Chapter 114
Originally, there was a man who was the fiercest man on the earth, and he was using his "clairvoyance" to watch the scene over New York. Superman to kill aliens.

Just as he was about to do it, suddenly his clairvoyance saw the SHIELD aircraft carrier ten kilometers away in the opposite direction, especially when he found that the old US Air Force's channel was directly above his home, he gave up.

Louise Lane just finished answering the boss's phone call, and then saw Superman's ashen face: "What's the matter? Clark?"

"No, I suddenly remembered Miss Prince who came to visit me a while ago, and the warning letter I received two days ago."

Louise and Clark fell silent at the same time.

The warning letter is very simple and straightforward, just a paragraph: "Mr. Clark Kent, New York will be destroyed. If you are willing to help, welcome to join us. You just need to reply and I will receive it. If you are worried about the safety of your family, please Try to get them as far away from New York as possible in the near future. Even if you can't come, we should be able to handle it."

A perfectly well-intentioned reminder that there's not even a moral kidnapping, at least not on the surface.

Superman at this point in time is more willing to bury his fame deeply, at least on the surface as an ordinary person.

In fact, he was quite happy when he knew that there were superheroes such as male and female Spiderman and Iron Man in New York.His adoptive parents spent years teaching him to be human.He also enjoys being a normal person.

It's just that watching the city I live in is suddenly attacked by aliens and plunged into war, the feeling is very subtle.

That is a very subtle sense of peeling!

Playing the role of an ordinary man, he is helpless against this terrible invasion, and taking his family away from the disaster is the 'only thing he can do'.

He is a hero in his bones, but he also has a sense of absurdity-when does New York need someone other than me to protect it?Can you do without me?
However, he saw the man who cut open a giant space creature with one blow, saw the "god" who swept half the sky with lightning, and also saw the man who punched the head of a giant space creature and turned it upside down Incredible green giant.

As Clark, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As a Superman, he suddenly felt a little lonely.

At this time, Louise gently put her hand on the back of his hand: "Honey, go if you want."

A gentle and considerate girlfriend, what more could a husband ask for?
Karak showed a gentle smile: "If necessary, I will take action, but they did a good job. New York is not as dangerous as you think. Moreover, there are a pair of big eyes in the sky behind us."

He pointed the direction of the back of his head with his finger, and Louise exhausted her eyesight, but could barely see what seemed to be a black spot on the horizon.

She understood completely: "You can figure it out."

Clark really smiled knowingly, and he suddenly thanked the considerate stranger who knew his name but did not report it to the authorities.

On the other hand, Angle actually didn't care too much about whether Superman participated in the war.

After all, a 5-person version of the Avengers in history can handle things, there is no reason why adding him, Wonder Woman and Batman and a large number of heroes can't handle it.

At least he's half of the Justice League.

And Superman is at best an insurance policy.

Not only him, but also a great ancient mage who was hiding in Karma Taj and watching the battle silently.

As the guardian of the time gem and the earth, the ancient great mage who can force Asgard not to wantonly enslave the earth's people will also take action if necessary.

These two super bosses are guaranteeing the minimum, just like the guarantee mechanism of a card game. It is good to be able to get it done in advance; if there is no way to advance, as Ange, who has already collected the minimum guarantee, said-I am afraid of a fart.

If the superman who destroys the world is a small guarantee of 90 draws, then Gu Yi, who knows space magic, is the guarantee of 180 draws to settle the event.

This is the so-called [Guarantee person, Guarantee soul, and Guarantee are all masters].

Being able to be a guarantee boss is naturally awesome.

In the end, Anger just went to Superman to brush his face and save some favorability points in advance.

Here in New York, it can be said that they played quite wonderfully.

Brother Hammer healed the small wound on his waist with his super self-healing ability, and immediately devoted himself to helping kill the giant Leviathan.

Just as the Hulk fiercely ripped off a piece of Leviathan's armor and slammed it into the neck of this former space idiot, Brother Hammer directly hit the 'nail' with a sledgehammer.

The triangular nail at the lower end dissected the flesh and blood of the back of the neck, and penetrated deeply into Leviathan's cervical nerve, killing him on the spot.

This huge destroyer-like space creature slammed into the ground obliquely under the action of inertia, and shoveled the solid floor tiles into pieces, plowing out a terrifying 30-meter-long, [-]-[-]-meter-wide Deep marks, and finally slammed into a train station where a person had already been running around.

The giant beast swallowed its last breath and froze in the station hall.

Brother Hammer proudly stood side by side with the Hulk. Unexpectedly, although the Hulk, who is unhappy to see everyone, can maintain his sanity most of the time, it is often the "small part" when facing Brother Hammer.

"Boom!" Brother Hammer, who was proud of himself a second ago, was beaten flying by the Hulk's quick and violent left jab.

Only a fool like Brother Hammer doesn't mind.If you were an excellent teammate in Zuan, you would have already greeted Dr. Banner's family.

At this moment, the rare old American National Guard gave a hand, saying that it took an hour to assemble, and it took them about 40 minutes to enter the fiercely fought neighborhood.

The National Guard is a bit like the armed police of China, but with better equipment, and belongs to the second echelon of the old US Army.

They took the lead with high-powered armored infantry fighting vehicles, and savagely smashed away the abandoned vehicles abandoned by citizens, followed by a large number of Humvees, jeeps and military vehicles.

They began strafing the sky with cannons and heavy machine guns.

More National Guard members carried all kinds of individual anti-aircraft weapons, rushed to the top floors of various skyscrapers, and joined Hawkeye and Huntress to open fire on the Chitauri blimp in the air.

The firepower on the streets and rooftops has built a brand new air defense network.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

Shiny tracer barrages add a sweet sparkle to the New York sky.

It's just that as more and more Chitauri rushed into the sky over New York in small airships, their entry also slightly reversed the situation.

Now the situation is like when the Federal Reserve is facing an economic crisis, while releasing water, it is also filling the pool with water.

This excellent primary school math problem is worth pondering.

Elsewhere, as the Chitauri's radar signature filled the radar screen, Nick Fury on the aircraft carrier heard another call from higher ups.

"Use the nuclear bomb!"

In a sense, this can be regarded as a small guarantee.

(End of this chapter)

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