Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 215: Only this one trick can kill the wanderer

Chapter 215: Only this one move can kill the wanderer

Seeing the last thousand long swords being shattered by him, Gongshu Xun smiled coldly.

"Flower shelf!"

The more than [-] long swords that Zhao Shouyi borrowed with all his efforts were finally broken into pieces by him, which also gave him a feeling of nothing more than this.

The scene just now really shocked him, but he didn't expect that it would end up like this.

Thunder, little rain.

Xiaolan was a little nervous, but she still remained calm. In fact, after the first wave, she felt very strange, why did she say that?
Because Zhao Shouyi is not the kind of stubborn person who cannot succeed with one strike, it stands to reason that he should not use the same method again, but those tens of thousands of flying swords ended up with the same ending.


Zhao Shouyi and Gongshu Xun stood opposite each other, one standing on the sea and the other standing in the void. When he heard the other party's words, an extremely bright sword light began to boil in the depths of Zhao Shouyi's eyes.

"Isn't it?"

Before Gongshu Xun could finish his words, he took action boldly, slashing towards Zhao Shou from afar with his cold sword.

The sound of this attack was terrifying, and the killing intent was extremely pure. Although it was unclear what Zhao Shouyi's plan was, in his eyes, as long as Zhao Shouyi died, everything would be over.

"Shouyi brother!!"

Seeing Zhao Shouyi standing still, Xiaolan became nervous for him. Although the opponent's attack may not be effective, if he is accidentally injured, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Zhao Shouyi was silent.

When Xiaolan saw that Zhao Shouyi was silent, she was very angry. Well, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is.


The sea surface exploded, and a figure rose into the sky, just after that extremely domineering sword strike.

Gongshu Xun smiled coldly.

"Scared stupid?"

At this time, the man in pink robes had released all his aura, like clouds steaming over the vast swamp, covering the land for miles around.

It feels like a ferocious beast that has just been released from the cage, opening its bloody mouth to devour everything in front of it.

"In the end, the only person you can rely on in your cultivation is yourself. A borrowed sword is borrowed after all. Today I will teach you a truth: it is better to seek help from others than from yourself."

Zhao Shouyi remained silent. He understood the truth. Besides, did he rely on external forces along the way?Sitting on Qingcheng Mountain lasted ten years. When he first traveled around the world, he never said his identity. Until now, his realm and strength came from his diligent cultivation and understanding of the world.

It's just that he felt that as long as he knew these words, he didn't need to tell others about them. The next moment, the sky suddenly darkened, dark clouds rolled in, and the waves rolled up again on the sea.

Gongshu Xun's face darkened. He always felt aggrieved when fighting with the person in front of him. Such endless means made people exhausted and overwhelmed.

But he had to do it, because no matter which blow was powerful enough to seriously injure him.

Just like the current natural phenomenon, this is definitely not a warning of the coming storm, but caused by human power.

It's just that the scene in front of me is really terrifying, like a natural disaster.

He stepped a little lower and stopped rushing forward. In this situation, it was best to wait and see how it would change.

The next moment, the sword pierced the sky and slashed down, even the rolling dark clouds were opened into a large hole.

Zhao Shouyi was not afraid in the face of danger, and pinched the Lotus Seal with one hand, and a bright light shone between heaven and earth. In the void, a talisman that gradually solidified from illusion lay in front of Zhao Shouyi.

A harsh impact sounded, like jagged steel moving back and forth, but the sound was ten times louder.

Gongshu Xun frowned and scolded his mother in his heart, saying Taoism again.

His eyes were a little helpless. Speaking of which, this group of people was the most difficult to deal with in the world. Others were practicing martial arts, but they were cultivating immortals.

"Big dragon elephant power~~"

This is the name under which Zhao Shouyi used his magical power at this time.On a small island hundreds of miles away from here, there are green gardens, shady green bamboos, and meandering water, making it feel like spring all year round.

Under a rather elegant pavilion, several people smiled and looked in the direction where Zhao Shouyi and Gongshu Xun were fighting.

Suddenly someone spoke with emotion and said: "There are talented people from generation to generation, and the talented are better than the talented!!"

Then someone spoke to me again, this time it was a girl. She was extremely beautiful, and she was dressed in a red robe with unparalleled splendor.

"That little Taoist priest's realm is a bit weird. If he were in the ordinary Fugue Mysterious realm, he would have surrendered long ago against an old pervert like Shang Gongshu Xun."

"Fairy Hongfu, take a closer look. Is the aura on this little Taoist priest familiar?"

The girl who made the noise at the beginning frowned when she heard the white-haired man next to her.

Then, she looked into the distance again. She felt that the other person's words were not groundless.

Under the pavilion, the other four people listened to the white-haired man's words, lowered their heads in thought, and remained silent. They also felt that this breath was somewhat familiar.

Then, the expressions of these people changed at the same time, and they all said in unison: "Taoist—Li Qingxuan!"

Li Qingxuan, this is a name that is not very famous in the world today, but many years ago, it was a person that countless people looked up to.

Thinking back on those days, that person was just like the young man now, so tyrannical that it made people despair. If practice was compared to crossing a river, then Li Qingxuan would be able to cross the river by one person, and a thousand teams would cross the current, no matter whether he was the younger generation or the older generation. Seniors, in front of that person, they can only bow their heads and surrender.

At the mention of that name, the expressions of the people under the pavilion suddenly became complicated.

Is it possible that after more than a hundred years, such a peerless evildoer has appeared in the world of martial arts? ?

Suddenly, the girl who was respectfully called Fairy Hongfu by the white-haired man opened her eyes wide, as if she had seen something incredible.

After everyone saw Hong Fu's strange behavior, they felt strange, so they all showed their magical powers and watched attentively again.

Above the East China Sea, as Zhao Shou said "rise", countless long sword fragments shot up from the sea, like a rain curtain hanging upside down between heaven and earth.

Suddenly a heavy rain fell between the sky and the earth. However, this rain was different from ordinary rain. According to common sense, rain falls from the sky, and the rain all comes from the sky and falls to the ground. But the rain now comes from the ground. Born, soaring into the sky.


Hongfu's face changed and he lost his voice.

As the fragments of the long sword continued to pile up in front of Zhao Shouyi, boundless power spread between heaven and earth, and in the dark, as if there were immortals looking down on the world.

"Is this... Kendo luck??"

Someone revealed what the white light surrounding the sword fragments was.

"In other words, what this little guy just borrowed wasn't just a sword?"

Someone sighed.

"If that's the case, it's really easy to say!!"

The white-haired man sighed, his eyes showing struggle, but the next moment, he flicked his sleeves, stepped on his feet, and flew away in the air, and his target was the place where Zhao Shouyi and Gongshu Xun fought.

"Old monster Huyan, what are you going to do?"

Someone was puzzled and asked.

"We can't let this sword strike down!!"

In the sky, the white-haired man disappeared in a flash, and only these words echoed in the mid-air.

Everyone sighed softly in their hearts. Hu Yan's words were right. They had a feeling that they could not let this sword cut down.

On the other side, Gongshu Xun, who was still planning to wait and see what happened, went crazy when the long sword fragments swarmed in front of Zhao Shouyi.

His whole body trembled, and the hairs all over his body stood up. There were dark clouds over his heart, and the inner lake was filled with turbulent waves. He could no longer remain calm, and he felt an unprecedented fear.

This opponent's move can kill Shenyu! !
(End of this chapter)

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