experienced life and death, everyone has a tragic past, and even bears blood and deep hatred...

Now we can be happy together because of one person...

Brother Qiang!

It was he who forcibly rescued everyone from the abyss, pulling everyone out of hell little by little. Without him, they would all be dead now.

Of course, including himself, Xiao Fu dare not think that if he hadn't met Brother Qiang, would he still be standing here alive?

These are all reasons for not wanting to leave, but the most important thing is that I can't suppress my inner yearning for excitement. Xiao Gao is right...

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to do justice for the sky and make money?

He is very confident that Xiaofu will join Chu Shaojie, as long as he doesn't leave immediately, there is a high probability that he will not be able to escape.

Brainwashing of other people is one aspect. After all, they are all of the same kind, so it is easy to become friends. Xiaofu is alone, so he must like the atmosphere of fighting side by side.

The key is that this guy likes excitement and the feeling of pursuing killing, otherwise he would not choose to be a killer.

The so-called justice for the sky is actually an excuse, what happened to the hero?
It's not like killing people!
It has been the truth since ancient times that chivalrous use of martial arts to restrain chaos, otherwise why do we need laws?
Of course Chu Shaojie doesn't care, as long as he is loyal enough, as long as he is of good character and loyal, everything else is bullshit.

It's rare for them to have a heart. After experiencing great hardships and sufferings, they can still face life with a smile. This is the real warrior.

Not everyone is like this, Qiu Gangao, Yasha, Ling Jing, even Guanzu...

I didn't get through it, and finally became a lunatic who only knew revenge.

If Chu Shaojie had to choose a character he regretted, it would be Du Housheng.If we met now, we would definitely choose to cooperate, but it's a pity that we were young at the time.

Forget it, long hair is also good, greedy enough but also afraid of death, a proper talent.

Now the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, Nianzu Xiaogao and Xiaofu Ajiang are all Xiaoqiang who are the protagonist templates on their own, and they can't be beaten to death.

The only regret is the hacker, Chu Shaojie has no choice but to wait slowly, but it's a pity that Sasha is a girl, otherwise he will be recruited...


Two days later, the alarm center got the news, everyone set off to the bank, and the dignified senior financial manager died on the stairs?

(End of this chapter)

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