Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 11 The world shouldn't be like this

Chapter 11 The world shouldn't be like this

"Boy, Master Ximen treats you to dinner!!"

It was almost dusk, and at a street corner, three or five burly men blocked Zhao Huafan's way.Several people are big and three thick, with fleshy faces and fierce eyes, and they are ready to strike if there is a disagreement.

Zhao Huafan chuckled.

"Several of you don't seem to be invited now!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you have to go today whether you want to go or not!"

"The good thing about Master Ximen is ruined, you kid don't think it's over like this?"

"Brother, why don't you talk to him, anyway, Uncle Ximen said that he doesn't care about life or death, just beat him disabled and carry him back."

A few people talked to each other, and they didn't take Zhao Huafan seriously.It seems that the person in front of them is at their mercy.

The strong man at the head squeezed his hands, his joints creaked, and walked towards Zhao Huafan with a grin.

"Boy, if you don't want to suffer, just come with us!"

Zhao Huafan shook his head, "Sigh~ cultivators don't really like to kill, it only increases their own karma, but looking at you, you should be habitual offenders!!"

The burly man was stunned when he heard this, and before they could react, Zhao Huafan's figure turned into a streamer, coming from in front of them to behind them.

The few people didn't realize it until Zhao Huafan's figure completely disappeared at the corner of the street, and five big heads rolled all over the ground.

On the other side of the ancient city, in a dilapidated thatched hut, a pale boy looked at a woman tied to a pillar with a morbid smile.

Looking at the delicate body of the other party, he said with a smirk: "Stinky bitch, don't even look at who I am, it's your blessing to see you!!"

"Don't follow me!! Today, I will let you know the consequences of offending me in front of your man!!"

After saying this, the other party pinched the woman twice.


There were five other people in the room. A man who was tied up was pushed to the ground by the other four people. Seeing this scene, he struggled violently.

Both he and the woman tied to the post were gagged to prevent them from biting their tongues and killing themselves.

"Wang Er, Niu Fa, today I will give you a chance to kiss Fangze!!"

Hearing this, the eyes of two of the men unconsciously showed a hint of excitement.

Looking at the half-glowed woman, she rubbed her hands happily.

This woman is the object of their dreams.


Suddenly a voice came into the room, although it was not loud, it sounded in the hearts of several people.

Just when the few people were stunned, another voice echoed faintly from the bottom of their hearts.

"The world shouldn't be like this!!"

As soon as the voice fell, a breath rose into the sky.

A gust of wind blew up in front of the thatched cottage, and the half-closed doors and dilapidated wooden windows burst open.

The two strong men standing by the door were sent flying by the door before they could react.

The young man by the window was also thrown away by the suddenly opened window, and rolled two wheels in the room.

In the silent dusk, a young man walked in with the setting sun.

"Hey, who is it?? You are fucking looking for death!!"

Ximen spat again, just now he poured dirt into his mouth, and when he opened his mouth, the smell of dirt was very strong.

"It's you~"

But when he saw the person coming, his face darkened.

The person who came was none other than Zhao Huafan who ruined his good deed during the day.

Ximen Fu just wanted to go forward, but was stopped by those four dogs.

"Young master, be careful, this person might be a master!"

After what happened just now, the few people in the room no longer dared to despise the young man in front of them.

Ximen Fu came back to his senses, his face was livid, and after being reminded, he also noticed something strange, "It's a mistake, I didn't expect you to be a master!!"

"Draw the road!! I, Ximen Fu, will continue!!"

Zhao Huafan glanced at the situation in the room. The woman who was tied up was Tofu Xishi Yushi. Most of her clothes were torn and damaged, and she was happy.

The other one struggling on the ground with red eyes is Yu Erlang, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

Almost instantly, he understood what was going on.

"The road to Huangquan is cold, those brothers want me to send you to accompany them!!"

Hearing this, Ximen Fu said disdainfully: "How dare you kill me?? My sister is the Red King's concubine!"

Hearing this, Zhao Huafan laughed lightly.

"Ha ha!"

Ximen Fu's eyes turned cold, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhao Huafan raised his head, "If I remember correctly, that Scarlet King should be a prince!!"

Ximen's reappearance showed a bit of color.

"It's good that you know, if you don't dare to do it, don't get in the way of the uncle!!!!"

Zhao Huafan's face was as calm as water, and he sighed softly.

"No wonder you can run rampant here. In Yurou Township, County Magistrate Xu has the heart but can't do anything!!"

Hearing this, Ximen Fu smiled coldly and did not answer.


Suddenly Zhao Huafan's tone changed, and he saw a gleam of light in the depths of his eyes, like a magic weapon that sweeps away the injustices in the world.

Ximen Fu's heart bulged, and the hairs all over his body stood on his head. Just these two short words made him feel a chill, a chill that made his heart tremble.

"No matter how great the truth in the world is, it is no bigger than the sword in the hand of the poor!!"

"Today Zhao wants to kill you, not to mention the Scarlet King, even the current emperor can't save you!!"

Ximenfu heard Zhao Huafan's unwavering but unwavering killing intent, his pupils suddenly shrank, it was the first time that the Scarlet King's face lost its effect on others.

"you dare!!"

Zhao Huafan didn't look at Ximen Fu, his tone was faint, as if he was talking to the void.

"I didn't expect that my first sword in the world would be born from this, but seeing the world is unfair, and I cut the long whale with a single blow, I will call you—injustice!!"

Several people in the room looked at each other strangely after hearing Zhao Huafan's words. What is the other party talking about? ?Could it be crazy.

But at the next moment, a few people saw a flash of sword light, with a strong sword intent and an indomitable momentum. In the dimness, it seemed that there was a saint sitting in the sky, with a heavenly constitution in his mouth, "there is righteousness in the world, and there are mixed gifts." shape~~"

The sword light was extremely fast, but it seemed to be extremely slow. With every movement and stillness, the people in the thatched hut, including Ximen Fu, turned into fine powder and scattered with the wind.

This is a sword with extremely terrifying power.

Yu Erlang on the ground, and Tofu Xishi in front of the stake, both were stunned when they saw this.

Ordinary people might faint in horror when faced with such a situation, but they, who had an unforgettable hatred with Ximen Fu, would not. Seeing Ximen Fu turn into ashes, the two of them felt an unprecedented joy in their hearts.

Zhao Huafan stretched out his finger, and the breeze was like a blade, cutting off all the hemp ropes on the two of them.

"Life is alive, it is not easy to live, no matter what happens, don't give up."

"Human world. It shouldn't be like this~~"

(End of this chapter)

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