Chapter 80
"Xiao Se, look, it's all because of you!!"

In the outer city, Sikong Qianluo looked at Lei Wujie standing on the sixteenth floor of Dengtian Pavilion, who looked like Xiao Se's ramming Hao, with a small face full of anger.

It's really embarrassing, she doesn't want others to know that she knows that guy.

"Don't look at me, I don't know that guy!"

Hearing this, Sikong Qianluo chuckled, this bastard who was talking nonsense, then looked at Tang Lian, Tang Lian was also a little embarrassed, the second city lord is a sword fairy level powerhouse, this distance, once is enough , had to shout over and over again, making him want to find a hole to bury himself.

Is my dignified Xueyue City senior brother, lost to this kind of guy?

"Cough~~ I want to say that there is no water, the eldest lady is trustworthy??"

When Sikong Qianluo heard Tang Lian's words, he slammed the Silver Moon Spear in his hand to the ground.

"I believe you, you big-headed ghost!! That foolish boy is at best in the Vajra Mortal Realm. Even with the addition of the Fire Burning Technique, he can barely reach the Comfortable Realm. If it weren't for your big brother, you let the water go, it's no wonder he can go up !!"

"The elder guarding the pavilion is also letting go, in terms of strength, he is 01:30 points higher than me~"

Hearing this, Sikong Qianluo paused for a moment. Tang Lian said it well. She also felt inconceivable why Lei Yunhe released the water. Didn't Lei Yunhe, a member of the family, never beat him?

"You are right. He is the one we want to meet."

Li Fansong said casually to Xiao Se beside him, but his eyes were always on the top of the Tiange Pavilion, as if he was looking for something.

Xiao Se smiled, the only person in Qingcheng Mountain who can be related to Xueyue City is this Xueyue Sword Immortal. For him who has mastered Baixiaotang's intelligence organization, this is not difficult to guess.

"Although I know, that person may not appear, do you think so? Brother Tang."

Xiao Se casually threw the question to Tang Lian.

Tang Lian shook her head lightly.

"Second Master has been practicing swords on Cangshan Mountain all year round, and rarely goes down the mountain. Whether he will come down or not, I don't know~"

At this moment, Sikong Changfeng looked at the top of the pavilion, and his eyes became a little distant.

"No, it's already here!"

Standing on the top of the pavilion, Li Hanyi looked at the young man in red in front of him, and smiled softly, with a hint of contempt in his tone, but he didn't know whether it was an act or not.

"Ask the sword Xueyue City, just rely on this pig-killing sword in your hand?"

Seeing the real person, Lei Wujie was quite nervous, he didn't know that the world-renowned Xueyue Sword Immortal in front of him was his sister.

A mask not only covered the face, but also changed the voice.

"It's the Killing Sword!"

Lei Wujie retorted softly.

Li Hanyi smiled coldly.

"Now that I'm here, why don't you use your sword? Let me see, what confidence do you have to say the words "Qingjian Xueyuecheng!"

Hearing this, Lei Wujie didn't dare to hide anything, and the burning technique was brought into full play, and a strange bird appeared behind him, which was in the Jialuo Tower of the burning technique, and the killing sword was also captured by him. It was ignited by the internal force and began to crackle.

"The art of burning fire?? This kind of juggling is also shameful~"

Seeing Lei Wujie's appearance, Li Hanyi's tone was still sarcasm.

As soon as Lei Wujie gritted his teeth, he swung his sword and rushed forward. The fire art helped him a lot along the way, but it was not a sideshow.

The horror-killing sword was wrapped in flames, and the scorching high temperature seemed to ignite the surrounding air. This sword was extremely fierce and violent.

Unfortunately, before the flames of the explosion spread, it was wiped out by the chill emanating from the Iron Horse Glacier in Li Hanyi's hand.

As soon as he raised his hand, Lei Wujie was forced to fly backwards.

This kind of almost crushing strength made Lei Wujie secretly swallow a mouthful of saliva. You know, this is when he is in the state of burning fire. Kill yourself directly.

"Your sword skills are inherited from Lei Bang, wide opening and closing, powerful, but you need more solid basic skills, otherwise it will be full of loopholes. I heard that you have learned the Lei family's Wu Fangquan, and you are still a little monk in Tianwaitian. I learned one boxing method, plus the fire-burning technique, one secret technique, and two sets of boxing techniques, where do you still have time to practice swords?"

"That bastard Lei Hong taught you this?"

Li Hanyi's words hit the nail on the head, pointing out the key point that Lei Wujie's current strength is still in the Vajra Mortal Realm, just like Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo, both of them have good talents, but they are rarely distracted, and Sikong Qianluo is the main attacker In terms of spear skills, Tang Lian focuses on concealed weapons.

Only in this way can it stand out among the younger generation.

There is only one Jiuxian in this world, he knows everything, he is the spear fairy holding a gun, and he is the sword fairy holding a sword.

But for these, Lei Wujie didn't understand, "Master said, when you walk in the rivers and lakes, you don't need to be overwhelmed by your skills!"

Li Hanyi smiled coldly.

"Nonsense, walking the rivers and lakes, one person and one sword is enough!! Watch!"

Before Lei Wujie could react, Li Hanyi appeared in front of Lei Wujie in a trance, and slashed down with his sword before he was out of its sheath.

But this sword is surprisingly powerful, the sword energy is like the wind in Xiaguan, penetrating through every hole, like the wind above the nine heavens, it is invincible.

Dengtian Pavilion was directly pierced by this sword, and a sword energy crossed the sixteenth floor. Seeing the audience watching the battle, their scalps were numb. It is hard to imagine what it would be like if this sword was cut on someone's body .

Lei Wujie was caught by the silk belt controlled by Li Hanyi casually, but at this time his inner breath was directly disrupted by the sword, and he couldn't stand up for a while.

Looking at the split Dengtian Pavilion in front of him, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

But at this moment, Li Fansong slipped in while he was in the middle of the chaos. Senior brother didn't see him now, but he still wouldn't refuse Xueyue Sword Immortal's sword. If he went out, at least he would see his master hanging on the sword all day long. How beautiful is the sword around his mouth.

"Qingcheng Mountain Zhao Yuzhen's disciple Li Fansong asked the sword Xueyuecheng!!"

Li Hanyi seemed a little puzzled when he heard this.

"Is your surname Li?? Isn't your surname Zhao?"

But then she didn't continue the question, but said aloud: "Unscrupulous sword?"

As soon as Li Fansong finished saying the word Wuliang, Li Hanyi had already come to him. Seeing this scene, Li Fansong couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Lei Wujie and Li Fansong finally decided to join forces.

After a hard fight, the two were almost psychologically shadowed by Li Hanyi.

In the end, the two who were exhausted decided to use big moves.

"Wu Jie still has a sword, please try it!"

"Fan Song also has a sword, please sword fairy try it!"

"Sword name, raging fire and thunder!"

"The name of the sword, Immeasurable Tiangang!"

At this time, the two of them had no reservations at all, and used their strongest sword so far.

"I also have a sword, the name of the sword - Yuexihuachen~"


(End of this chapter)

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