Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 359 Xiao Se no longer runs away, who is coming?

Chapter 359 Xiao Se no longer runs away, who is coming?
"Master, what's wrong?"

Sikong Qianluo saw the monk from Hanshan Temple suddenly turn his head and look behind him with a changeable expression. He was very curious and couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, the three people in the Mysterious Realm who had boarded the cedar ship also came to the deck at the same time, and their expressions were exactly the same.


Very solemn.

"It's not a fugue, is it?"

During this time, a man spoke and clenched his fists unconsciously. Although it was only a flash, he was not far away from them, so they all caught the attack just now.

"Hard to say!"

"Hard to say!"

The other two shook their heads. Although they were not sure whether the attack just now was the power that could be exerted by the Divine Wandering Profound Realm, they both definitely felt the pressure that the attack brought to them.

"Master, did something happen over there?"

Xiao Se had no interest in saying hello to the three of them. After all, he had already guessed that most of their encounters along the way were caused by these three people. They not only prevented others from hurting them, but also put enough pressure on them to rush to the East China Sea without stopping.

Seeing that the monk facing the wall had a solemn expression and the three others had similar expressions, he guessed that something must have happened, so he asked.


The monk first chanted a Buddhist name softly, and then said with a dim gaze: "What a terrifying attack! I don't know how far away it was, but the vibrations were clearly transmitted to us."

When Xiao Se and the others heard this, they were a little curious. They were all masters in the Divine Wandering Realm. What was so different about that attack that made them change color when talking about it?

“Very strong??”

At the moment, Xiao Se couldn't be sure how strong that person was, or whether he had reached the realm of mystery. After thinking about it, he asked this question again.

The monk put his hands together and said in a low voice, "Very strong, perhaps even the four of us combined may not be able to block this attack."

Xiao Se and his companions' hearts skipped a beat. The four of them were unable to block the opponent's attack. They all suspected that they had heard wrongly. They were in the Divine Mysterious Realm, not the Vajra Ordinary Realm, nor the Free Earth Realm. They could defeat the enemy with one move, which meant that the realms of both sides were at least one major realm apart.

What realm is above the Mysterious Realm of Divine Wandering? They have never seen it before.

"This trip to the East China Sea was not in vain."

Another one of the three licked his lips, with a hint of heat in his eyes. The purpose of their coming to the East China Sea was to see the immortal. Now, before they saw the immortal, they met another master first. For them, the trip was worthwhile.

"I just don't know if he is an enemy or a friend. If he is an opponent..."

However, the remaining one was not as optimistic as the other two. If the person who came was an enemy rather than a friend, they would be in trouble.

"Master, I wonder if the person coming here is an enemy or a friend?"

Of course, he was not the only one who thought of this. On the other side, Tang Lian's expression suddenly became solemn. If the person was not coming towards them, then everything would be fine. But if that person's target was them, being on the sea in this place where there was no village in front and no shop behind would definitely be a disaster for them.

"I don't know."

The monk facing the wall had a complicated look on his face. He could only sense the sword intent from the previous attack, but he couldn't tell whether the opponent was a friend or an enemy based on the supreme sword intent alone. "How about Master, take Xiao Se away first!"

Lei Wujie suddenly spoke.

Since it is impossible to tell whether the other party is a friend or an enemy, then just treat him as an enemy. If he is an enemy, then his target can only be Xiao Se, because rookies like them are not worth sending out such a terrifying person.

Xiao Se stood on the deck, his hands on the railing, looking at the rolling waves behind him, and suddenly said, "There's no way to escape."

If the other party's target from the beginning was him, he would never give up halfway. With the other party's terrifying strength, he would not be able to escape at all.

Of course, if the other three wandering gods could stop him for a while, then he might still give it a try, but the monk facing the wall had already said that even if the four of them joined forces, they could not withstand the opponent's attack.

In other words, even if they tried to stop them, they would not be able to stop the other party for a moment, so what was the point of running away now?


Of course, the monk facing the wall also understood this point, so when Xiao Se said this, he did not take any action, but just chanted the Buddha's name softly.

It’s no wonder that this Buddhist mantra can be used anywhere. You can recite it whether you are happy, sad, helpless, or excited.

"Doesn't that mean all we can do now is wait to die?"

Sikong Qianluo found it hard to accept. They had overcome so many difficulties and experienced so much hardship along the way. They had finally come to this point, and now they were left here to wait for death. How could she be at ease with this?
"The other party may not be coming here to kill me!"

Xiao Se seemed to have lost interest at this time and didn't want to continue running away. After all, he had nowhere to escape on the sea.

"But even if it's coming for me, so what? I've been running for a long time and I'm tired."

Speaking of this, Xiao Se looked a little lonely. He knew everything that had happened along the way, not to mention whether that person was a master above the Divine Wandering Realm.

He didn't want to let Tang Lian, Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo continue to risk their lives because of him.

"Xiao Se, you."

Sikong Qianluo was a little anxious. In her words, they had finally come to this point and they must not waste their previous efforts because of these things.

"I don't want to run away anymore. Besides, there is nowhere to escape on the sea. If the other party really came for me, this is the perfect timing."

"If that person is really after me, please help me, Master, and keep an eye on them."

"How will you know if you don't try?"

When Tang Lian and the others heard that Xiao Se was arranging his funeral affairs, they suddenly felt heavy-hearted.

Tang Lian still had some hope, but Xiao Se didn't move, and it was true that he didn't want to continue running away. He remembered what the fortune teller had said to him before, that if he waited, the clouds would clear and the moon would appear, and he would definitely succeed on this trip.

"Big Brother, that's it! Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth and honor are determined by God. That little Taoist priest always told me that there will always be a way when a car reaches the mountain, and a boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. Since I can't hide anymore, I might as well wait and see. I want to see who this master who is above the realm of the gods is."

Just then a clear and loud shout was heard.

"Move a thousand mountains, and raise a thousand waves!"

(End of this chapter)

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