Chapter 66
"Monk, I'll help you!!"

Seeing that Wuxin was gaining the upper hand by Wushuang, Lei Wujie was about to make a move as he said that, Xiao Se grabbed him.

"Don't worry, there is someone surnamed Zhao, Wuxin will be fine!"

Lei Wujie glanced at Zhao Huafan, who was still as calm as water, and scratched his head.

"It seems so!"

On the other side of Wushuang City, those disciples came to Lu Yudi and whispered: "Brother, that person from Qingcheng Mountain has to be on guard! If Wushuang defeats this monk in a while, if this person interferes, All of our plans are in vain!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuzhai clenched his fists hanging by his side. It was not the first time he met Zhao Huafan. He had met Zhao Huafan as early as in Beauty Village. At that time, he felt that this person was extraordinary, but at that time Wushuang chased him straight away, he didn't have time to figure out Zhao Huafan's identity.

Goodbye now, I didn't expect it to become such a difficult situation. The dragon's elephant power in Qingcheng Mountain, just like the fox-fur boy said, is the secret of Qingcheng Mountain. A direct disciple of Mount Qingcheng.

And such disciples, like those below, cannot kill unless absolutely necessary, they can only injure.

But when he thought of this, Lu Yuzhai sighed helplessly, since the opponent stopped Wushuang easily just now, this shows that the opponent's strength is only stronger than his freakish junior.

Sikong Qianluo yelled "Daddy", but she was so frightened that the man glanced at her and hid.

Suddenly, a long spear came from outside the sky, coming fast and fierce, like a dragon swimming in the sky, even Wushuang didn't even react, it was in front of him, above the long spear, the destructive force of the spear directly hit the ground A big hole was blown up.

Wu Shuang was slightly taken aback when he heard Wu Xin's words, and then his piercing eyes turned slightly to look at Zhao Huafan who was standing aside.

Before she had time to think about it, Wu Xin used her magic foot to escape by chance, but Yun Shuo scratched a hole in her sleeve.

And his little physical strength at this time has finally bottomed out at this time.

"come yet??"

"You mean that Taoist?"

Even if they go together, they are probably not opponents.

Even if you try your best, you may not be able to defeat your opponent.

He didn't know Zhao Huafan's depth before, and he still doesn't know now, but he can still be sure that Wushuang is not the other party's opponent.

Hearing this, Wushuang and the others were taken aback. What is Zhao Huafan talking about? ?Why didn't they understand.

"Hey~~ What you said is not bad, I don't want to fight him at all, his moves are very weird, I didn't have a good fight with you! But since Master sent me out, I can't retreat without a fight! ! My previous words are still valid, if you can block my five swords, then I will not make any more moves!"

Hearing the opponent's words, Wuxin narrowed his eyes. After fighting with hundreds of moves, he could already feel the gap between him and the opponent. This kid who was not as old as him was right.

When Wushuang raised his hand, Yun Shuo and Qingshuang shot out in an instant. This time, its speed was more than double that of before, and the direction of the flying sword's attack became more tricky. Wuxin's face changed slightly. The change, As the person involved, his feelings are the most intuitive.

Lu Yuzhai, who was at the side, saw that Zhao Huafan finally made a move, so he dodged from the side, and the people accompanying him also drew out their weapons one after another, ready to fight.

"Monk, if you are not injured, this battle must be a hearty battle. Unfortunately, the next few swords are my real swords. If you can hold the five swords, I will let go of this one." How is the way!!"

Wushuang looked at the young man in green robe in front of him, was silent for a moment, and said aloud, "What's your name?"

Seeing Wuxin half kneeling on the ground, everyone couldn't help but become nervous. In fact, even if Wuxin didn't say anything, they could feel that Wuxin was at the end of his battle at this time.

Lu Yuzhai stood up while rolling on a donkey, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Hey~ Monk, I admire you very much. You have such combat power at such a young age, but let me tell you the truth, Monk, even if you beat me, you won't be able to take me away!"

The flying sword pierced through the air like two lightning bolts. The speed was so fast that everyone could only vaguely catch a black line.

Wu Shuang saw Zhao Huafan stand up again, his eyes were very cautious, he was different from the few people he had fought against before.

Zhao Huafan pulled Wuxin back and out, narrowly dodging the aftermath of the spear force.

When Lei Wujie heard Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo's words, he suddenly had a guess in his heart, so he tentatively said, "Could this person be..."

"Lei Wujie, you have seen Fengxuejian Shen Jingzhou and Sunshattering Sword King Sun, these first-class masters you have seen before, you will forget them, but this person in front of you, you must remember, those people are playing with swords. No matter how good you are, no matter how good you are at using a sword, it is just a title of one, this person is different, he is not one, he is the number one gun user in the world."

In an instant, smoke filled the air, and Lu Yudi and others were directly blown away by the aftermath of the explosion.

It was a good thing, but it was disrupted by the people of Qingcheng Mountain. Now, judging from the situation, it seems that there will be side issues again. The task assigned by the city lord Song Yanhui, now seems to be in vain.

Zhao Huafan looked at the few people who were eager to try, and shook his head.

"Junior Brother, this person is not a simple person, let's do it together!!"

"not good!!"

In the arena, Wushuang saw that the monk in front of him was actually able to fight back and forth with him, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit of sympathy for each other.

"Wrap your fingers softly, jade wishful!!"

"Master Three!!"

He couldn't help shouting angrily: "Who is it???"

Zhao Huafan sighed softly, a big hand transformed out of thin air, and helped Wuxin block the two flying swords.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and there was only a man standing on the gun, a man with sharp eyes and no depth.

"Since that's the case, the little monk would be more respectful than obedient!!"

"The surname is Zhao!!"

Geniuses always have their eyes above the top, but geniuses also cherish geniuses. Wushuang has such combat power at a young age, and can even fight against Tang Lian alone. got his approval.

"Okay, let's stop here!"


Suddenly came two more swords, although Wuxin wanted to dodge these two swords, but he was powerless.

"How could it be so fast~~"

Wuxin nodded slightly.

Xiao Se came to his side with a very solemn tone.

"If I can't stop it, I'll go fight that Taoist priest again in a while, and the outcome depends on fate!!"

"Get out of the way!!"

Hearing the other party's words, Wuxin smiled, since the other party had already prepared for this, why should he not be the beauty of an adult!Anyway, there was that unreliable Taoist priest to hold him back.

Upon seeing this person, Tang Lian subconsciously said something.

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone couldn't help being taken aback.

"Spear Fairy Sikong Changfeng!!"

Seeing this person, Wuxin said helplessly, "Benefactor Zhao, what should I say, little monk! I didn't expect to be caught by your words!!"

Zhao Huafan glanced at him and shook his head, he knew what Sikong Changfeng was here for.

"Don't think so sadly, you will never know the result until the last step!"

(End of this chapter)

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