Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 102 'Gundam' Ominous Power

Chapter 102 'Gundam' Ominous Power (1 more)
The scene of the press conference was in turmoil. The glass dome was shot by drones just now, and large pieces of glass shards fell like rain, ping-pong-pong.

There are screaming civilians everywhere, and electric sparks are flying everywhere.

However, there is such a small group of people who risk their lives to stick to their posts.

right!They are colorists!
The timid ran away, and the daring died.

There were two courageous ones who pointed the 4K high-definition camera at the white mech full of tough aesthetics in the center of the field.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The muffled cannon of the land combat drone resounded through the sky, but the actual effect was thunder and rain.

Because you can't hit it at all!
As if driven by the jet port on the back of the Unicorn Gundam, the mecha made an extremely exaggerated speed from zero to 1 kilometers per hour in [-] second.

This kind of irregular movement from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic greatly interfered with the logic program judgment of drone armor.

In this case, Hammer's mechs seemed more cumbersome and cumbersome.

A standard Z-shaped advance, the Unicorn Gundam transformed into a terrifying streamer, and passed by three land combat UAVs standing in the shape of a zigzag.

Gundam is up!
A [beam knife] that exudes a terrifying golden light can easily cut through the robot armor that Hammer claims can withstand direct fire from a 40mm howitzer like cutting butter.

This scene stunned the bosses of the Ministry of National Defense who were watching the live broadcast
Tony drove Iron Man, and also opened a small live broadcast window in the lower right corner of the screen. Tony swallowed, feeling extremely painful.

Not to mention outsiders, just by visual inspection, even Tony himself thinks that this mecha named "Gundam" is real!
Exquisite outer armor, extreme mobility, plus an exaggerated beam saber, no matter how you look at it, it is definitely a high-tech product.

If it wasn't for the fact that the metal jacket was made by Tony himself, he probably would have believed it himself.

The truth of the matter is - using the power furnace of the previous generation of Iron Man, it is still a shrunken version, resulting in Ang's metal shell having only half the thrust of Iron Man Mk2, and the 'Mech' is not equipped with any weapon system, let alone a smart computer , there is not even a display screen on it.

Only one pair of eyes can see out of the high head shell, and the field of vision is very narrow.

As for the astonishingly powerful 'beam saber', it is the ordinary titanium alloy saber he made for Ang in the beginning.

Tony knew very well that those two mechs with nothing in shape would never be able to chop Hammer's mecha.

This means that, except for the little strength bonus attached to the exoskeleton system, all the combat power displayed today is at Anger's own level.

"It's over! The Ministry of Defense is going to be screwed to death." Tony muttered.

"What?" Tony forgot that he was on the mic with his old friend James.

"No! I said that the Ministry of National Defense was almost killed by Hammer." Tony decisively turned on the cover-up mode.As the largest arms dealer, he certainly knew the preferences of those masters above.

The patriarchs of the White House and the Department of Defense are not afraid of a single powerful individual, which, in their view, can drown with great technological and industrial strength.What they prefer are war machines that can be mass-produced with industrial power, and unmanned ones are the best.

As long as Fan Anger creates some kind of Gundam Legion in the future, it is guaranteed that this group of bigwigs will not be able to sit still.

Tony complained about someone's 'monster is a monster' in his heart, while continuing his grand air battle.

On the ground, An Ge felt refreshed!
The bulky land combat humanoid mecha couldn't keep up with his movements.

The pure white humanoid mecha was like a raging lion, rushing towards its enemy without hesitation.

"Fire! Fire!" Outside the arena, Justin Hammer jumped because the control of the mech was taken away, but he also couldn't tolerate the mass-produced drone he invested a lot of dollars in research and development by an inexplicable one. The mecha was easily overturned.

He firmly believed that he was the man who wanted to grab orders from the Ministry of Defense for the next 25 years, and he didn't come here to be the background board.

such a pity!For some people, a background board is a lifetime!

[Whiplash] Remotely control these land combat mechs, and collectively launch short-range combat missiles.

After a series of roaring sounds that seemed to tear apart the world, the fragments of chairs left at the scene and the cracked floor exploded like a super-sized cluster bomb on the venue.

The powerful heat from the explosion even twisted the chair made of aluminum alloy into a lump of noodles.The point of explosion covered half of the venue, turning everything it passed into fly ash.

However, an unbelievable scene happened to all those who were watching the live broadcast.

This two-meter-tall white mech looks like a god descending into the world. It is surrounded by a cluster of lightning thunder snakes. It separates the tumbling explosive air mass with its hands, and passes through the shock wave of the explosion with unparalleled fury.Everyone saw the flashing red eyes on the mecha under the shining V-shaped antenna above its head.

A violent aesthetic full of metallic aesthetics filled this body, and then it dominated the dilapidated venue with its destructive power.

Hammer Company is only in small-scale trial production. There are only eight drones for each model, and one was smashed at the beginning.After the remaining seven missiles fired the most damaging missiles, the main weapons that could be used were 20mm cannons and a robot version of the tactical dagger that even Justin Hammer didn't expect to be useful.

The white mecha is here!

It jumped up.

The injectors on its back seemed to give it the propulsion unique to the standard fourth-generation fighter jets on Earth. It flew off the ground like a cannonball and hit the chest of the nearest land combat UAV.

That's where the control system resides.

A dazzling 'beam saber' was like an arrow shooting at a target, easily separated the bull's-eye, and directly penetrated the chest of that mecha.

The thick alloy armor is powerless against this 'beam saber' which is very hot at first glance. With the help of high-definition cameras, the boss of the Ministry of National Defense even saw the melting of the mecha's chest armor.

At the same time when the white mechs hit the 'myself', the rest of the land combat humanoid mechas finally showed their different sides from humans. They did not hesitate to cover the enemy and their own people with the firepower of the 20mm cannon.

What made Justin Hammer desperate was that the cannon shells that were enough to tear apart the armor of the junk armored vehicle couldn't do anything to the white mech at all.Amidst the splash of sparks, the few hit shells returned without success on the opponent's hard armor surface.

It was only after the military review that it was discovered that invisible energy ripples gushed out of the mecha and completely pushed the shells away.

For the moment at least, the scene was ricocheting.

Without giving the land combat UAV any more chances, Anger knocked down the seventh mecha like chopping melons and vegetables, and pretended to be fighting for his life. A land combat mecha knocked over, and the two mechas fell into the giant sewer around the venue...

(End of this chapter)

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