Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 33 Seeing Wuxin, the little monk is about to return to vulgarity

Chapter 33 Seeing Wuxin, the little monk is about to return to vulgarity

With the departure of Minghou and Yueji, the small courtyard became quiet again.

Wuxin turned around and looked at the fortune-teller who he was more interested in in this courtyard, that is, Zhao Huafan.

He had heard about matters involving the Dao of Heaven, such as divination, from his master Wangyou, and even Qi Tianchen, the national teacher of Beili, dared not claim to be proficient.


Wuxin stood up with one hand and looked at Zhao Huafan and Xiao Se who were standing under the tree. Of course, the main gaze was on Zhao Huafan. He was lying in the coffin, but it was not that he didn't understand what happened outside. He could hear clearly what he said.

Obviously, the other party knew his identity.

So at this glance, he used his own special skill - Heart Demon Attraction.

But the next moment, Wu Xin frowned.

Because the inner demon has failed.

"The heart of the benefactor is like a mirror, and when he reflects himself, he is spotless. I really admire this little monk!!"

"You monk is really outrageous. When we met for the first time, you used such a dangerous move! We shouldn't have any deep hatred!!"

Zhao Huafan shook his head helplessly.

Hearing Zhao Huafan's complaint, Wu Xin laughed.

"The benefactor is joking! Xin Mo Yin may be a little dangerous for others, but for you, I'm afraid it's not as good as a set of Arhat Fist!!"

Inner demons can seduce a person's inner demons, making them fall into an illusion and cannot extricate themselves. It is indeed a powerful move in essence, but for some people with clear minds and deep thoughts, This trick is useless.

In the original book, Wuxin's demonic temptation was ineffective against the two of them, one was Xiao Se and the other was Lei Wujie.

The former is the mind is too deep, the latter is the state of mind of a child, exquisite heart, commonly known as too simple and honest.

"That's a good thing to say, but if you change someone, I'm afraid it won't be the result!!"

Wuxin smiled, and continued: "Speaking of which, since I have practiced this method for so long, you are the first person who breaks through the kung fu in one mouthful, and you are also the first person I meet who is not afraid! It seems that you are the person of this little monk. A destined person!!"


"I like women!!"

After a moment of silence, Zhao Huafan said helplessly.

The corner of Wu Xin's mouth curled up, "Coincidentally, the little monk is about to return to vulgarity!!"

Hearing this answer, the corners of Zhao Huafan's mouth twitched twice, and even Xiao Se who was beside him had an expression of whether you made a mistake.

The monk's answer made Xiao Se's scalp tingle.

"You are still a man!!"

Wuxin laughed, "That's true, but the little monk has a dance, which can help the benefactor to realize the Tao!!"

This time, Zhao Huafan didn't answer, he knew what Wuxin was talking about, Tianmowu.

But that is a magic skill, if you don't pay attention, you will fall into it, Wuxin really dares to say it.

"It's the first time I've heard of monks dancing! Just thinking about it makes my eyes burn!"

Hearing this, Wuxin's gaze shifted from Zhao Huafan to Xiao Se who was speaking at the side.

But then the corner of his mouth twitched.

To meet two people who are not affected by the temptation of the inner demon at once is really a hell.

"Who are you??"

Tang Lian at the side finally couldn't help but speak out.

Turning around Wuxin, looking at Tang Lian, Xin Demon Yin was activated again. This time, it was not because of other reasons, but because he wanted to try his own Xin Demon Yin, what was going on? ?
The ineffectiveness of two consecutive people also made him suspicious.

Tang Lian is not Xiao Se, who is very thoughtful, nor is she Zhao Huafan, who has thousands of incarnations and a pure heart.

When Wu Xin saw it, he directly broke the defense.

He just felt dizzy.It seemed that someone was going to pull him into endless darkness.

At this moment, a deep voice came over.

"Don't look into his eyes!!"

After a stick of incense, the carriage started on the road again, heading northwest.

Only this time there were three more people in the carriage.

No, it should be four people, two monks and two girls.

One monk is called Wuchan, and the other is called Wuxin.

The two girls are Tiannurui and Sikong Qianluo respectively.

At this time, Lei Wujie also woke up, and the car gradually became lively.

Xiao Se and Zhao Huafan were also there.

Looking at the two of them, Sikong Qian said angrily: "It's you two!! Senior brother stopped me last time, this time I'll see where you are going to escape!!"

Zhao Huafan smiled wryly, if the person in front of him was an enemy, it would be fine, but it happened to be a little girl, and Xiao Se had provoked him before, this is really a disaster for him!
"Miss Sikong, I have offended you a lot before, but I don't understand many things when I first entered the rivers and lakes for the first time, so I still look forward to Haihan!!"

Zhao Huafan knew that he couldn't reason with the other party at this time, so he planned to overcome rigidity with softness.

When Xiao Se at the side heard this, he hummed lightly.

"The one surnamed Zhao, we didn't do anything wrong. Why do we apologize? Even if we really apologize, shouldn't she come to apologize to us? I have never seen such a savage girl, and I don't know if I will marry her in the future Get out without getting married!!"

When Zhao Huafan heard this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he had forgotten Xiao Se's hidden arrogance.


"Brother, let me go, I'm going to kill this bastard today!!"

Looking at the girl who was defeated by Xiao Se's poisonous tongue, Zhao Huafan shook his head.

"Forget it, Lei Wujie and I will go drive!"

As he said that, he opened the car door and walked out. Seeing that Zhao Huafan didn't seem to want to get involved in this matter, Xiao Se snorted softly, "I don't believe her majestic daughter of the Spear Fairy will bully two Ordinary people who don’t know martial arts!! You stand here and let her fight~~”

Zhao Huafan ignored this deadly Tsundere and walked out in a hurry.

"Hey, Brother Zhao, why did you come out??"

When Lei Wujie saw Zhao Huafan walking out, he couldn't help being curious.

Zhao Huafan sighed.

"Avoid disaster!!"

Lei Wujie chuckled, his appearance was a little funny, it could be seen that he also guessed the reason, so Zhao Huafan also laughed.

"By the way, Brother Zhao, when I fought against those men in black at Beauty Village, I remembered what you said before. I don't know what happened. It seems that I have entered another dimension all of a sudden. It feels amazing. !!"

"Do you know what's going on??"

Zhao Huafan was silent for a moment when he heard Lei Wujie's words, and said: "That is the dream of a martial arts practitioner. It is different from the general enlightenment. This kind of sudden enlightenment will greatly develop a person's physical body. In the future, if you practice boxing and martial arts, there will be great benefits, and I have only read about the mystery of this in books, so I can’t give you more advice, you can experience more, maybe you can get twice the result with half the effort!!”

"Really?? That would be great!!"

There is only a wooden door between the inside and outside of the car. What Zhao Huafan said and what Lei Wujie heard, the people in the car naturally heard it too. Tang Lian was still wondering why Lei Wujie was like a god, but now she finally got the answer .

"Don't be envious, that guy is different from you, he also listened to the words of Zhao, why don't you just think about it because he is the only one who can enter the state of enlightenment?"

Seeing everyone's envious looks, Xiao Se began to sarcastic again.

Because he has not yet entered the state of epiphany, now that he heard Zhao Huafan talk about the benefits of epiphany, he just felt that his intestines were going to turn green. The effect is the physical body. His current problem is not the physical body, but more importantly, the hidden vein .

Boss Xiao is not happy, and naturally he will not forget the people around him.

There is a saying that is not good, so that the blessings and the difficulties are the same!

(End of this chapter)

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