Chapter 98 Superintendent Arson
Chu Shaojie understands his boss's behavior of painting big cakes, and it is a routine operation, and it will be the same when he takes over the position in the future.

What's more, Situ is not lying. Although the police force has a six-month assessment period for probationary inspectors to become regulars, the specific situation must be analyzed in detail.

It's easy to end the assessment period early with your own credit, as long as the boss is willing to write a report recommendation, everything is fine.

Not only trainees become regulars, inspectors are promoted to senior inspectors, and the process of senior inspectors being promoted to chief inspectors is the same. As long as the credit is convinced and the immediate superior is willing to help, they can be promoted in advance.

The reason why many people need qualifications is mainly due to insufficient credit. After all, everyone is watching. How can you be promoted if you have no record of convincing others?
What's more, the number of recommended places by the boss is limited, one is used less than one, and even personal relationships are used. No one is willing to spend money if it is not relatives or reasons.

The result is that 90.00% of the five promotions need to be endured, slowly polishing the so-called qualifications in two to five years, and then queuing up for the few places, thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge.

The higher you go, the more difficult it is, because the credits are almost the same, and no one is too far behind the other.The fight is still about contacts and backers, especially at the level of the Constitutional Committee, where everyone has high-level support behind them.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and these Chu Shaojies know it well.Now Mo Zhixun is the immediate supervisor, Situ is the department head, and he has not dealt with the senior superintendent of major crimes for the time being.

In the end, it must be Zhou Guowei, the first brother of West Kowloon, and Lao Mo must be his confidant, and he himself was labeled as a Zhou family, a proper first brother.

This is also the result of multi-party management. In other words, as long as there is one-third of an acre of land in West Kowloon, Chu Shaojie feels that he does not take the initiative to kill, and other problems are not serious.

Another week passed, and just as Chu Shaojie arrived at the police station, Shen Xiong sneaked over and said mysteriously, "Head, something serious happened!"

"The evidence room is on fire!"

"What?" Chu Shaojie frowned. Originally, he thought there would be another bandit. What the hell is the evidence room?

"I heard that things are not simple." Shen Xiong looked around and said in a low voice: "The inside information is not done by outsiders!"

"Inner ghost?" Chu Shaojie was taken aback, could it be one of his own?

"Superintendent Liu!" Shen Xiong was a little proud, he asked the gossip that he would be the second, who would dare to recognize the first?

"Which Police Superintendent Liu?" Chu Shaojie didn't understand for a while, and quickly reacted: "Liu Zhigao, Serious Case B Team?"

"Hey, that's right, it's him!" Shen Xiong said with a cheap smile, "It's an old enemy that our Sir Situ didn't deal with."

Chu Shaojie was silent. Liu Zhigao was also a police superintendent, in charge of Serious Cases Team B. He usually liked to argue with Situ, and his relationship was indeed very ordinary.

Shen Xiong was still about to say something, but when he saw Mo Zhixun rushing in, he quickly shut up.

"Ajie, come with me." Without further ado, Mo Zhixun led Chu Shaojie up the elevator, with a serious expression and no words.

Standing at the door of Zhou Guowei's office, Chu Shaojie was sure that the news was probably true, something happened to Liu Zhigao.

"Come in and sit down." Zhou Guowei's face was calm, he couldn't see anything, and motioned for the two to sit down.

"The evidence room suddenly caught fire yesterday morning, and 80.00% of the evidence was destroyed. The impact of the incident was very bad."

Zhou Guowei got straight to the point: "The perpetrator of the investigation and monitoring is Police Superintendent Liu Zhigao, and he is now under control. The initial interrogation is very strange."

"He doesn't even remember what he did at that time!"

"Amnesia?" Mo Zhixun frowned, "Is it really an act?"

"There should be other inside information." Zhou Guowei analyzed: "I know Liu Zhigao well. Although his ability is average, he has never made a big mistake. This kind of thing..."

Chu Shaojie didn't speak, his brain was running fast, this plot is somewhat familiar, isn't it?

"Ajie, tell me." Seeing that Chu Shaojie was silent, Zhou Guowei called by name.

"I agree with the big sir's analysis. Liu Zhigao is a police superintendent anyway, even if he commits a crime, he won't be so blatant."

Chu Shaojie said earnestly: "The police force monitors everywhere, even a fool who set fire to the evidence room in a grandiose manner can't do it?"

The two nodded one after another. This is also the most confusing place. The evidence room sounds grand, but it is actually the archives room, which is full of closed case files, many old cases.

"This is the file list." Zhou Guowei took out a lot of information and ordered: "Liu Zhigao has an accident, and the entire B team needs to avoid suspicion. I decided to hand over the case to you."

"Ajie, let's check, don't worry!"

Chu Shaojie stood at attention and saluted, took the information and left with Mo Zhixun, and returned to Group A. Mo Zhixun quickly flipped through the list and complained, "How can we check so many?"

"Liu Zhigao is absolutely crazy!"

Chu Shaojie smiled, Lao Mo also didn't like Liu Zhigao, now that the other party had an accident, he wanted to stand by and watch the joke, it's a pity that the big sir didn't give him the chance.

"What do you think?" Mo Zhixun asked, complaining and complaining, work must work.

"Exclude Liu Zhigao's feigning amnesia." Chu Shaojie reasoned: "There must be something wrong with his mental state at that time, for example..."


"What?" Mo Zhixun was taken aback, and said in surprise, "Hypnosis!"

"No way, isn't that kind of deception?"

Chu Shaojie waved his hand and explained: "Hypnosis is not a lie. A real master can indeed control people to do certain things for a short period of time, but there are many restrictions. It is not a TVB where you can do whatever you want with a snap of your fingers."

"Is it so mysterious?" Mo Zhixun was a little skeptical. It was the first time he encountered a hypnotized person committing a crime after working on a case for so many years, not to mention that Liu Zhigao was the superintendent of the police.

"It's hard to say the specific situation." Chu Shaojie stood up and said, "I must meet Liu Zhigao."

Mo Zhixun didn't delay either. The police superintendent set fire to the evidence room at the West Kowloon headquarters.

When he came to the interrogation room, he observed Liu Zhigao through the one-way glass, his face was exhausted, but his spirit was still stable.

"Superintendent Liu, I am Senior Inspector Mo Zhixun of Serious Case Group A, responsible for investigating arson cases in the evidence room."

"This is Chu Shaojie, my assistant."

Liu Zhigao looked at the two people in front of him, slowly straightened up, nodded and said, "They're all buddies, so don't talk nonsense, let's get started."

Chu Shaojie handed over a cup of hot water first, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Liu sir, we are here to help you find out the truth. After all, the case is very strange. I don't believe that the dignified superintendent would be so stupid as to set fire to the police station, right?"

Liu Zhigao stared at Chu Shaojie, and said word by word: "Would you believe me if I said I didn't remember anything at the time?"

"I believe it!" Chu Shaojie also said seriously, "Otherwise I wouldn't have come."

Liu Zhigao was silent for a moment, as if confirming Chu Shaojie's sincerity, he slowly said, "I've heard that you are very capable of solving crimes, and it's great that the higher authorities can send you here. I will try my best to cooperate, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask."

"Liu sir, do you believe in hypnosis?" Chu Shaojie hit the nail on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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