Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 229 Cause and Effect, Choice, Fame and Fortune

Chapter 229 Cause and Effect, Choice, Fame and Fortune
"Cause and effect?"

At Little Lotus Peak, Tang Lian's tone became a little complicated. He heard from another master of his, Jiuxian Baili Dongjun, that Taoism and Buddhism pay attention to these things. Everything depends on cause and effect, and Taoists generally don't want to get involved in these things.

Their practice emphasizes that if there is a cause, there will be a result. If you sow melons, you will reap melons, and if you sow beans, you will reap beans.The cause of the past life is the result of this life.

"Not entirely. Compared to the uncertain future, I would rather believe in the sword in my hand!"

Zhao Yuzhen acted very free and easy, as if he did not take the theory of cause and effect to heart. He flicked his fingers, and a strong wind burst out from his fingertips. In an instant, it stirred the spiritual energy of the entire mountain. The mountain wind seemed to be affected by it. Without interference, the whistling stopped abruptly.

"Since you have heard the whole story of the Tang Clan battle, I believe you can also tell the difference between right and wrong."

"When Shouyi was besieged, your Tang Sect got involved, and the details involved the court. I won't comment on whether money and silk moved people's hearts, right or wrong, but you should have a strong idea in your heart."

Zhao Yuzhen didn't look back. He didn't care about Tang Lian's expression at this time. If Tang Lian and Zhao Shouyi hadn't had some friendship, he probably wouldn't have chatted with this disciple of the Tang Sect alone. chat.

"It's my Tang Clan's fault."

Tang Lian was Tang Lian after all, and he did not deny this.

"After Shouyi recovered, he didn't go looking for trouble with the Tang Clan. You should be able to guess what the reason was, right?"

Zhao Yuzhen looked into the distance, his tone becoming more distant.

Tang Lian didn't know what she was thinking and didn't answer.

Judging from the current situation, Zhao Shouyi's fighting methods are indeed superior to Zhao Yuzhen's, and he had already entered the Fugue Mysterious Realm at that time. If he had gone, even if Tang Lianyue was here, it would not be of any help!

"Of course, from the perspective of the Tang Sect, it is understandable for the Tang Sect Old Master and the others to do this. Everyone wants to have better development and let the disciples in the sect have better resources. If you think so, I have no objection. This is originally That’s the truth.”

Hearing this, Tang Lian's eyes became a little surprised. The Taoist Sword Immortal in front of her was in a higher state of mind than she had imagined, and much higher.

Not everyone can say these words calmly. Most of them hate their opponents and enemies with hatred, and they would like to eat their blood raw and peel off their skin and bones.

"However, Jianghu is Jianghu after all. There is an iron law in Jianghu, the strong is respected. If Shouyi doesn't have the ability, I don't have the ability, and even Qingcheng Mountain doesn't have the ability, then the matter of him being surrounded and killed will probably end Silence."

"Maybe in a few years, there will be no news about the people who were besieged and killed in the world. At most, it will only be recorded among the secrets of various sects. A genius once appeared in Qingcheng Mountain."

What Zhao Yuzhen said is the real world, where the best will survive and the weak will be eliminated, the weak will eat the strong, and the fittest will survive.

"What a pity. On the contrary, I am quite capable as a master, and Qingcheng Mountain also has some background."

"When Han Yi and I went to the Tang Clan, I was still in the Great Free Heaven Realm. The Tang Clan tore up the previous agreement and even came out with a strong man from the Immortal Movement Mysterious Realm."

"If I hadn't been lucky enough to enter the realm of fugue later, I probably wouldn't be where I am today."

When talking about himself, Zhao Yuzhen was very indifferent, as if the person he was talking about was not him.

"There is actually not much truth in the vendetta. If you want to ask who is right and who is wrong in the battle of Tang Clan, I actually don't know."

"This world is not black and white. The creation of heaven and earth has given it colorful colors, beauty and majesty, and the same is true for everything else."

Tang Lian lowered his head at some point. Just as the Confucian Sword Immortal Xie Xuan said about the Jiu Xian, Tang Lian was a prude. In fact, this was wrong. He was a real prude.

He has his own stubbornness about some things, just like in the original work, he almost became obsessed after learning about the Tang Sect's activities.
In a simple word, this is a stick that doesn't know how to adapt.

"You can't make a choice between your master and the righteousness in your heart, right?"

Zhao Yuzhen brought the topic to the point, which was the reason why he had said such nonsense before, and cut the whole thing open and displayed it in front of Tang Lian.Perhaps Tang Lian felt that the Tang Clan should not do that and betray one's trust. After all, the Tang Clan and Xueyue City were allies. The previous siege of Zhao Shouyi had already shown no regard for the moral principles of the world, and there was no need to say more about what happened after that.

But from another perspective, it is actually normal for Tang Sect to do this. If Tang Sect wants to further develop, it needs to make some choices.

Tang Lian may know these things, but he still can't let go of that knot in his heart. Zhao Yuzhen's words today have finally solved the knot in his heart. He attributed it all to the word "jianghu" and "vanity fair".

But the price was too high for the Tang sect. The sect was almost wiped out overnight. This made Tang Lian deny the sect's approach and at the same time think about whether to take revenge?After all, that's where I grew up.

"Back to the predecessors, that's exactly the case."

Tang Lian sighed and did not deny it.

"There is such a passage in the Qingcheng Mountain scriptures. I think it contains the way of heaven and earth. I always encourage myself to reflect on myself."

"Gentlemen and villains always think about it. Everyone is actually a community of good and evil, and the weight of good and evil is different at every moment. When the weight of good in a person exceeds the weight of evil, then this person What is shown is goodness and vice versa.”

"This is also very similar to the decision in your heart right now. It doesn't mean that you are a bad person if you decide to avenge your master, nor does it mean that you are a good person if you insist on the righteousness in your heart. These are all temporary appearances."

"I don't think you need to worry too much. The Wine Master has a very good saying, just follow your heart."

Hearing this, Tang Lianfu felt so relieved, as if a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulders, and he became extremely relaxed.

He looked at Dao Sword Immortal who was leaning against the big blue stone, and he understood why Zhao Shouyi was in such a state of mind at such a young age.

"Senior, aren't you afraid that I will cause trouble in Qingcheng Mountain??"

Zhao Yuzhen waved his hand nonchalantly.

"I don't care, there will be a cause and a result. As long as you can afford the consequences, you can do whatever you want."

Tang Lian suddenly smiled bitterly when she heard this.

Although these words sounded like idle clouds and wild cranes, indifferent, the meaning behind them was not so pleasant.

If the Tang Sect targets Qingcheng Mountain, then Qingcheng Mountain will naturally target the Tang Sect. Judging from the current situation, the possibility of the Tang Sect being destroyed is almost [-]%.

This was almost a threat, but after listening to Dao Jianxian's words, he knew that Zhao Yuzhen didn't mean that, but was only talking about cause and effect.

After thinking for a while, Tang Lian spoke again.

"I dare to ask senior, how can you escape from this vanity fair when you are in the world?"

This question points directly to the essence of the entire incident. Whether it is the siege of Zhao Shouyi, the destruction of the Tang Sect, or the endless fighting in the world, the most essential thing is these two words - fame and fortune.

Only then did Zhao Yuzhen turn his head and look at Tang Lian, the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of the Tang Sect.

"It's good that Tang Clan has people like you and your master!"

There was no hint of appreciation in his tone.

“However, it’s not people who get rid of the word fame and wealth, but the human heart. How difficult it is!!”

(End of this chapter)

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