Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 254 King Li Su’s approval, grandpa

Chapter 254 King Li Su’s approval, grandpa

"Don't forget?"

King Li Su narrowed his eyes. If this was said by an ordinary person, he would definitely sneer at it, and maybe even make fun of it.

Don’t forget?

Don't forget anything?
Is there anything in the world that you don’t want to forget?Can't forget?
For a man, who is still very young, there are not many things that he wants to forget. In his impression, there is only one thing, and that is women.

Go to the feast of the world, and see the beauty of the world.

Men who are new to the world can easily be dazzled by the glamorous world and fall into this gentle country and cannot extricate themselves. This is normal.

It's just about love and love. At his age, he has already let go of it. To be honest, he doesn't care much anymore. Most of what is left is a sense of relief.

How many such things have been left over the course of time?The epic love story doesn't even make waves.

But when he heard the origin of this sword, he didn't think so. After all, the number one in the world who came from Qingcheng Mountain was a Taoist priest, not a love saint.

Why did that young man use this sword?

And why does it have such a name?
"Don't forget?"

Tang Lian, Lei Wujie, and Sikong Qianluo were shocked when they heard these two words. These two words were originally very ordinary, but because of one person, these two words have different meanings.

Because that person is the No. 1 among the young generation in today’s world.

It is even said that even in the world where fugues are frequently seen nowadays, that person is one of the most dazzling beings.

"Sword intention? No, it's sword power!!"

The pupils of Li Suwang's somewhat cloudy eyes shrank slightly.

Although he had never seen this sword before, he had seen another person's sword, the sword of the Lone Sword Immortal Luo Qingyang.

A song of national mourning brings sorrow to both heaven and earth.

The phantom stepped forward, the pace was neither hasty nor slow, but the next moment the whole figure seemed to be directly in front of him, giving people a feeling that the space was split.

There is a divine sword in the sky, with energy penetrating the sky, leaning down, like a punishment from heaven.

There is a god on the ground, raising his hand to lift up the sky, and the sword energy moves upward, like a waterfall hanging upside down or a river surging.


Xiao Se's sword was powerful and powerful. When the sword was launched, the wave of energy was like a tide, directly pushing Sikong Qianluo and the others dozens of feet away.

Feeling this huge force, Sikong Qianluo, Tang Lian, and Lei Wujie were dumbfounded while their expressions changed.

"Hasn't Xiao Se's martial arts been abolished?"

This was what the three of them thought at the same time.

Xiao Se's previous sword claimed to be a life-saving means left by Zhao Shouyi, which is understandable, but what about this blow in front of him?If they heard correctly before, Xiao Se was saying that this sword was passed down to him by Zhao Shouyi of Qingcheng Mountain.

When was it passed on?
This is their second question.

They have been together along the way. When did Xiao Se learn this?


A thunderous bell echoed between heaven and earth. Tang Lian and others frowned. This loud sound was extremely special and blocked constantly. Even though they used their methods, they still felt it was harsh.

King Li Su's eyes flickered. The realms were different, the heights he stood at were different, and the scenery he saw was also different. From this sword, he not only saw the appearance of this sword - its power.

The power of this sword is extremely powerful, almost reaching the full force of the Sword Immortal Realm. With the realm shown by Xiao Se now, there are only two words to cut such a sword.


In addition, he also saw the artistic conception behind this sword.

It was that night where the stars were shining brightly, and on that ancient yellow sandy wasteland, a young man was raising his hands to ask the sky.

What is he asking?
Are you asking what?Still asking how to get started?

He never forgets his words. Does he want to forget or not?What was forgotten?What is it that you don’t want to forget?
No one can answer this answer.But in the end, the young man smiled. In this way, the heaven and earth had their own sword light. This sword went straight into the long river of time, engraved with the vicissitudes of time. Then the world was silent, everything returned to chaos, and only a butterfly danced.

King Li Su murmured to himself that they all said that Zhao Shouyi was the best in martial arts at the moment. He now felt that it was not too much. A young man he had never met was remembered by him like this.

"Don't forget~"

"Forget everything and myself, but never forget the truth. Search for the roots, go straight to the essence of things, never forget anything, don't forget!!"

"Senior, can this sword be considered blocked by me?"

Xiao Se stood there, his face a little pale. Just like before, this sword had drained all the internal energy from his body. However, at this moment, his voice was still calm and his eyes were still determined.

King Li Su clasped his hands behind his back and returned to his previous appearance. From a distance, he saw only an old man.

He stared at the young man in front of him and remained silent.

At this moment, Tang Lian, Lei Wujie, and Sikong Qianluo came to Xiao Se's side, their eyes full of caution. Xiao Se's previous sword was indeed stunning, but they could also feel Xiao Se's current state. not good.

If the old man in front of him takes action again, Xiao Se will not be able to stop him.

"This sword is good, very good!!"

This was the first sentence Li Suwang said after being silent.

Xiao Se coughed lightly and put the Wuji stick in front of him for support. He swore in his heart that he would never use this sword again before he reached the Great Free Heaven Realm.

It was too difficult for him to be in the free world state with the power of one blow.

"It's good, but I probably won't use it again in the future!!"

Xiao Se was a little out of breath when he said this.

King Li Su laughed when he saw this.

"Desolate, right?"

"Don't be ungrateful. The lethality of this sword is comparable to a full blow from the Sword Fairyland. This is a blessing that many people can't even imagine!"

Xiao Se slowed down and then exhaled a long breath.

Shaking his head with a wry smile.

"Alas~~ I would rather not have this blessing."

King Li Su took a deep look at Xiao Se and continued: "Since that boy is willing to believe you, then I will give that little Taoist priest a favor, but if you lose this original intention in the future, then someone will come to you to ask for swordsmanship!! "

Xiao Se nodded, he knew that King Li Su was not scaring him. Even if the years passed by and he was gone, there would still be Li Hanyi and Zhao Yuzhen who accompanied Li Hanyi. He was the two great swordsmen who were willing to stand by his side. He might be the one who wants to kill him with his sword.

Of course, there is a premise for this, that is, he has changed.

He suddenly felt a little lonely and said in his heart, "Probably he will become like his father!!"

"Xiao Se, remember the teachings of the elders!!"

Xiao Se raised his hand and knew that this level had been passed.

Lei Wujie, Tang Lian, and Sikong Qianluo heard the conversation between the two and were confused for a moment. It sounded like these two people knew each other! !
"Xiao Se, what are you guys doing??"

Xiao Se sighed inwardly when he saw Lei Wujie's confused look.

This encounter was an unforeseen disaster for him, and the source was the powerful person in front of him.

So he explained helplessly: "This old man comes from Kenshin Tomb, the previous head of Kenshin Tomb - King Li Su!!"

Sikong Qianluo and Tang Lian frowned. They seemed to have heard this name somewhere.


Lei Wujie touched his head and replied subconsciously.


(End of this chapter)

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