Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 3 National Teacher Qi Tianchen's Shock, Learning from Heaven and Earth

Chapter 3 National Teacher Qi Tianchen's Shock, Learning from Heaven and Earth

"Senior has won the prize!"

"It's just that this little guy is too lazy!! When I was his age, I had already mastered Taiyi Lion Art."

On Qingcheng Mountain, on a majestic ancient pine tree, Zhao Yuzhen's tone was still so calm.

Qi Tianchen flicked the floating dust in his hand, and his old face couldn't help but twitch.

If Zhao Yuzhen had been strict with this wonderful pair of mentors and apprentices, he wouldn't have believed that the little guy in front of him was still so lazy. The current situation must have been caused by Zhao Yuzhen's connivance.

"Such a talented and beautiful jade, don't waste it, why don't you let him worship under my sect?? The old man will help you take care of him for two years?"

In Qi Tianchen's eyes, the little guy sitting on the big bluestone in the distance is not the same as usual.

People who practice Taoism look at people first by looking at Qi, and then by looking at appearance.

Just like Zhao Yuzhen, his luck was extremely prosperous, condensing the luck of heaven and martial arts from Mount Qingcheng, the luck of his head was intertwined, and even formed a canopy.

Of course, this is also a vision that can only be seen by a master of Taoism.

And the top of the little guy's head on the opposite side is even more extraordinary. There is a strange beast lying on top of his head, which is a combination of a turtle and a snake. It is the sacred beast of their Taoism, the north position-Xuanwu.

Qi Tianchen, who has already entered the Tao, naturally knows what such a vision means. This is a talented and beautiful jade whose talent is even higher than that of Zhao Yuzhen.

To put it bluntly, such aptitude is rare in his life. If he teaches him patiently, he may be even more limitless than his junior brother, Mo Yi, in the future.

Hearing Qi Tianchen's words, Zhao Yuzhen smiled awkwardly.

"My senior brother also knows about Shouyi. If senior wants to accept apprentices, I have no objection, but you also know about my senior brother."

Hearing Zhao Yuzhen's words, Qi Tianchen sighed helplessly.

Compared with Zhao Yuzhen, that Wang and his party are like old antiques. Although they are not as old as themselves, their thoughts are very old-fashioned. If they want to snatch someone from that young man, the difficulty is probably the same as that of the Shu Road outside. , The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky!
"Does he know his talent??"

Looking at the talented and beautiful jade who was free-range, Qi Tianchen also asked with some pain in his heart.

It's fine if it's an ordinary person, Qi Tianchen has seen many geniuses like King Langya, Lei Mengsha, and Baili Dongjun in recent years. It may be the pinnacle for someone, but for those on the opposite side, it may be just a step to stop halfway.

So Qi Tianchen couldn't bear to see Mount Qingcheng wasting his talent so much.

Zhao Yuzhen swayed his legs on the pine tree, and continued: "Only senior brother and I know, Shouyi doesn't know, but now senior also knows!!"

Qi Tianchen shook his head lightly, and said with a bit of resentment: "What a waste of nature!! If this son is not your apprentice, the old man is not easy to grab, if he is your senior brother's bull-nosed one, I can't say that I will take him away. gone!"

Zhao Yuzhen smiled awkwardly, but he could also hear the regret in Qi Tianchen's tone, and after thinking about it, he said, "That's not the case at all. The "Tao Sutra" in our Qingcheng Mountain Daoist Collection is always carried with me by this little guy."

Hearing this, Qi Tianchen frowned, "Tao Jing", he seems to have heard of it somewhere, of course, for this old god, what he thinks is not the "Tao Te Ching" written by Lao Tzu.

After a while, Qi Tianchen thought of something, his face straightened, and the trace of regret on his face disappeared immediately.

He stood on the branch of the ancient pine, stretched out his hand to caress his white beard, there was no sound, only the humming of the wind was left on the mountain.

After a long time, Qi Tianchen said again: "Is it the one left by Patriarch Qingxuan??"

Zhao Yuzhen nodded.

Qi Tianchen nodded lightly, "If that's the case, then it's not considered a waste of money!"

His tone was a little emotional, as if the Taoist scripture was something extraordinary, but the last sentence of reckless waste, I don't know whether he was talking about the little guy or the Taoist scripture.

But when the two looked at the little Taoist boy on the Little Lotus Peak again, Qi Tianchen's eyes became a little strange.

With such a talent, it is impossible for the other party to be a dull person.

So what is this little guy doing? ?This also added a trace of inquiry to the eyes of the Beili national teacher in front of him.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of what Zhao Yuzhen had said to him before.

"hide and seek!!"

Of course, he knew about the games played by this child, after all, he also came from that time.

But hide-and-seek generally requires several people, and one person cannot play this game.

Following this line of thought, Qi Tianchen couldn't help thinking again, if that little guy counts as one, then who is he playing hide and seek with? ?
It is said that there is only a thin line between a genius and a madman.

In many cases, ordinary people cannot understand those genius ideas, which is why some people were tied to a cross and burned alive.

Looking at it, Qi Tianchen couldn't help being a little dazed. The small hand of the little doll on the opposite side was grasping randomly without any track, as if he was trying to catch something. If he didn't know that the other party was an extraordinary genius, he would probably only When the other party is a fool.

But now he doesn't think so anymore.

On the side, one leg of Dao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen had slipped off a branch, and his head was resting on the thick trunk of the ancient pine. His eyes were half-closed, and the mountain breeze was blowing on his face, looking quite contented.

"Tao can be Tao, very Tao. Name can be named"

Zhao Yuzhen spoke suddenly.

Hearing this, Qi Tianchen suddenly felt a transparent feeling in his heart.

This is the first sentence of the true "Tao Jing", and it is also a sentence that is being said.

Tao is like that, mysterious and mysterious, elusive.

Then when he looked at the little guy again, his eyes suddenly brightened, and a somewhat unfamiliar word appeared in his mind.


He froze for a moment, then looked at the little guy again.

After a while, the corner of the Beili's national teacher's mouth couldn't help but a hint of bitterness flashed. The little guy in his eyes was still grabbing something randomly, clearly grabbing the "Tao".

The wind in the mountains passes by, leaving a sound, taking away the warmth, and blowing away the floating dust. This is the wind.

The fog rising from the top of the mountain covers the sight, takes away the sound, and leaves only silence. This is the fog.

Vientiane in the world, learn from nature.

Only a very small number of amazing talents in Taoism can achieve this step.

Thinking of this, Qi Tianchen sighed softly again.

He couldn't help thinking, perhaps only a master like Zhao Yuzhen could cultivate such a disciple! !
this little guy...

He can't teach.

Finally, he remembered the joke that Zhao Yuzhen made when talking about this apprentice.

Qi Tianchen couldn't help but sigh with emotion, it might not take many years to be number one in the world!

"Amazing little guy~"

(End of this chapter)

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