Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 8 Down the Mountain, Encounter by Chance

Chapter 8 Down the Mountain, Encounter by Chance

Qingcheng Mountain, Little Lotus Peak.

Zhao Yuzhen looked at the worried young man beside him, and said softly, "Fan Song, don't worry, although your senior brother has not cultivated yet, if he wants to escape, there are not many people in the world who can catch up to him!"

And the boy next to him was none other than Li Fansong.

He took out a booklet from his pocket and was stunned.

There are three words on the pamphlet - Stepping on the Clouds.

This is exactly the world's number one lightness kung fu that Zhao Shouyi obtained from the old national teacher Qi Tianchen.

On the occasion of parting, I gave it to Li Fansong.

Originally, Li Fansong heard Zhao Shouyi say that Qi Tianchen gave it to him, and he didn't want anything, but in the end Zhao Shouyi said that the national teacher is an old god, and he doesn't care about these things. Besides, he gave it to Li Fansong, just to let him The practice of this close person is not to let him spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

After all, lightness kung fu is mainly used to escape for life. With Tayun, he will have a better chance of surviving when he walks in the rivers and lakes in the future. Zhao Shouyi knows that the gang in the dark river don't care about you when they fight What force is it from.

"Master, I want to go down the mountain too!!"

Zhao Yuzhen smiled lightly when he heard his disciple's words.

"Okay!! As long as you have practiced the Wuliang Sword, you can go wherever you want, but when something happens, don't expect me to save you as a teacher. You can't go down the mountain as a teacher. You have to deal with this matter." You should know, right??"

When Li Fansong heard Zhao Yuzhen's words, the corners of his mouth twitched. Speaking of which, it was true. If something happened to him when he went down the mountain, he could only save himself. Zhao Yu really couldn't go down the mountain. The army guards it!
"Then master is so relieved that brother will go down the mountain by himself??"

Then Li Fansong seemed to have remembered something, and asked suspiciously.

"If you have practiced stepping on the cloud, you can do whatever you want!!"

Zhao Yuzhen replied indifferently.

Hearing this, the corner of Li Fansong's mouth twitched. Tayun is known as the world's number one light kung fu, and that's not just for fun. Let him simply use a few luck tricks to achieve it in ten days and a half months, but Speaking of practice sessions, he might as well practice the Infinity Sword!
"I just don't know what the senior brother will encounter when he goes down the mountain??"

In a town at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, a young man in a blue robe walked slowly on the street. The town was neither big nor small, and had almost everything that should be there, such as inns for lodging, restaurants for eating, and guards for guards. Escort bureaus, banks, gambling houses, Qinlou Chuguan and so on.

Small but complete.

Suddenly, the boy stopped at a corner of the street, and looked at an old man in front of him with a little girl with two croissant braids sitting in front of a stall, staring at the passing pedestrians.

This cover was erected beside the stall, with the words "Tiekou Shendu" written on it.

"Hey~~ This young master, at first glance, looks magnificent and dignified. The old man looked at it from a distance, and saw a flash of light in the heavenly spirit of the young master. Get rich!! Do you want to come to the little old man to make a fortune, no money is not allowed!!"

Seemingly realizing that the young man in green robe was looking at them, the little old man opened his mouth and came.

The boy shook his head with a smile, but he didn't just leave, but turned around and walked towards the small stall.

There is a long wooden table in front of the small stall, with a stack of sticks on it, plus a piece of paper covering the entire table, with a picture of Yin Yang, Tai Chi, and Eight Diagrams in the middle of the table.

In front of the table, there was a bench. When the young man saw it, he smiled and said, "Old man, you have quite a complete set of things!!"

The little old man looks quite old, with a goatee beard and a Taoist crown on his head, and the clothes on his body are also Taoist dresses, but what should I say, the little old man wore this clothes, somehow Son, it seems neither fish nor fowl.

On the contrary, the little girl sitting next to him was wearing a water-green long dress. Although it was a bit old, it was very clean.

Holding a bunch of candied haws in her hand, a pair of smart eyes were rolling around. Seeing the young man looking at her, a blush flashed across her face, and she hid behind this little old man, looking quite cute.

Seeing this scene, the little old man didn't move, he just laughed.

"This is the granddaughter of the little old man. Her parents left early. On weekdays, the little old man went out to set up a stall, and he didn't worry about her being alone at home, so he took it with him!! But don't worry, my lord, Xiaolan is very sensible. I won't talk nonsense!!"

Hearing what the little old man said, the young man smiled softly.

"It's okay, I'm not here to tell a fortune anyway!!"

When the little old man heard the young man's words, his face turned cold, and then he said with a look of disgust: "Then you should leave!! Don't disturb the little old man's business, the little old man hasn't opened yet today! If there is no one this morning If you come to fortune telling, the little old man and Xiaolan will starve!!"

The speed of the opponent's face-changing made the young man stunned, but then he took out a small silver ingot from his sleeve, it seemed that the weight was not much, only about one tael of silver, and then he threw it up and down in his hand .

"This old gentleman, I wanted to take care of your business. Since you are so powerful, I am very sorry!!"

Seeing the silver, the little old man's eyes lit up immediately, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and hurriedly said: "It's the little old man who was rude, and the little old man will compensate the young master. Today, the young master is the destined person of the young old man. The young master wants to ask What, what do you want to say, just say it, the little old man will know everything!!"

Hearing what the little old man said, the young man chuckled. This little old man is not what he said before.

"It's power, not disrespect!!"

When the little girl in the green skirt heard her grandfather speak, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she said with some disgust.

"You are powerful!! Grandpa, my name is to know current affairs!! What do little brats know, go eat your candied haws!!"

Hearing the little girl's words, the little old man seemed to have been stimulated by something, he blew his beard and stared and scolded the little girl, but the little girl seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago, and didn't care, so he sat on the stone pier beside him and looked after himself. He ate the candied haws in his hand.

"My name is Zhao Huafan. I have been practicing in the mountains before. I am not familiar with the outside world. The old man seems to be a well-informed person. Why don't you tell me about the current Jianghu and the court? If you can let me I am satisfied, this tael of silver belongs to Mr.!"

The little old man was overjoyed when he heard the young man's words, "Is what you said true? Let me tell you first, the little old man knows a lot, but they are all ordinary people. If you want to know some secrets, then the little old man Can’t say it!!”

The young man smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, what I want to hear is some ordinary news, besides, the secrets of the world are not something you can get for a tael of silver, I still know it!"

(End of this chapter)

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