Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 46 Origin, the little old man and Qi Tianchen

Chapter 46 Origin, the little old man and Qi Tianchen
"Old man, meeting is fate, we meet again today, why don't I open a ticket for you?"

In the country of Khotan, in a street, Zhao Huafan sat down in front of a small stall.

Hearing this, the old man's eyes lit up.

But he said on his mouth: "Then why are you so embarrassed??"

Seeing the little old man like this, Zhao Huafan chuckled, "Then listen to the old man?"

The little old man's face froze, and he was at a loss for a moment. He was just saying politely, why did this person in front of him take it seriously? ?

Seeing the little old man's reaction, Zhao Huafan smiled again and replied softly.

The little old man couldn't help whispering beside him when he heard the words.

"Really, today's young people don't catch up with the eyesight at all. The old man is just polite and courteous, and even makes jokes about the old man. It's not cute! It's not cute!"

Zhao Huafan looked at the little girl standing behind the old man. She wore two braids and her eyes were as black as lacquer. Seeing that she was looking over, she was a little shy and hid behind the old man.

"This time, the young master is planning to inquire about something??"

Then the old man glanced around furtively, then leaned over and asked aloud.

Zhao Huafan shook his head lightly.

"I won't inquire about the news this time, I just want the old man to do the math for me!!"

Hearing this, the old man was slightly taken aback. His granddaughter had already seen it for the other party some time ago, saying that Zhao Huafan's fate was covered by a heavenly secret, and he could not peep into his future.

So when Zhao Huafan said these words, the little old man felt a little helpless.

He took a closer look at Zhao Huafan again. This young man's eyes were as clear as water, and he couldn't see a single ripple. He wasn't surprised to see this scene two months ago, but seeing him now made him fall silent.

He became a guest in the world of mortals, looked at the world, and still had a glass mirror in his heart. He had only seen two people like this in his life.

It was five or sixty years ago when he met him when he was young.

He remembered that person was called——Qi Tianchen.

At that time, he was not proficient in divination, so when he saw Qi Tianchen for the second time, he even guessed and lied.

He still remembered what Qi Tianchen said.

"It's not good to believe in words, but it's not good to believe in good words. The benefactor has already got the three flavors, but what I'm asking is the way, and I'm finding the cause. A thought is dependent on it, and a thought is dependent on it. After all, I'm not a person in my way! I'm not a person in my way. Go rest, go stop!!"

At that time, he took Qi Tianchen's money, so he didn't care about this.As long as there is money to be made, that's fine.

It was only later that when he was traveling around the rivers and lakes, he accidentally heard that there was a new national teacher named Qi Tianchen in Beili. Only then did he realize the weight of Qi Tianchen's words at that time.

What kind of opportunity did he miss at that time? Sometimes when he thinks about that incident back then, he just feels a pain in the flesh, a real pain in the flesh.

If at that time, he told the truth, or simply said that he didn't know, maybe at this time, his situation would be a world of difference.

After hesitating for a long time, the little old man shook his head gently.

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint the young master!"

Zhao Huafan was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at the person in front of him curiously. This doesn't seem like something a fortune teller should say, does it? ?

"The old man is not joking with me, is he?"

The old man's eyes flickered twice, and he said directly: "In this world, some people's fates are very special, and their fates are generally covered by heavenly secrets, making it impossible to calculate, but speaking of it, most of these people are determined by luck. So Zhong, whether in the Jianghu or court, whether he is good or evil, whether he is male or female, his achievements are boundless!"

Zhao Huafan fell silent after hearing the words.

It was an unintentional act to ask the other party for a fortune-telling. It was his temporary intention, and there was no such thing as a prior discussion. It can be said that it was largely avoided that the other party said such words on purpose.

And the other party's current rhetoric, I am afraid that there is something else hidden.

"Actually, the old man can make up some auspicious words, and I won't care about it!!"

Hearing this, the old man shook his head.

"Some things can be said nonsense, and some things can't be said nonsense. If the young master is a passerby on the street, the old man will naturally be happy to talk to the young master and earn some money. However, the young master is not, and the little old man can be regarded as a person who knows a little bit of heaven. This karma is too great, the little old man can’t afford it~~”

Zhao Huafan couldn't help raising his head when he heard this, and looked at the other party carefully. Seeing that the other party looked a little distressed, as if he was regretting that he couldn't make the deal, he guessed that the other party was not lying.

After all, if he only talked about such things as fortune-telling, he would not get money.

He looked at the little old man, then at the little girl, and he didn't know if it was a whim or a whim.

The next moment, Zhao Huafan quietly circulated the aura in his body, and used Qingcheng Mountain's Qi-watching method.

The other party knows how to ask the sky, and I can also do it, but in this matter of divination, generally speaking, one's own calculation is not accurate, so Zhao Huafan has never used the method of divination to calculate himself since he went down the mountain.

Following the exercise of Qi Wang, two illusory pillars of light appeared in front of his eyes.

After a while, he looked away, and looked at the little girl hiding behind the little old man with a strange expression. The girl Xiaolan seemed to be related to him.

Xiaolan seemed to have noticed Zhao Huafan's gaze, so she hid behind the little old man again.

"This young man, but"

Seeing this situation, the little old man was a little unhappy, Xiaolan was his granddaughter, Zhao Huafan looked at a little girl lewdly, what kind of courtesy is this.

Zhao Huafan shook his head, he could hear the dissatisfaction in the little old man's tone.

The little girl doesn't look pretty, she's just of average beauty, plus following this little old man running all over the world, her little face is sunburnt, her whole body is shriveled, she doesn't have any flesh, only a pair of eyes are more pleasing .

Zhao Huafan also thought in his heart, perhaps it was because the little girl was born not beautiful that their grandparents could walk safely in the rivers and lakes! !
"Don't blame me, old man. I know a thing or two about how to make divination. I just showed it to you two on a whim. Recently, you two haven't encountered any troubles. I just found out that Miss Xiaolan seems to be in harmony with me. It's a bit involved! But we only saw it twice, so I felt a little strange in my heart, so I took a second look!!"

Hearing this, the little old man's face darkened, and he was about to yell at him. He is an old man, but Xiaolan is the only relative by his side. What does Zhao Huafan mean by this? ?Are you here to rob someone? ?

However, then he felt Xiaolan pulling his clothes violently behind him, as if trying to stop him. At that moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned around with a strange expression on his face.

He said that this granddaughter of his is good in the Central Plains and doesn't want to wait, she insists on coming here, her feelings have already been known for a long time! !
"That's all! There are still some broken silver on the lower body, give it to the old man! Buy some food for Miss Xiaolan~"

Hearing this, the little old head was very excited.

"No need, old man, I can still raise my granddaughter!!"

(End of this chapter)

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