Chapter 6 Retreat, Exit, Learn the Sword
"Master, why doesn't brother practice sword practice!!"

In a small courtyard in Mount Qingcheng, a little Taoist boy was striding his horse, his legs were already trembling, but the purple-robed Taoist under the peach tree turned a blind eye and ate peaches leisurely until he heard the little Taoist boy's voice. After complaining, he said: "If you don't want to practice, then you don't need to practice! Being a teacher can be easier!"

Hearing the other party's words, Xiao Daotong's forehead was covered with black lines.

Is the other party's sheep-herding teaching really reliable?
I still want to grab the second place in the world, if I don't practice swords, what can I do to grab it?Is it possible to steal peaches with the monkeys I learned in the mountains?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but looked at the purple-robed Taoist priest under the tree. If he was going to steal peaches, would the master beat him up?

It was Dao Sword Immortal Zhao Yuzhen and his disciple Li Fansong who spoke.

"Hold on for another quarter of an hour!"

Zhao Yuzhen glanced at his disciple and said casually.

Li Fansong's face turned bitter, it will take another quarter of an hour!He felt that he couldn't hold on for a while, but after a quarter of an hour, Li Fansong sat on the ground with his hands on the ground as if he had been fished out of the water, panting heavily.

Zhao Yuzhen was right, he could really hold on for a quarter of an hour, no more and no less.

On the other hand, Zhao Yuzhen looked at his disciple, but shook his head in his heart, comparing goods with goods, people are more deadly than others!
Don't talk about others, just talk about himself. He learned the power of the big dragon at the age of six, and studied the immeasurable swordsmanship at the age of 11. At Fan Song's age, he may have already been in a comfortable state, but he can't even hold a sword well. .

As for the other one, he hasn't understood it until now. The talent is good, and it's not so good. You said if you haven't cultivated, right?But he read that book with his arms around him all day long, and sometimes he couldn't close his eyes all day and all night. He had read that book too!Nothing new.

But now he doesn't have a trace of internal strength in his body, and he doesn't practice swordsmanship, he only learned two hands of dragon elephant power, which is still specious at the moment.

When he went down the mountain in the future, if he was beaten up, he couldn't go down the mountain, but no one helped him vent his anger.

He raised his head and looked at the direction of the Little Lotus Peak, and couldn't help but sighed twice in his heart.

Why are the apprentices I have taken in for the past two days so uneasy!

On the other side, on the Little Lotus Peak of Qingcheng Mountain, Zhao Shouyi scratched his head in distress, "Wuliang Tianzun, is this Qingxuan Patriarch. It was good at the beginning, so I have to make it out like this. When it's over, jump It's in the pit!!"

Zhao Shouyi looked at a line in the book and almost cursed.

"Read the book a hundred times, and see its meaning!"

The last dozens of pages of this Taoist scripture have nothing but these petty lowercase scripts, written densely on the pages of the book, making one's scalp numb.

This book has been banned for some reason. Unless the previous page is completely read, the next page will be blank even if it is opened.

This is also the reason why Zhao Shouyi wants to scold people. He has finally cultivated here, but he only sees these eight characters, and the aura in his Purple Mansion is extremely domineering. It is completely impossible to transfer to some internal strength. This cut him off again.

In desperation, he had no choice but to pick up the book again and read it from the beginning.

He read it over and over again, and comprehended it over and over again, until he saw a sentence, and a different thought came to him, so he went to the Qingcheng Mountain Taoist Collection and the Book Mountain to find the answer.

Spring goes and autumn comes, flowers wither and bloom, this stay is eight years of cold and heat.

Until his master, Zhao Yuzhen, also had a beard on his lips, and his younger brother finally practiced immeasurable swordsmanship, Qingcheng Mountain took in another little guy named Feixuan, until Qingcheng Mountain hardly knew that Dao Sword Fairy Zhao Yuzhen had a disciple .

From a thatched hut at the top of the Little Lotus Peak, a handsome young man walked out.

"I didn't expect such good luck to happen between drinking and pecking. It is worthy of being Patriarch Qingxuan!!"

The young man leaped into the air, without seeing any fluctuations in his internal energy, he flew down the mountain like a lone bird.

If someone saw this scene, they would probably be dumbfounded, light work without internal force?There is only one school in this world, the number one lightness skill in the world-Treading Clouds.

"One success and one failure is one calamity, and there will be countless calamities before this world!"

In a small courtyard on the mountainside, Zhao Yuzhen, who had become the master of Mount Qingcheng, was teaching his apprentice Li Fansong the last move of the Wuliang Swordsmanship.

Suddenly he frowned, and said coldly: "Who is your Excellency? It's not kind to ask yourself!!"

Li Fansong was taken aback for a moment, he tried to feel the surrounding situation, but found nothing unusual, then he turned around and looked at his master.

Zhao Yuzhen shook his head helplessly. If he hadn't had the realm of a sword fairy, it would have been difficult to notice the existence of that person.

At this moment, a warm voice sounded softly outside the door.

"Disciple pays homage to master!!"

Hearing this, both Zhao Yuzhen and Li Fansong were taken aback. Who else could call Zhao Yuzhen a master! !

"Senior Brother!!"

Li Fansong rushed out in surprise, while Zhao Yuzhen sighed with emotion, that little guy finally went down the mountain.

As soon as Li Fansong opened the door, he saw a handsome young man standing outside the door. Although he was a bit unfamiliar, he still identified the person in front of him at a glance, Zhao Shouyi.

"Senior Brother!!"

Zhao Shouyi smiled and nodded, "That's right, they're already in the Vajra Ordinary Realm!"

Hearing this, Li Fansong patted his head with a smile. It was not easy for him to reach his current state, and he had practiced it all by himself.

He then felt Zhao Shouyi's realm, but the next moment, his face couldn't help but change, and he didn't have any internal strength? ?
"Brother, what are you doing?"

Zhao Shouyi shook his head lightly, indicating that he would say something later, then walked into the small courtyard, came to Zhao Yuzhen and saluted respectfully.

"Master, the disciple is out!"

Zhao Yuzhen nodded lightly. For Zhao Shouyi, his expectations were actually far greater than Li Fansong's. After eight years, he saw this apprentice again in his small courtyard, and he felt quite emotional.

However, regarding Zhao Shouyi's realm, he was not like Li Fansong, who simply thought that Zhao Shouyi was an ordinary person without the slightest internal strength.

Because no matter how powerful a mortal is, it is impossible for him to come within fifty steps of him silently without him noticing.

"Your current realm??"

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuzhen asked straight to the point.

Zhao Shouyi frowned, and said uncertainly: "I'm not sure, it's weird, it's hard to say."

A few words in a row, let alone Zhao Yuzhen, even he himself was confused.

"But I should be able to learn swordsmanship!"

"Immeasurable Sword??"

"Accidentally learned it just now!"


(End of this chapter)

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