Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 78 Xiao Se asks divination, bet you like your master

Chapter 78 Xiao Se asks divination, bet you like your master
"Are you two planning to break into the Tiange Pavilion? Why don't you come over and have a seat? How about I treat you to a cup of tea? My companion is breaking into the pavilion!"

Just when Li Fansong and Fei Xuan were feeling emotional, a voice suddenly interrupted them.

Li Fansong and Fei Xuan couldn't help looking over when they heard this.

But saw a young man drinking tea in a restaurant named Donggui? ?
The two couldn't help being taken aback, this is interesting, this wine shop is full of wine, this person is not tasting wine, but drinking tea.

"Are you calling us??"

"Of course, there are no other people here, right?"

Li Fansong and Fei Xuan looked at each other and walked over.

After the two sat down completely, Xiao Se suddenly said, "I know a Taoist priest, he calls himself Zhao Huafan~~"

Li Fansong narrowed his eyes, and began to look at the young man in front of him. The Zhao Huafan he was talking about was none other than his senior brother Zhao Shouyi. Zhao Huafan was just his pseudonym in Jianghu.

"Where is he??"

Xiao Se waved his hand, "He left. We were still drinking here last night. Later, my companion and I drank too much. When we woke up, he was gone. I guess he has left~"

Li Fansong was taken aback for a moment, he could feel that the young man in green shirt in front of him was not lying, but this answer was not very good for him, the senior brother is gone, doesn't it mean that he may have to wait a long time before seeing him again Woolen cloth!

After a moment of silence, Li Fansong asked again: "Then why is your Excellency looking for us?"

While speaking, Li Fansong looked at this person who could walk with his senior brother.

Suddenly Li Fansong's pupils shrank slightly.

Seeing Li Fansong's reaction, Xiao Se frowned.

"Ziwei is hopeful, Daoyan is looking for the dragon, the surname Zhao really didn't lie to me!"

Fei Xuan was shocked, the other party revealed their identities in a single word. At this moment, the mahogany sword in the small book basket behind Fei Xuan began to tremble violently, as if it would fly out the next moment.

Seeing this scene, Li Fansong quickly pressed Fei Xuan's shoulder and shouted again.


Fei Xuan was a little confused, so what happened to Li Fansong?The person in front of you can't see the depth, isn't it the safest thing to control such a person first?

"He knows your other little uncle~ he shouldn't be an enemy~"

Li Fansong shrugged helplessly.

Xiao Se's face darkened, and when he heard Li Fansong's words, he suddenly guessed why the sword trembling in the book basket behind the little doll was there.

Looking at the two harmless humans and animals, one big and one small, he couldn't help complaining in his heart, are all the people in Qingcheng Mountain so dark? ?That's not how Zhao Huafan felt for himself! !

After a while, Xiao Se said again: "I want to make a fortune. The surname Zhao said before that once he entered Xueyue City, he would no longer help me make a fortune. He also said that if I want to make a fortune today, say There will be a little guy who can help me realize this wish~"

Li Fansong scanned the surrounding area and saw that the big guys were all looking at him, and he couldn't get off the tiger for a while.

"Well, it's nothing to do the math for you, but there are too many people here! Now to do the math for you, it's like putting a cover behind the two of us and telling them that before the Qingcheng Mountain students Come to pay a visit to Xueyue City?"

Xiao Se chuckled.

"Do you want to hide your identity?? Don't be stupid. From you, no, all of us outsiders will be monitored as soon as they enter Xueyue City. There is an intelligence organization in Xueyue City called Spider Web, which is taken from the spider web's pervasive I dare say that your identities have long been placed in front of the stewards of Xueyue City~"

Speaking of this, he pointed to the lights that gradually lit up, which was the signal to clear the level. At this time, Lei Wujie directly opened the ten floors in one breath.

"Besides, my companion has already opened ten floors in a row, which is less than a stick of incense. I don't think it will take long for the next one. The person you want to see will appear soon, continue to hide. It doesn't make much sense!"

Hearing this, Li Fansong couldn't help shaking his head.

"You seem to know everything?"

Xiao Se sighed, "I know a lot of things, but I don't know anything about my own life, because I don't know, so I want to do the math!"

Li Fansong hesitated for a moment and said again: "Feixuan, didn't you say that you have learned the way to reach the heavens but you have never met good talents and beautiful jade? This is, let him calculate!"

When Fei Xuan heard this, he didn't object. Although Li Fansong liked to brag, he was never sloppy when it came to business, which was why he was still willing to stay by his side.

After thinking for a while, the little guy said: "Fate is the way of heaven, so divination is the art of stealing the sky, which is against the way of heaven. There is a saying that you must know, the more you count, the thinner your life is, are you sure you want to count?"

Xiao Se nodded lightly, since he found them, he really wanted to count.

Following the announcement of the six lines, the sky suddenly became cloudy. Xiao Se looked at the white and clean little guy in front of him, covered the last copper coin, asked a few more questions, and then threw the copper coin out .

Fei Xuan stood up suddenly.

"you are"

Xiao Se looked at the calm sky outside, and said softly: "I never believe in the way of heaven, I only believe in myself, but yesterday, a doubt flashed in my heart, wondering if I should make a decision. But I don't have the courage , so timidly wanted to seek the way of heaven, but just now, I suddenly wanted to understand one thing, in fact, at that time, I had already made a decision, but I didn't realize it~"

Fei Xuan didn't seem to understand what Xiao Se was talking about, when did he make any decision, but the other party saved him this time.

So he said solemnly, "Thank you~"

Xiao Se waved his hand, "No, if Qingcheng Mountain's [-]% luck is really broken, it is estimated that not only Taoist Sword Immortal will not let me go, but Zhao Huafan will not let me go, as for the result, I already know the process, it is still random Bar!"

At this moment, Lei Wujie suddenly jumped down from the thirteenth floor, and Li Fansong looked at Xiao Se and said something to the red-clothed boy who was more clever than them, and the other party rushed back again.

"Aren't you also a fortune teller?"

"Well, this is what I learned from Zhao Huafan."

"Can you survive this way?"

Fei Xuan pulled Li Fansong's clothes, then pointed to the lights on the thirteenth floor that lit up in a blink of an eye, and the corners of Li Fansong's mouth twitched.

Because Xiao Se just said a word to Lei Wujie.

"Betting that Luo Mingxuan likes his master"

(End of this chapter)

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