Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 206 Stinky Taoist Priest, It's Nice to Meet You

Chapter 206 Stinky Taoist Priest, It's Nice to Meet You

Destiny is like a tireless carriage, moving forward along the ruts of the years.

Its footprints are engraved in the world, but not many people understand it. What do the rows of imprints mean?
On Qingcheng Mountain, Dao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen and Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi returned to the place where they met again.

Everything in Fulu Court remained the same, and after more than ten years, the peach tree only drew a few more circles on its annual rings.

Li Hanyi and Zhao Yuzhen sat cross-legged under the peach tree, back to back, looking at the sky.

Suddenly, Li Hanyi asked aloud: "Taoist, will the little Taoist really go?"

Zhao Yuzhen reached out and caught a petal, which was a peach blossom petal.

Although this season is no longer the season for peach blossoms to bloom, he still makes the peach blossoms bloom in this yard.

Then he blew gently, and the petals scattered with the wind.

"Yes, that young man named Xiao Se has actually had a relationship with him a long time ago, and this dispute in the world will definitely involve the court in the end!"

"This is a fate. Being far away from the rivers and lakes and high in the temple is like two stages of practice, one is called birth and the other is called entry into the world."

"Shou Yi's way out of the world is in the court, not in the mountains! After being in the cage for a long time, he can return to nature. Some people enter the rivers and lakes, they enter the world, and some people leave the rivers and lakes, they are born into the world, but they forgot one thing. Things, the world is so big, there are rivers and lakes everywhere, so how can we talk about entering and leaving the world!"

"The essence of entering the WTO and being out of the world is not actually going in and out of this river and lake, but picking up and letting go. Joining the WTO is to pick up some things that a person must experience, while being out of the world is to let go of some things that should be let go! Only in this way can we Truly enlightened!"

Zhao Yuzhen's words were quite meaningful. He talked about the path taken by practitioners from another angle.

And it seems that the Dao Sword Immortal also saw the path his apprentice should take in the future.

"Will Xiaojie be in danger??"

Li Hanyi didn't know what to say to this pair of master and apprentice, but she felt that these two people seemed to know these things well, or they had a tacit understanding.

She can't control it, and she won't interfere.

But when she thought of her own brother getting involved with Xiao Se, she felt a lot of worries.

If before, the world's top combat power was at the Free and Unfettered Heaven Realm, she might not have been so worried, but now, in the Jianghu, the Free and Unfettered Heaven Realm is commonplace.

In this seemingly peaceful rivers and lakes, there are many mysterious realms of fugues hidden, or half-step fugues.

Even if Lei Wujie has cultivated into the Happy Heaven Realm, if he meets these people, his chances of winning are probably not very high, or in other words, there is no chance of winning at all.

How big a gap exists between Shenyou and Xiaoyao, now that I have stepped into the Shenyou Profound Realm, I finally know it.

If Zhao Shouyi had gone all out in Xueyue City back then, he wouldn't even be able to block the opponent's sword. This is no joke.

"Don't worry, he is not a person without blessings. It is said that auspicious people have their own appearance, and he will be fine."

Thinking of the young man in red, Zhao Yuzhen couldn't help but smile. In fact, he didn't mean to say this sentence, but said "stupid people have stupid blessings." , but by no means a heartless person.

Otherwise, Zhao Shouyi wouldn't have helped him. You have to know how tricky his apprentice is?Those who they don't like, don't even waste half a word of nonsense on each other.

"Although Lei Wujie will encounter some dangers when he is by his side, they will all be saved in the end."

Besides, there is also Zhao Shouyi, with his important relationship, he will never stand idly by.

"He has his own way to go. If he is not allowed to go, maybe he will be safe for a while, but if he thinks about it afterwards, maybe he will regret it for the rest of his life!"

Zhao Yuzhen didn't talk about it, he didn't threaten it, because he knew it was impossible, because Xiao Se's identity had already decided many things.

Hearing Zhao Yuzhen's answer, Li Hanyi sighed and did not continue this topic.

"Have you heard of the Langya King case?"

After a moment of silence, Li Hanyi said in a heavy tone.

His father died on the battlefield of Nanjue, and his mother entered the imperial court alone because of the case of King Langya.

Only she and her younger brother were left to depend on each other. Later, she entered the palace with a sword and pointed the sword at the emperor. In fact, it was all related to that incident in the final analysis.

Not to mention where the rest of the rivers and lakes end up, but their family seems to have an inseparable relationship with the royal family.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that even if she did such a thing back then, Emperor Ming De did not send anyone to trouble her. During this drink, she felt a sense of impermanence.

The deceased Li Xinyue, who she was back then, and now Lei Wujie, who is her own younger brother, seems to be walking the road that her parents and mother did not complete back then, and neither did she herself.

But I just don't know if that Xiao Se, or the King of Yong'an, Xiao Chuhe, is the second Langya King worthy of his entrustment?

In fact, there is one thing that she has never told anyone. She feels that her parents did something wrong back then. Why did they get involved in the affairs of the royal family?If the world is divided for a long time, it will be united for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time, so what if Bei Li is gone?Those people in the royal family don't care about their own country and fight in the nest, so why do they worry about it?

If the father could join hands with the mother in the rivers and lakes, Jianxinzhong would not be the only old man left alone.

Zhao Yuzhen nodded.

Although he knew about this kind of thing, he was not interested. What he was after was completely opposite to what those people were looking for.

"This is all provocative, and the disaster spreads all over the world."

Hearing Zhao Yuzhen straight out the essence of this matter, Li Hanyi looked at the sky with a trace of sarcasm, these are those people, those people who will never know how to be satisfied.

"Actually, King Langya at that time had a chance to win, but he gave up because of some bullshit. Of course, he also gave up those who followed him. There is no choice in court affairs, black or white, and his choice will undoubtedly follow. Those who fell into the abyss of eternal doom."

"Taoist, if one day you faced such a choice, what would you do?"

"I don't know, but I will probably follow my heart!"

Li Hanyi was taken aback, she had heard this word from Baili Dongjun before.

Zhao Yuzhen narrowed his eyes and looked at the endless sky.

"If there is a choice between the world and the little fairy, I will choose the latter!"

Li Hanyi's body trembled, and she suddenly felt that her cheeks were hot. This kind of sincerity from the bottom of her heart made her almost unable to control herself.

"Smelly Taoist"

"What's wrong??"


"Nice to meet you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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