Chapter 21 To Hong, Yue Ji's Horror
"Hey, just leave as you say!!"

When Lei Wujie saw that Minghou turned his head and left after a disagreement, he was still a little bit annoyed.

Hearing Lei Wujie's words, Marquis Ming frowned, turned the giant golden knife in his hand, and a fierce knife energy, after touching the ground, raised flying snow all over the sky, and then turned into a pack of snow wolves rushing forward , turbulent peng worship, coming from the top.

Lei Wujie who stood at the front was the first to bear the brunt, feeling a little horrified, this blow from Marquis Ming was somewhat beyond his expectation.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and he held a thunderbolt in his hand.


After shouting angrily, Lei Wujie threw out his strongest punch at the moment.

Lei Wujie's internal force rolled under his feet, and his punch unexpectedly set off a gust of wind, and rushed towards the snow wolves furiously, as if the tip of a needle was facing the wheat awn, and it meant to compete.

Seeing this blow, Zhao Huafan lifted his body lightly, left the door frame, and stood outside the threshold of the ruined temple. The technique of burning fire and thunderbolt had already given Lei Wujie a chance to rival the realm of freedom for a short time. Hitting power, but that's all.

If Minghou's next move is still like this, the possibility of Lei Wujie's hatred is not out of the question.

So Zhao Huafan moved after all.

Although Tang Lian from Xueyue City was also present, he couldn't put all his uncertainties on the other party.

Seeing Zhao Huafan's movements, Xiao Se's eyes slanted.

"I said the surname is Zhao. We can't get involved in this kind of battle. If we get involved, we will be seriously injured by the aftermath of the battle in an instant, or even die!!"

Zhao Huafan frowned slightly when he heard Xiao Se's words, but he didn't answer. Xiao Se is really abolished now, unable to use his internal strength, and his combat power is basically zero, but he is different, he just wants to use the identity of an ordinary person Look at this world, sharpen your heart in the world of mortals, realize the Tao, refine the aura in the Zifu, and improve your realm and combat power.

But he still has the power to protect himself.

Tang Lian's eyes were always on Minghou and Lei Wujie who were fighting, but his sense of hearing was also very extraordinary. Not only did he hear what Xiao Se and Zhao Huafan said now, but he also heard the conversation between the two before.

A young man who doesn't know martial arts, now heard that the other party's plan is to save people under Minghou's hands. Thinking of this, Tang Lian suddenly felt a little absurd.

Ordinary people would think that it is normal for a person with a lot of strength to carry a tripod, but a scholar who has no strength to carry a tripod is definitely something that can shock people's attention.

But no matter what, for Zhao Huafan's actions, his goodwill continued to surge.

Yueji on the other side didn't make a move. She also paid close attention to Zhao Huafan who interested her very much. Right now, Zhao Huafan folded his arms in front of him and looked calm, which also aroused her interest .

So she looked at this young man with a small mouth that seemed to have been smeared with honey again.

Before, although Xiao Se and Zhao Huafan's words were not deliberately concealed, they were not in that loud voice. Yue Ji was not close to the two of them, so what they heard was not true.

Once Tang Lian's preconceived notions were gone, when Yue Ji looked at Zhao Huafan in front of her again, the smile on her mouth gradually faded, but her expression became more and more serious.

Because Zhao Huafan is too calm, a little abnormally calm, there is not even a slight fluctuation in his calm eyes, even Tang Lian, the disciple of Xueyue City who is beside him, because of nervousness, the fingertip blade between the fingers of his right hand is The state of being ready to go.

But he has always been in the same state at the beginning, but his position has changed a bit.

Can't see through? ?

This answer stunned her, and almost made her lose her voice. The other party is so old, how could she not see through it? ?

As if she didn't believe it, she looked at Zhao Huafan carefully again. She was in a loose state, full of flaws everywhere, but when she tried to attack, she felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling in her heart. After so many years of intuition honed between life and death, she found that no matter where she attacked, she seemed to have stepped into a trap.

"Damn~~ What's going on here?? Is this young man an unfathomable master??"

Yue Ji couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Thinking of this, Yue Ji looked at the other person present again, that was another young man who had been talking just now—Xiao Se.

She seemed to be unable to see through this young man. Ordinary people in the Jianghu saw her and Minghou, should they be in this state? ?
At this time, she finally understood why Minghou called her to retreat—these people are weird! !

At this time, the battle between Minghou and Lei Wujie was also decided. Minghou didn't know if he was afraid of Tang Lian and Zhao Huafan. The purpose of the second attack was not to kill the enemy, but to retreat.

Lei Wujie swung his fist to block, but was directly swept away by Minghou's powerful knife, and then the two left without looking back.

"What's going on?? These two clearly have the upper hand!!"

Xiao Se looked at Lei Wujie who broke through the wall and sighed softly.

"Is your ramming brain lacking a muscle?? Anyone dares to pick up the knife!!"

Zhao Huafan sighed softly as he looked at the backs of the two men going away.

"Actually, is the answer really that important sometimes?"

In order to search for the answer, Minghou and Yueji finally both fell into the hands of the Red King, and were even turned into medicine men. If it hadn't been for intentional or unintentional actions, this pair would have become bitter mandarin ducks separated by life and death.

Xiao Se raised his head and said, "Brother in black over there, did you put something in the backyard?? I guess that just now Hou Ming left because he didn't want the snipe and the clam to fight for the fisherman's benefit!"

When Tang Lian heard Xiao Se's words, she narrowed her eyes, jumped up, and hurriedly flew towards the backyard, where the dart she was in custody was placed.

"Follow me!!"

Xiao Se stretched out his legs and kicked Lei Wujie who was still pretending to be dead on the ground, and said to Zhao Huafan and Lei Wujie.

Lei Wujie was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Xiao Se meant.

Xiao Se shook his head, "We're not going to Xueyue City. With Xueyue City's big disciples here, even if we close our eyes, we won't get lost again!! Say yes!! The surname is Zhao!"

Although Zhao Huafan was a little helpless when he heard this, he still nodded.

In front of these two people who are at the peak of Lu Chi, even he can't guarantee that there will be no mistakes along the way.

Now it seems that following Tang Lian is undoubtedly a good choice, and this is the best time to get in touch with Tang Lian.

When the three of them came to the backyard, they found that Tang Lian was confronting a girl.

Lei Wujie didn't understand the reason and stood in front of Tang Lian.

Zhao Huafan and Xiao Se followed closely behind, Xiao Se frowned, he didn't know the girl in front of him.

But he suddenly heard three words coming from beside him.

"Silver Moon Gun!!"

(End of this chapter)

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