Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 108 The Early Reunion of Chicken Feather in Ground 1

Chapter 108 The Early Reunion of Chicken Feather in One Place (3 more)
After a burst of laughter, Wonder Woman asked her own question: "I'm not mistaken, Anger, what you said is that the strong aliens sent people like Loki to invade the earth?"

"Is it strange?"


"Strange is right! For Thanos, Loki is just a harmless pawn. Besides, Loki has another talisman—his brother Thor. He is indeed Loki's enemy, but his family affection makes him never Killing Loki will even save Loki's life at a critical moment. Pay attention! Even when the gods on earth disappear, Thor's strength is still top-notch."

Ange called up a video from the computer and put it on the huge projection screen.

In the video, a giant metal monster [Destroyer] that looks like a humanoid armor is fighting Thor.

【Destroyer】From the hole in the opened mask, shoot a terrible flame ray.

With just one sweep, more than ten wooden houses were evaporated in an instant. From the height of an adult's knees, everything was reduced to ashes, and there was nothing left.

And when Thor went down with a hammer, a place as big as a football field was sunken by more than one meter in the blink of an eye, and the violent lightning spread, overloading all the wires within a two-kilometer radius, sparks flying, and I don’t know how many transformers and other devices were burned. .

With such terrifying destructive power, even Wonder Woman couldn't help saying seriously: "He is a real god."

"Yes. I'm curious, who is stronger, Odin in Nordic mythology or Zeus in Greek mythology. After all, today, [Asgard] where Thor is still the guardian of the nine worlds Set yourself up with the ruler."

Diana gouged Ange, who seemed to be ready to fight, and said, "I don't feel the breath of Zeus (Father God) in this world."

She said the word "Father God" in a divine voice that only Ange could hear.

Ange was not annoyed, he didn't bother to say that Zeus became a dead house in "Thor 4" who would only spend all day having fun in his own temple.After all, in this fusion world, it's hard to say who will become what.

White Canary suddenly said: "Then let's just watch like this?"

"Almost. After all, at least at this moment, there is still a very powerful mage guarding the earth. If she is not dead, no one will attack the earth head-on. Even if we kill Loki, there will still be other guys trying to make trouble. Rather than trying to eliminate the spies one by one, we might as well just chop off the claws that the other party stretched out. At least the other party knows the pain."

This is the reason, but the trouble is that New York is going to be destroyed again.

Ange turned his head and looked at Gwen in the video link: "New York is in great danger. I'll find an excuse to transfer your father, and you take your mother out of New York."

Gwen froze for a moment: "Okay."

Historically, the families of superheroes were lucky enough to escape, but Ange was unwilling to put their lives on luck.

"Leeds! There will be a massive attack in New York. You take your mother immediately. And try to convince your 'good sister', and all Peter Parker's relatives and friends to leave New York in these few days."

Liz froze for a moment. If Ange hadn't come to her, she would have almost forgotten that there was such a big boss on her head. After a little hesitation, she nodded: "Then, where is Peter?"

"Perhaps he will be required to join the battle."


Angus sent out instructions one by one, and even sent a message to Superman who didn't know whether it would be responded to.

Anyway, I figured it out, it's up to you to believe it or not.

Don't think that Superman himself is fine, but his girlfriend and his adoptive parents are all in New York.

In fact, Ange is quite curious about what will happen if Chitauri and those idiots offend the big super in this merged universe.

But An Ge couldn't afford to gamble, if Dachao's relatives and friends died and Dachao became black, then he would be wonderful.

When he finished sending, Wonder Woman looked at him with her arms crossed: "You're so busy."

This is obviously teasing.

After all, Ange has a lot of private goods, and half of the messages are sent to women.

An Ge shamelessly replied: "No way, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"

He never underestimated his enemies nor overestimated his allies.

Just as he remembered, the reunion had a lot of quarrels.

Tony and the US team captured Loki, and immediately used the transport plane to escort Loki back to the famous aircraft carrier for interrogation.

Torture cannot be used against Loki, so how could a group of people beat Loki, the god of tricks, by playing tricks?

Loki didn't get it right, the newly established Avengers had internal strife first.

Bruce Banner and Tony, who did not transform into the Hulk, had a good time cooperating. They made an energy detection computer model and began to search for the Rubik's Cube (Space Gem), but in the process, the Hulk discovered Nick The director had prepared a special cage for him long ago.

It made him feel humiliated and disrespected.

Tony used his superb computer technology to find the secret document that SHIELD planned to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to tinker with weapons.

The US team found the finished weapon made using Rubik's Cube energy in the cargo hold of the aircraft carrier more simply and directly, which made the US team feel that SHIELD is more like a fucking Hydra.You must know that what he fought desperately with his companions 70 years ago was also an enemy holding a cosmic Rubik's Cube energy weapon.

As an agent, the Black Widow felt nothing.

But Thor, who claims to be the guardian of the earth, had a fierce verbal conflict with Nick.

Thor feels that with Asgard protecting the earthlings, the earthlings don't need to do so many things.

Nick believes that the earth must have the ability to protect itself.

"You are doing so many things. For advanced civilizations, this is a signal that the earth is ready to go to war with advanced civilizations." In a sense, Hammer Gothor is right.

This concept can only be said to be 'very Asgardian'.

Nick was rightly upset: "Please! There are no earthlings going to your planet to cause trouble!"

This scene of dissatisfaction with no one suddenly made Tony very emotional.He suddenly remembered a question he asked his good friend Anger not long ago, "If the US government regards you as a major threat, what will you do?"

Angle's answer is quite philosophical: "If the White House sees me as a threat, then I better be a real threat, so that at least there will be peace between us. Don't forget, it is dangerous to be the enemy of the White House, and it is dangerous to be the ally of the White House." But deadly."

To be honest, the situation has completely froze at this point.

The entire Fulian, from the director to every member, is full of strong distrust among each other.

As the saying goes, the best way to get a group of existences with different ideas and different interests into one is to give them a recognized enemy.

As long as Rocky makes a move later, the reunion might be ruined.

Under the eyes of everyone, Hawkeye, who was mentally controlled by Loki, led a team of special forces to attack the flying aircraft carrier, not only rescued Loki, but also killed many people, almost destroying all the engines of the aircraft carrier, Let this flying aircraft carrier with thousands of people almost crash.

The point is that Rocky killed Agent Phil Coulson.

As a good old man recognized by the US team, Tony and others, Phil has a collection of US team's cards and wants the US team's autograph.He also helped Tony and Pepper a lot.

It is such a recognized mascot hanging up, who can stand it.

Anger spread in the silence, every Avengers member had light in their eyes.

Tony repaired Iron Man, which was damaged in the battle, and made an Internet call after putting it on: "A friend of mine was killed by Loki, and I'm going to New York to beat Loki, are you coming?"

"Come." Ange said concisely.
ps: As long as the author secretly updates, no one will find out that this is a supplement (sure)
I still have a low-grade fever of 37.8 degrees, but the condition seems to be fine, I can figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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