Chapter 240 Take action, melee


The night was getting darker, especially it was a rainy day, and it got dark very early. That voice echoed melodiously over the empty city, and it sounded a bit desolate.

"I've been there since the beginning, why go around it!"

"Everything in the world is the land of the king, and on the shores of the land are the ministers of the king. In the world of mortals, there is no way to escape."

"Is this why you blocked the road??"

In mid-air in Yusang City, the girl stepped off the peach sword with a long sword in her hand.

"Don't misunderstand this female donor, this is the donor's personal opinion!"

"Oh! It seems that the two masters also have their own ideas!!"

Zhao Yuzhen stood in the air, calm and unhurried.

When facing an enemy in battle, the best policy is to remain unchanged in response to all changes. After all, the three people in front of them are of a high level. With the ambush in advance, their rash actions may be counterproductive.


The monk had a compassionate look on his face, but Zhao Yuzhen did not let down his guard at all. He had never seen a great eminent monk on the mountain, but he felt that he must not be the one in front of him. How could a monk be so gorgeously dressed?

"Donor Zhao is indeed a master of Taoism, and he has revealed the secrets of heaven with his words."

The monk's face remained as usual and he was still smiling.

"Appreciate further details!"

Zhao Yuzhen stood there, looking calmly at the monk opposite him. He wanted to know what made this unborn master get involved in the mortal world again.

"Not to be said."

The monk was silent for a moment and then spoke.

He had no intention of telling Zhao Yuzhen the whole story. To be honest, he had already prepared the worst for this interception.

In the end, Zhao Yuzhen and Li Hanyi were unable to kill them and were able to escape. This situation is possible.

And once the two of them escape, they will be very passive.

"You want to know my reasons?"

Suddenly, a distant voice came over. The voice was a little cold and stiff, as if it came from the mouth of a dead person.

Zhao Yuzhen twisted his neck slightly and glanced in the other direction. Seeing that the other party still looked like he was dying, he shrugged slightly and shook his head.

"In no mood!"

"The grudge between our master and disciple and Anhe has long existed. If I hadn't wanted to live a quiet life for a few days, I would have actually planned to take a trip to Anhe after the battle at Tang Clan."

Zhao Yuzhen raised his hand and lightly ran his fingers across the body of the peach sword in his hand. A wisp of fragrance suddenly emitted from the peach sword, which instantly filled the surrounding area, just like the peach blossoms in full bloom in March, with a pleasant fragrance.

"Speaking of which, I was just taking a chance. When something happened, hiding was not the solution after all. If I had gone to the underground river at that time, the accident like today probably wouldn't have happened!"

Hearing Zhao Yuzhen's words, the eyes of the three people blocking the road became a little strange. If it was really like what Zhao Yuzhen said, let alone, the three of them might not be able to get together.

"Thank you to Guanyin for the dark river, crossed over to Guanyin, and passed the Apocalypse to Zhengyang." The three of them spoke one after another, looking at the two people in the field with long eyes. At their level, they would indeed no longer attack those second-rate masters.

Whether it is asking for swords and fists, or settling grudges, they will only be fair and aboveboard.

If you want to step into the Divine Movement, one of the keys is to be able to understand your own way. People who walk out of their own way are definitely not the kind of people who only know how to sneak around. Therefore, after entering the Divine Movement, there are very few people who do sneak attacks regardless of their identity. People like the one Zhao Shouyi met in the East China Sea were considered to be a minority among the very few.

"Zhao Yuzhen from Qingcheng Mountain and Li Hanyi from Xueyue City."

As soon as the five voices dissipated, the air above Yusang City was like a bomb that was directly detonated, exploding with a bang.

The light of the sword, the light of the sword, the Taoist techniques, the boxing techniques, the palm techniques, every move and every move is like the sky collapsing.

Xie Guan was holding a sword in one hand, an umbrella in the other, and a sword in the other. The sword light was so fierce that it was even above Donghai Gongshu Xun. The cold sword light seemed to fall from the sky.

One sword cuts vertically and the other cuts horizontally.

The power of a sword can open a mountain, and the force of a sword can cut off the rain. These are all methods that can make people jaw-dropping.

Avalokitesvara crossed over to the monk and stepped forward, his fleshy palms glowing with Buddha's light. Before they reached him, he struck out fiercely at Zhao Yuzhen and Li Hanyi with an air-splitting palm. The sound of air explosions was like the sound of firecrackers, one after another.

The wind from the palm swept across, causing a nearby giant tree to creak. The remaining power alone was so powerful, it is not difficult to imagine how powerful the monk's palm was.

As for the other one, his arms were fluttering and his fists were wreaking havoc.

Unlike the monk who was reserved, before he could get close, he was struck out with his air-splitting palms one after another. He was very fast and stepped on his feet, leaving only a series of afterimages in the air. When he realized what he was doing, the person was already in front of him. .


With a roar like thunder, the fist almost condensed into substance and hit Zhao Yuzhen's chest. At this time, Guan Zhengyang was like a martial arts lunatic. He opened his door wide and abandoned his defense regardless of the cost. This punch was vaguely thunderous and terrifying. abnormal.

The speed of the three people's attacks was extremely fast. If compared with the ordinary Xiaoyao Tianjing, the difference between heaven and earth was so great that the masters of Xiaoyao Tianjing would not even be able to react, and they would have already traveled westward.

However, Zhao Yuzhen and Li Hanyi were no longer in the realm of Xiaoyao Tian at this time, but in the Xuanjing of Fugue. The other party's attacks were quick, and the reaction of the two of them was not slow either.

Zhao Yuzhen put his fingers together, flipped his wrists, and stood in front of him. As his breath floated, a giant appeared behind him. It was Qingcheng Mountain's top Taoist technique, the Great Dragon Elephant Power.

This time, Zhao Yuzhen didn't hold anything back, so the momentum he created was no less than the noise made by the three people. The giant's aura instantly solidified, and his big hand like a bed board swept towards the few people unceremoniously.

As for Li Hanyi, she handed out her first sword after entering the realm of the gods. It was also Yue Xi Huachen. The difference was that this sword felt even more amazing.

With a sword, a rainbow penetrated the sun, and the sky was cut open by her, and the target was the two sword lights and Xie Guan holding the umbrella.

"Good sword!!"

Xie Kan saw this sword and sincerely admired it.

"There is a saying about swords. The one who understands its shape is the lower sword, the one who shows its move is the middle sword, and the one who realizes its meaning is the upper sword. This sword has perfect sword intention, blooms with a single thought, and has the intention of dominating the world. It is indeed rare."

However, when Li Hanyi heard this, he didn't have much of a smile on his face. The sword that Xie Guan drew, although it didn't look sharp or exposed, just like an ordinary white sword, its power was not inferior to her ultimate move.

Anhe's pursuit is never the magnificence of his moves, but the lethality. Just as Su Changhe said, Li Hanyi's sword is the sword of the sword immortal, and Su Muyu's sword is the sword of mortals, a sword that only pursues killing. The sword of strength.

"Sword up!!"

(End of this chapter)

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