Chapter 42 Asking, Wang Rensun
"My master??"

Wu Chan's tone was quite puzzled, he didn't seem to expect Zhao Huafan to be interested in his master.

"That's right, I planned to visit Master Wangyou!! It's a pity that something like that happened!!"

Zhao Huafan's tone was full of regret.

What he said was not false, but the truth. If he said that the person he wanted to meet most in the world, there would be Master Wangyou, the leader of the Zen sect in the world, who possessed the six powers of Buddhism and practiced against Rakshasa. The secret technique of the temple, one thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon.

He has transformed thousands of people in the world of mortals and seen worldly obsession and hatred. He may be of great help to himself.

Seeing him alone may be comparable to hundreds or thousands of people.

"Why does Benefactor Zhao want to see my master??"

Wu Zen wore a bamboo hat, his head was bowed, and the brim of the hat blocked his eyes, making it unclear what his expression was at this time.

Inside the carriage, Tang Lian, Tiannvrui, and Sikong Qianluo also felt a little curious when they heard Zhao Huafan's words, and all looked out of the carriage.

They already knew that Wangyou practiced the secret art of Rakshasa Hall, became obsessed, and had a bad reputation. It is estimated that no one in the world is willing to have anything to do with this master, but Zhao Huafan mentioned him again at this time. Among them, it is quite admirable, which is a bit strange.


Zhao Huafan's posture did not change, but his gaze was slanted and blocked by the bamboo hat, and he turned to Monk Wuchan, and then replied softly.


Wu Chan repeated it again, but unlike Zhao Huafan's tone, he asked in a questioning tone.

"Road to Road, very Avenue."

"Grandmaster Wangyou is capable of overpowering the three temples in the world and becoming the leader of the Zen sect. He must have reached an extremely advanced level of comprehension of the Tao. If he can sit down and discuss the Tao with such a master, it must be a rare opportunity!! "

Hearing such praise, Wu Chan couldn't help but feel good about him. Wang You is his master, and he has never forgotten this, just like when he was fighting against Baifaxian before.

Seeing King Kong's supernatural powers, the white-haired fairy called Wu Chan a disciple of Dajue. He denied it, saying, "I only practice Buddhism, but I don't teach Buddhism. Or because Master Wangyou didn't dare, it's hard to say!"

Wangyou was selected as the person to monitor and raise the suzerain of Tianwaitianshao, which in itself can explain many things. This master Wangyou who passed by in the original book is not a weak person, on the contrary, but a A strong man, a strong man who is so strong that even the Beili court is unwilling to provoke.

It was not seen that when Wangyou was still alive, the major forces of all parties had never shown their heads, but only some low-rate sects were making trouble in Hanshui Temple.

Because they know that Wangyou has his own bottom line, and those low-ranking sects came to seek revenge because they were all victims of that incident back then, and Wangyou would not fight them, but if someone else
Wu Chan has practiced in Jiulong Temple these years. As he grows up, he must gradually understand the realm. He knows that he went to Jiulong Temple not because Zen Master Dajue took a fancy to his aptitude, but because Wangyou let himself go.

"The little monk's impression of the master is already a little fuzzy. For the past 12 years, the little monk has been practicing in the Jiulong Temple, following the side of Zen Master Dajue, and practicing the supernatural power of Vajra Subduing Demons. The last time I saw the master was last year!!"

"At that time, the master was still so kind, and he spoke slowly. When he saw the pilgrims passing by, he was always willing to stop and say hello to those people. He would also patiently help those who asked for help!"

Hearing this, Zhao Huafan nodded slightly.

"At that time, the master also told me a word, the road of practice, to the end, will test a person's state of mind more and more. If the power in a person's hands is greater, but he does not have the corresponding mental strength to control it, then this person is right. The world will be more dangerous!"

"The master said that many times, you have to think twice before you act. One thought becomes a demon, and one thought becomes a Buddha!"

Zhao Huafan sighed quietly.

"The opposite is the movement of the Tao, and the weak is the use of the Tao. Everything in the world is born of being, and being is born of nothing. The reason is always the same. With these words, it has lived up to the name of Master Tianxia Zen!"

Wu Chan was slightly taken aback when he heard this. Although he didn't understand what Zhao Huafan meant, he felt that these words were like his master's. Sometimes, what the other party said sounded like Zhao Huafan, sounding unfathomable , but it seems to have gained something.

"Amitabha!! If the master is still here, I'm sure he will have a good talk with Zhao benefactor!!"


"Brother, what did Zhao Huafan mean??"

Tang Lian touched her head in embarrassment.

How did he know this kind of dragging text, he is a man in the world, if you ask a person which acupoints on his body will kill him, he can say it without saying anything, but this one clearly touches his blind spot of knowledge! !

Seeing Tang Lian like this, Tian Nurui also shrugged her shoulders helplessly. She didn't understand these words, and she guessed that even Wu Chan didn't understand them either. He just told Zhao to cover up his embarrassment. if that is the case.

That being the case, Sikong Qianluo didn't force it, but looked at the young man outside through the carriage. Sometimes he was very similar to Xiao Se, but sometimes he was not.

For example, now, he just points to the end, but Xiao Se can't wait to say everything he knows in one breath, one is relatively restrained, and the other is relatively public.

And the most important point is that both of them look good, in the words of Miss Qianluo, they are very good-looking.

The carriage returned to calm again, the wheels left a row of ruts on the ancient road, and the breeze stirred the wind chimes on the carriage, making a pleasant chime.

On the other side, Wuxin, Xiao Se, and Lei Wujie also followed the same route at this time, and made a big fuss with the longbow in memory of the ghosts at night.

He ran all the way down to the dilapidated inn.

"Don't you know the way too??"

After getting along for a short time, Xiao Se has already confirmed that Wuxin doesn't seem to intend to harm him and Lei Wujie, and he can't help but feel a lot better.

"Anyway, the direction is not wrong, we are heading west!!"

Xiao Se glanced at the bones left on the official road, and felt a little bad in his heart. It stands to reason that although the road to the northwest is desolate, it's not like this. No matter how you look at it, it feels like a dead place.

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Se couldn't help asking: "Hey! Monk, where do you want to go??"

Wuxin thought for a while without hiding anything, and said bluntly: "Khotan Kingdom, Dafanyin Temple!"

Hearing this answer, Xiao Se narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had guessed Wuxin's plan.

"The king's grandson~"

(End of this chapter)

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