Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 13 The girl is moving, Xiao Se sent someone to investigate Huafan

Chapter 13 The girl is moving, Xiao Se sent someone to investigate Huafan
"What does Boss Xiao think?"

"The girl is moving~"


Xiao Se suddenly went racing, Zhao Huafan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, after all, he is a prince, so he has a lot of trouble.

"On the bed?"

Zhao Huafan replied silently.

Xiao Se frowned, "Nonsense, it's clearly on a boat! Didn't Mr. Zhao just say that it's on a boat~"

Seeing the other party talking nonsense in a serious manner, Zhao Huafan was speechless towards Boss Xiao.

In terms of thick skin, he is indeed inferior.

Then he continued: "One of the disciples said it was the sail that was moving!"

"No way! If there is no wind, how could the sail move!!"

Xiao Se supported his chin with one hand, as if he felt a little disgusted.

Zhao Huafan glanced at the other party, his expression remained unchanged, and continued: "Another disciple said that the wind is moving!!"

"Oh~ what did the great monk say??"

Xiao Se is a very good listener. After hearing this, he already guessed that the most important thing in this story is the conclusion of Zen Master Wu Neng.

"Boss Xiao seems to have a lot of wisdom!!"

"Don't, I have no fate with those bald... monks, I'm just a layman~"

"Actually, bald donkey, you can tell me, I don't believe in Buddhism!!"


"That's what Chan Master Wu Neng said, it's not the wind, it's not the sail, it's the heart!!"

After hearing this, Xiao Se narrowed his eyes. This is a very interesting answer.

Suddenly Xiao Se asked again: "What does Mr. Zhao think?"

Zhao Huafan looked at the other party and smiled.

"How does Boss Xiao feel about the white snow outside?"

He didn't answer the other party's question directly, but pointed out that the outside of the window was already covered with thick snow.

Xiao Se frowned, feeling uncomfortable in his heart, because he didn't understand what Zhao Huafan meant. He hated this feeling very much, as if facing that person, he would never understand. What do you think.

"What's the meaning??"

"Although I don't know why Boss Xiao chose such a name as Xiao Se, I guess what you like is the feeling of loneliness and desolation outside the window, the vastness of the world, and the feeling of being resolute and independent!"

Xiao Se did not speak, but took a deep look at Zhao Huafan.

"But to me, those scenes are just snow. This is a kind of weather between heaven and earth. When it gets cold, the water in the sky and earth turns into ice flowers! Simple and pure."

"And in the eyes of those old farmers, this snow may have another meaning. This snow represents a good harvest, and auspicious snow heralds a good year, so what they see is hope!"

"But in the eyes of those beggars, this snow may be a nightmare, because they don't know if they can survive this freezing winter! So what they see is despair!"

Xiao Se was silent for a moment, "So what!!"

"I think what they said is right!! There is no one correct answer in this world, even if it is now, it is just stipulated by people!"

"The first disciple said that the sail moves because the sail itself is moving. The second disciple said that the wind moved because the wind blows the sail. The Zen master said that the heart is moving because his heart is also moving. In essence, these three views are actually There is no difference, and there may be different answers due to personal experience, so they are both right!"

Xiao Se didn't know what he was thinking, and asked again, "So Mr. Zhao thinks that my accommodation fee in Xueluo Mountain Villa is not worth the price for one day?"


"Then how much does Boss Xiao think the story below is worth?"

Xiao Se stood up, and came to the window again, looking at the scenery outside the window, it seemed that this moment has become a little different, "There are twelve stories, Mr. Zhao has a thousand opinions!!"

Zhao Huafan nodded, "Boss Xiao, take a good look at the scenery!! I'll go to rest first!! Call me when the food is ready!"

Xiao Se waved his hand, and the accountant at the door took Zhao Huafan upstairs, and after a while, the waiter came out with a pot of hot water, but he didn't see Zhao Huafan, and looked at Xiao Se with some doubts, Could it be that my guest officer doesn't drink water anymore? ?

Seeing Xiao Er coming back, Xiao Se gently put down the wine glass in his hand, sighed softly, and said.

"Let's put it there! He will drink it himself when he comes down later!"


"Call Ji Xue over, I have something to order!!"

Hearing Xiao Se's words, Xiao Er was stunned for a moment, and then a gleam of joy flashed in the depths of his eyes, without hesitation, after putting down the pot, he walked steadily towards the backyard.

In the room, Zhao Huafan sat cross-legged. For more than a month, he has not stopped. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is busy with the world. During the time of more than a month, he has seen many things in the world, good and bad. all have.

Some people bully the weak, some bully the good and fear the evil, some are illiterate but have righteousness in their hearts, some are knowledgeable but have a small heart.

There are mountain flowers blooming in the valley, the city is full of spring, and there are lilacs growing alone in the wild, like a girl who is lonely and admiring herself.

There are wives who murder their husbands to have fun with others, and there are also couples who live and die together, loving each other.

There are small stalls and hawkers who won't give up a cent for a copper coin, and there are wealthy merchants who spend a lot of money.

There are Qingming officials who make decisions for the people, and there are also corrupt officials in Yurouxiangli.

Along the way, after seeing those things, his heart became less pure. He didn't know whether it was good or bad, but the Tao in Zifu didn't move his breath, but it seemed to be enlightened. Gu Gu began to integrate into his own eight meridians.

He had a feeling that if the aura in the purple mansion could be fully integrated into his body, he could aspire to the fairyland.

"Zhao Huafan, the surname Zhao, there is no big power with the surname Zhao in the world, right?? And the name Huafan, don't you think it's true?"

Under the moonlight, a silver-haired girl looked at Xiao Se with suspicion in her eyes. Her name was Ji Xue, and she was the current head of Baixiao Hall. The previous head of Bai Xiao Hall was her father and Xiao Se's master.

"No internal strength! I checked when I came to you just now!!"

Xiao Se was quite surprised when he heard Ji Xue's words. He always thought that Zhao Huafan was at least a fourth or fifth rank martial arts master!It would be the strangest thing for someone so young to dare to walk the rivers and lakes without any martial arts.

"you sure??"

Ji Xue chuckled, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Why don't you get some Mixiang and go see for yourself?"

"By the way, why are you checking him? At most, Zhang's is okay. You have been in this poor country for a long time, and your taste has changed, right?"

Hearing the other party's words, Xiao Se's face immediately turned black, this Ji Xue was not sure what to say, especially when she was talking to herself.

"Why don't you try??"

"You are not afraid that my father will come and beat you~"

(End of this chapter)

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