Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 61 Unintentional Work, Obtaining the Tao

Chapter 61 Unintentional Work, Obtaining the Tao

"Being obsessed?? Isn't that the same as Master Wangyou?"

Sikong Qianluo said in surprise.

Wuchan walked up to Dahuai and the others to check the situation, his expression was a little nervous, he had seen the movement of Zen master Dajue just now, and forcibly activated the Nine Dragons Subduing Demon Formation.

"Master Dahuai~~"

Xiao Se took a look at Wu Chan, and said softly: "Dajue just forcibly activated the Nine Dragons Subduing Demon Formation, which took away the internal energy of the six people, only hurting the meridians, so that there is no danger of life!"

But then he looked at Dajue and Wuxin who were still fighting, and his tone became strange.

"On the contrary, it's Dajue, who is infatuated with extraordinary methods that can be cured. His power has increased greatly now, but it's just the internal power forcibly plundered from others. If it lasts for a while, it will be impossible for a god to save it!"

While speaking, Wuxin was once again sent flying by Zen Master Dajue, Wuxin squinted, and glanced at Zhao Huafan who was standing there without the slightest intention to move.

He frowned, what's going on?
Could it be that Zhao Huafan is a person who does not believe what he says? It's just that this idea has just passed through his mind, but he has denied it. If Zhao Huafan is really such a person, then how could his master, Master Wangyou, not see through it!You must know that Master Wangyou is especially famous for his xintong, and later practiced Xinmoyin, it stands to reason that he would not be ignorant of these things.

Then he thought of the conversation between Zhao Huafan and Zen Master Dajue, and felt a little silent. There was still an unresolved cause and effect between Master Dajue and him.

This is something that needs to be faced by oneself, as Master Wangyou said, the road ahead needs to be walked by oneself.

Just when Tang Lian and the others were about to come over to help, they were stopped by Wu Xin.

Then, taking advantage of Dajue's inattention, he pinched his pulse door all at once.

He activated a secret technique that he had learned in the Raksha Hall.

"Back then, my father led Tianwaitian to invade the Central Plains, and the crimes he committed were serious. It is not unreasonable to pay off the father's debt!!"

When Xiao Se heard this, his expression changed.

"What do you want to do, are you stupid??"

Although Zhao Huafan is still there, if he loses his cultivation, goes outside the territory, and is surrounded by wolves, how will Wuxin survive.

Inadvertently glanced at Xiao Se, without speaking, he looked at Zhao Huafan again, and unexpectedly found that there was a hint of admiration in the other party's eyes, then he couldn't help shaking his head secretly, he really guessed right before, this unreliable Taoist priest I really think so in my heart.

"What an unreliable stinky Taoist!!"

Wuxin murmured again in his heart, but he didn't stop. Maybe Zhao Huafan was right. After all, his master, Master Wangyou, also said that Zhao Huafan had the most transparent mind he had ever seen since he practiced Buddhism. The younger generation, between gains and losses, is even better than myself.

"I, Ye Anshi, as the young master of Tianwaitian, learn the secret techniques of the Central Plains Buddhism Rakshasa Hall. There must be an explanation for this matter! Zen Master Dajue, you have gone crazy because of me, and today I will be with you Just let this cause and effect go!"

After all, Wuxin mobilized his internal energy, and the internal energy on Zen Master Dajue's body fell rapidly like the ebbing tide, but there was one more thing that was even more surprising, the internal energy on Wuxin was also dissipating, and it was similar to Dajue's. Than, dissipated faster.

"What is he doing??"

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback.

Tang Lian couldn't help being a little startled, "What kind of sorcery is this, it can eliminate the opponent's skills!!"

Xiao Se said in a timely manner: "See clearly, Wuxin's skill dissipates faster!"

After his reminder, everyone saw Wuxin, who was in stark contrast to the diamond body, and the power on his body was also dissipating.

This kind of result that outsiders can see with their eyes can naturally be felt by the Dajue of the person involved.

He couldn't help turning his head, looking behind Wuxin who restrained himself.

Inadvertently sighed.

"Don't stare at me, I don't know the name of this kung fu, the cover was destroyed, I took one myself, it's called compassion!!"

Hearing Wu Xin's words, everyone present couldn't help but fell silent.

At this point in the battle, Wuxin and Dajue, who is the Buddha and who is the devil, have already reached a conclusion in their hearts.

"Zhao, this is the result you want!!"

Xiao Se was still a little angry. After all, Wuxin had already been regarded as a friend by him. He didn't understand why Zhao Huafan just stood by and watched.

Zhao Huafan didn't care about it either, and said something softly.

"When misfortune comes, blessings depend on it, and when blessings come, misfortune rests on it. This matter must have an ending after all, and this is not a tragedy."

Xiao Se frowned, as if he didn't understand what Zhao Huafan was talking about.

But he heard that there seemed to be another mystery in this matter, so her eyes flickered twice again, and she stopped talking.

Wuxin didn't turn her head, and turned her back to Zen Master Dajue.

"Zen Master Dajue, I have completely destroyed your decades of skill!"

Having regained his sense of sanity, he panted heavily and replied, "But your skill is not enough."

Wuxin continued: "I won't take half of the 32 secret skills of the Raksha Hall of your Buddhist sect!"

A battle ends in a loss for both sides.

After a period of rest, the monks in Jiulong Temple did not bother too much. After all, he unintentionally melted away all his skills and saved Dajue. This practice of repaying hatred with virtue also made Dajue completely let go read.

Perhaps this is also human nature, because in the human heart, life is equal, just like killing people to pay for their lives. Back then, Ye Dingzhi killed his master, and now he has no intention of paying back his own life.

"Thank you nephew Wuxin for his life!!"

Wuxin shook his head lightly, maybe Zhao Huafan was right, and he didn't regret this matter.

"You are also an old friend of the old monk Wangyou, how could I refuse to save him! It's a pity that the master has all the skills, and I hope the master will not blame him!"

Hearing this, Dajue sighed lightly.

"I've been practicing Vajra Demon Subduing Demonic Ability for so many years, but I never thought that in the end, I didn't subdue my inner demons! Maybe that little benefactor is right, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will be right when you turn back!"

At this time, Zhao Huafan also came over, and Dajue, who had untied his knot, finally seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

"Congratulations, Master, for improving your state of mind to a higher level. See you someday, and you will surely attain Bodhi!"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Dajue sighed again: "If I knew what would happen now, I might not have done such ridiculous things before!"

After Zhao Huafan heard it, he said with a little emotion: "What the master said is wrong. Every movement and stillness are the way the master should go. If the master didn't come here this time and see the compassion in Wuxin's heart, how could it be so? Let it go! I have seen it, I know it, so I have attained the Tao!"

Hearing this, Dajue felt as if a deafening thunder shot into his heart, suddenly realized, just like what Zhao Huafan said, some things have never been experienced by himself, so how can he know right or wrong, only he has experienced it and realized it. Right and wrong, it is precisely because I have been attached to it that I am now qualified to let it go.

And let go, for him, that is the Tao.

As soon as he thought of this, he felt extremely happy in his heart, and the wanton laughter echoed at the foot of the mountain.


Lei Wujie touched his head, a little puzzled, he heard Zhao Huafan's words, but he didn't think there was any problem!

"What's wrong with Dajue??"

The corner of Wuxin's mouth slightly raised, "I have achieved the Tao! Benefactor Zhao is really extraordinary!"

Xiao Se chuckled, "You don't need to praise him, he's just a magic stick..."


(End of this chapter)

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