Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 70 Going together, the hero saves the beauty?

Chapter 70 Going together, the hero saves the beauty?
"I thought you would go back with Sikong Changfeng! I didn't expect you to choose to go with us!"

On an official road, Xiao Se gave Zhao Huafan a sideways glance, and said in a puzzled tone.

"Hey~ Haven't you thought about your own problems?"

Zhao Huafan sighed helplessly as he looked at the trees gradually becoming lush.

Hearing this, Xiao Se's eyes became a little unnatural.

"That's not the way I led, it was brought by this little ram, and besides, didn't you see it at the beginning?"

Zhao Huafan chuckled, along the way he was digesting what he had learned from his discussion with Master Wangyou. Artistic conception is very mysterious, sometimes it's just a step in the door, but if it's not to that level, it's just a door in the door.

In the last discussion, Wangyou said a lot of things that he didn't personally experience, so it was not easy to understand, and if he didn't pay attention, he was almost taken into the ditch by these two road idiots.

"I think if it wasn't for me, if you could come to Xueyue City in half a year, you should burn incense!"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Xiao Se replied softly: "Anyway, Xueyue City is there, and they don't have long legs. If you want to run, you can run if you want. At most, you can walk for two more days, and you can get there anyway."

At this time, Lei Wujie who was on the side also said: "Oh! No wonder when I was in Leimen before, the owner of the gate always said that Jianghu Road is not easy to walk. It seems that he really didn't lie to me. I'm all confused!"

The corner of Xiao Se's mouth twitched when he heard this, this unreliable guy, does Lei Qianhu mean that? ?And this comprehension ability is simply refreshing his cognition constantly.

Zhao Huafan smiled and shook his head when he heard this.

With Lei Wujie on the way, he probably won't feel lonely.

"Help me!!"

Suddenly there was a shout from afar. Although it was not clear, it could be judged that the person who called was a woman.

Hearing this shout, Zhao Huafan and Xiao Se frowned at the same time, in the wilderness, heroes save the beauty, such things are naturally not rare in the world.

But for the two of them, unbelief was far greater than belief, because the place was so remote, they didn't even see a single passer-by along the way.

"Someone is calling for help~~drive!!"

Before the two could speak, a red figure jumped out.

Xiao Se stretched back the arm he had just raised in embarrassment.

"Hey~~ Why didn't you stop him just now, the ghost knows what's going on ahead, in this kind of place, apart from us, you can't even see a ghost along the way, that's why he believes that someone really needs help! "

Zhao Huafan smiled.

"Eat a pit and gain a wisdom! Isn't everyone here like this??"

As they spoke, the two drew the reins of their horses and followed unhurriedly.

In the distance, just as Lei Wujie came here on horseback, he saw a woman in disheveled clothes lying on the ground.

Not far away were three strong men, looking at the woman with grim smiles on their faces. The three of them were riding horses, looking like a cat playing with a mouse.

Seeing Lei Wujie running over, the three of them were taken aback for a moment, and then seeing that the other party was just a young man, they grinned and threatened: "Where did you come from? If you dare to meddle in your uncle's business, if you are sensible, get out of here." Otherwise, the uncle will let you go around without eating!!"

Before the strong man finished speaking, the woman at the side shouted coquettishly: "Young man, help me! My family escaped from Tiger Village. My family was originally from Southwest Road, Yangping County. They just went out to visit relatives and friends. This villain killed the accompanying coachman and servant girls, and took them to the cottage. They were so insane, they not only refused to give me food every day, but also insulted me in every possible way. Young hero, save me, young hero, save me~"

These words are sincere words, coupled with the other party's delicate voice, it makes people feel more compassionate.

Hearing this girl's words, Lei Wujie couldn't help being furious.

"You scumbags, I'm in charge of this matter, my lord!!"

The three strong men laughed when they heard this.

"There is a way to heaven, if you don't go, there is no way to hell, you choose yourself!"

"Walking in the rivers and lakes, did your parents tell you a word? It's called mind your own business!!"

Saying that, the three strong men pulled out their machetes and stared at the young man in front of them with cold eyes.

On weekdays, the quiet official road was bustling today.

Lei Wujie was not afraid when he saw this, but instead he laughed.

"I have said it before, but what I said is that when the road is injustice, I draw my sword to help. Now, this girl is killed, thanks to the gift of the three. Today, I, Lei Wujie, will eliminate harm for the people!!"

"Boy, you are looking for death~~"

When the three strong men heard this, their eyes became even more murderous. With their legs clamped around the horse's belly, they rushed over while waving the machetes in their hands.

Not to mention the burly and majestic body and the cold machete, this scene is really bluffing.

However, to Lei Wujie, these are nothing, he stepped on the horseback, jumped up high, clenched his fists, bent his elbows and lifted his fists to his waist, and then punched in the air .

Before the fist arrives, the qi arrives first, which is the unique skill of the Lei family, the Wufang fist.

"Look at the fist!!"

With a loud shout, Lei Wujie rushed forward. Compared with those three burly men, his thin and small body seemed to be a bit like a car with arms.

But at the next moment, the three strong men were punched and kicked three times by him, and they were knocked backwards. Their not strong bodies exploded with disproportionately astonishing strength.

The Wufang Fist opened and closed, the fist was as strong as the wind, and as fast as thunder, the expressions of the three strong men changed, it is said that an expert will know if there is one when he makes a move?

It is estimated that the three of them did not expect that the young man in red in front of him was actually a Lianjiazi, but they had no time to hesitate at this time. Seeing Lei Wujie attacking, they could only resist with their swords.

And the disheveled girl looked at Lei Wujie who was making a move in the field, showing a happy expression. It should have been a happy expression after being rescued.

But her joy revealed a strange feeling that made people feel very uncomfortable. It was like a poisonous snake suddenly found a prey. Chill.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

There were three sounds in the field, like the sound of striking iron, and the three machetes broke in response. Immediately afterwards, the three strong men flew upside down like sandbags, lying on the ground with their chests in their arms, and struggled for a long time before standing still. Can't get up.

"Now I know, grandpa is amazing!! Hurry up and get out!!"

"In the future, if you continue to bully the weak and rob people's daughters by force, young master, I will beat you once I see you!!"

"Hey, this unreliable little rascal!"

At this moment, another voice came over.

The few people present couldn't help looking at the other side of the official road.

I saw two more young men coming on horseback, one in brocade clothes and sable fur, the other handsome.

"I'm talking about Lei Wujie, have you ever heard a saying? It's called eliminating evil and doing everything!!"

"The group of people in front of you have already robbed the women and even tried to kill you. You just let them go? I don't know if you are really stupid or not!"

"After you left, these people came out to do evil again, what should we do?"

"If someone in the future suffers from misfortune and loses his life, who do you think should be blamed for this debt?"

Hearing Xiao Se's words, Lei Wujie was stunned for a moment, what Xiao Se said was not unreasonable, so he asked Xiao Se: "Xiao Se, what do you think I should do?"

Sitting on the horse, Xiao Se didn't intend to come down, but said condescendingly: "It's fine if you kill it, and there is another village, just deal with it together."

There was no fluctuation in the tone, but the content could not help but make people shudder. No one present thought that this young man in sable fur who came on horseback later was so murderous.

Seeing that Lei Wujie was a little dazed, Xiao Se couldn't help but asked again: "What do you mean by the surname Zhao?"

"Every drink and peck is cause and effect, as it should be."


(End of this chapter)

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