Chapter 31
"The contents inside are from Hanshui Temple!!"

Sangucheng, Meirenzhuang, a voice came over unhurriedly.

The people present, including the remaining men in black from Tianwaitian, did not choose to make a move at this moment, they all quietly listened to the young man's explanation.

Because they didn't know what was in the coffin, they just received an order to rob the coffin, and they were actually no less interested in what was in the coffin than these people .

In the courtyard, a woman wearing a crescent moon hair ornament smiled lightly and shook her head, "Young Master Zhao, this is not a guess. Everyone in the Jianghu knows that this coffin was transported from Hanshui Temple! The answer does not satisfy us!"

"Girl, don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet!!"

On a tree, a young man looked far away, as if he was thinking about something.

"It must be a person inside!!"

Hearing this, Yueji Minghou narrowed his eyes, the answer was already close to the truth.

Yue Ji's eyes flickered twice.

Vermilion lips parted slightly, and said again: "Is there any more?"

Obviously, at this point, they have not yet reached the bottom line that makes them shaken.

"It's a living person!!"

Zhao Huafan's eyes became serious, and he looked at Yueji and Minghou.

Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo and even Xiao Se were startled when they heard the words.

It's true that the coffin is used to hold a person, but it's used to pretend to be a dead person. Thinking of a living person lying in this thing, even Tang Lian felt a chill down her spine.

Minghou's eyes became hesitant, and his right hand holding the knife tensed unnaturally. Obviously, this sentence had touched his bottom line.

"How did you know??"

This time Yue Ji finally made a breakthrough, with a hint of surprise in her voice.

Zhao Huafan glanced at the golden coffin next to Tang Lian, did not answer this question, but continued: "This person is a young man!!"

Xiao Se looked at Yue Ji and Ming Hou, whose faces were becoming more and more gloomy, and there was a trace of surprise in the depths of his eyes that he hadn't even noticed.

This time, it was a hell of a time.

What Zhao Huafan said is likely to be correct.This is different from the impression that Zhao Huafan gave him before. What the magic stick said were godly and far-fetched words, not the subtle facts that Zhao Huafan said now.

"His real name is Ye~~"

At this moment, Minghou suddenly said, "Enough!!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Minghou's words. It seemed that Zhao Huafan was still right this time.

Minghou's eyes began to struggle violently, because the more accurate Zhao Huafan said, the more believable the hexagram he said before, which meant that he might really lose Yueji.

He stuck the giant golden knife in his hand at his side, and then walked towards Zhao Huafan slowly.

Seeing this scene, Yueji subconsciously grabbed Minghou's arm and lost her weapon, which is a big taboo for a killer.

Minghou turned around and took a deep look at Yueji.

Then he patted her hand, "Don't worry, it's all right!!"

When he came under the tree, Ming Hou cupped his fists to show respect, "Dare to ask this gentleman, there is a way to get the best of both worlds!!"

Zhao Huafan looked at Minghou, he knew that the other party really listened.

Thinking of the endings of these two in the original book, he felt very sad. Yueji became a medicine man, and Minghou didn't know what to do, but according to what King Chi said, his end should be similar, becoming a medicine man without sanity .

Following this line of speculation, it is not difficult for him to conclude that the mastermind behind the Wangyilou tragedy should be the imperial court.

"Can you let go of your hatred??"

Zhao Huafan sighed and said softly.

Although the strength of the two of them is good, they still pale in comparison to the behemoth of the imperial court.

In order to break this situation, there is actually a very simple way, and it is also a very safe way, that is, not to take revenge. In this way, the two of them will not end up in that end, but he also knows that there is a high probability that Minghou will not will take this approach.

It's like in the original book that his master Zhao Yuzhen must die when he goes down the mountain. In fact, it's very simple to solve it. It's fine if he doesn't go down the mountain, but will he not go down the mountain? ?
Hearing this, Minghou fell silent. The matter of Wangyilou was like a nightmare, lingering in his mind, like a tarsal maggot, lingering. If he didn't do it, he might not be able to do it all his life. Peace of mind.

"That's all! Let me give you a word, the Dao is fifty, the Tianyan is fourty-nine, if you go to one, nothing will be an absolute dead end, there will be a glimmer of life, if you can grasp it, this matter will have a return to the world." room!"

Yue Ji heard this and stepped forward quickly.

"May I ask what Young Master Zhao said??"

Zhao Huafan shook his head, "The secret must not be revealed, if it is revealed, it may be another ending!!"

Zhao Huafan knew that the secret method to awaken the medicine man was Xinmoyin, but at that time, Wu Xin could no longer master it, and the only person who had mastered Xinmoyin was Xiao Se, who had been deprived of martial arts, so naturally he would not talk about that matter. Speaking out, Xiao Se's identity is extremely special, once it is revealed, the impact it will cause is far greater than that of Ye Anshi from Tianwaitian.

"The cycle of heaven and earth, the cycle of cause and effect, the beginning of this matter is also the end of this matter. If you can understand it, then we should have a goodbye period!!"

Hearing this, Yue Ji narrowed her eyes. Speaking of which, what she hated the most was this kind of tricks that they had to comprehend by themselves. If they could comprehend it, would they still need to ask him? ?A gust of evil fire rushed up from the bottom of my heart.

Seeing the burning look in the opponent's eyes, Zhao Huafan couldn't help shaking his head.

"Girl, it's not that I don't speak out, but once some things are spoken out, it will change, and things may get worse. If this is the case, I'm afraid even that one will not exist anymore!! By then Everything is off!! Have you thought about it??"

Yue Ji's heart trembled when she heard Zhao Huafan's serious words, everything was over, she couldn't accept this ending.

“There is nothing else”

She asked again tentatively.

Zhao Huafan was silent for a moment, then sighed faintly.

"Yes~ If you can reach the realm of sword immortals when you take revenge, the ending may be rewritten!"


Hearing this, Yue Ji could only smile wryly. Sword Immortal, that is not the realm of Happy Heaven. With her and Minghou's aptitude, it is still possible to reach the realm of Happy Heaven, but the realm of Sword Immortal does not depend on accumulation alone. You can achieve it with hard work, without certain qualifications, you can't aspire to become a swordsman. In today's Jianghu, there are only five swordsmen.

Minghou's eyes flickered twice, and he stopped talking. He clasped his fists and turned away, holding the giant blade stuck in the ground, and turned to look at Tang Lian and the men in black, with a voice that had never been heard before. There was tyranny.

"Whoever stops me will die!!"

(End of this chapter)

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