Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 116 Be Careful

Chapter 116 Be Careful (2 more)
In a different way, An Ge had long since gone in and out with a white knife, letting him know what a godslayer is.

Although killing a Leviathan can provide him with 5 points of strength and a persistent [Behemoth Killer] buff, the effect is that every time a Leviathan is killed, the damage to the cosmic behemoth will be superimposed by 5%, but how can killing a space shark? Killing the true god is more fragrant?

Thinking of Loki's illusion and resistance, Ange became crazy.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't do it.

He felt Thor's gaze.

In the distance, Ange threw a bag of trash named Loki over.

It just so happened that because Brother Hammer had to deal with the little soldiers, he really didn't have time to pay attention to Loki.

Just like that, Loki printed a deep large font on the road, which was embedded in the ground.

Well, when it fell, it also killed a few Chitauri miscellaneous soldiers by the way.

"Your brother looks like he's dying?" Captain America, who was fighting with Brother Hammer, frowned.

Brother Hammer smashed a scrap car into the air with a hammer, killing several Chitauri people, glanced at Loki, and said indifferently: "It's okay! I can't die, I have sufficient experience in this regard."

"Well, it's your brother after all." Captain America didn't have time to care about Loki's life or death.

Instead, Brother Hammer took the time to say hello to Kratos on the top of the Stark Tower: "Thank you for the second time, buddy!"

Loki was beaten, Thor praised.

Are you still saying that you are not your brother?I, Ange, was the first to not believe it.

Ange looked around and found that the situation was getting worse:

The Hulk's weakness of not having a long-range attack was obvious, and the Chitauri didn't get close at all, and drove an airship to bombard him from a distance.The Hulk leaped high several times and was knocked down by lasers in mid-air.The laser can't kill the Hulk, but it can hurt him and effectively prevent him from taking off.

Tony's mecha was damaged in many places, and it has been reduced to the point of hand-to-hand combat with soldiers.

Hawkeye and Huntress ran out of arrows and also turned into large infantry.

Those who were still flying in the sky, except for Batman and Catwoman with the best skills, and the four F22s of Laomei were all killed by Chitauri ants.

Almost all of Ange's females were reduced to infantry.

Only the chariots of Wonder Woman and the Queen are still rampaging and invincible.

The National Guard below had more than half of their casualties and was in a rout.

So at this time, Angle was not surprised to hear the news from Tony that the White House had launched another mushroom egg.

Nick became ruthless. In order to prevent the fighter plane carrying the nuclear bomb from taking off from the aircraft carrier, he even used a tube to kill one of his own planes.

But still flew out a modified version of the F35.

"Damn! There are two and a half minutes before the nuclear bomb will fall on Manhattan!" Tony cursed in the communication.

Ange turned to the headset: "Will you come?"

"Let me do it."

Ange said calmly, "I'm in better shape."

"If a Greek touches a nuclear bomb, it might explode on the spot." Tony said in the communication channel inside the Avengers.

Anger was silent.

It is true that Ange knows 'history' better.What Tony understands is the hearts of the high-level Americans!

If An Ge dared to touch the nuclear bomb, maybe his hand would shake. The timing trigger and impact trigger of the nuclear bomb would become a remote trigger.

"I'll cover you!" Ange mobilized the power of the wind element, and with a sharp whistle, the queen galloped from the sky in the chariot of the gods, and picked up the murderous Wonder Woman along the way.

Originally Brother Hammer wanted to go too, but at this moment, the exhausted American team accidentally ate a laser gun in his stomach.

As expected of a strengthened person, changing a soldier to take a shot will definitely not bring a hum.

Captain America snorted in pain, but didn't die.

Brother Hammer had to turn over the surrounding miscellaneous soldiers one after another to protect the US team.

Above New York City, an unknown number of people were staring at this scene.

Beside Iron Man soaring into the sky, there is an extraordinary golden carriage also galloping towards the sky at a perpendicular angle to the ground.

Wonder Woman held onto the carriage compartment with her toes, bent her bow and set her arrows, and shot and killed the Chitauri who dared to approach Iron Man.

Maybe the heroine's archery is not as exaggerated as Ange's, but the efficiency of one string, one arrow, one head is equally good.

Only Iron Man scolded directly: "You bastard, what are you doing tearing down the lightning rod in my building?"

Anger smiled and pointed to the space carrier at the other end of the portal: "Are you sure you don't need me to open the way?"

Tony returned Angle with an international friendly gesture.

Opposite the circular void door, around the overall X-shaped space carrier, there is a light blue energy mask.

There is no such thing as a starship shield.

On the contrary, Anger felt that the original book was outrageous. Could it be that the mothership of the cosmonauts relied on the metal of the hull to resist all the asteroid meteorites that flew over?

While the two old buddies were laughing and cursing, just before rushing through the portal, Ange pulled the huge lightning rod behind him.

At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by a centaur, and then turned his whole body into a 'bow'.

Exhale and speak up!
"Meteor gun (the tip of the star gun galloping into the sky)——"

As a Greek, the javelin is also one of Achilles' unique skills, but he rarely has the opportunity to use it.

As soon as the skill was released, An Ge suddenly felt that the wind element in his whole body was instantly emptied.

A violent tornado lingered on the two-meter-long lightning rod, and immediately accelerated it into a dazzling lightning that pierced the void.


The huge 'throwing gun' accelerated from zero to one hundred kilometers per hour in an instant, passed Tony, and bombarded the shield of the Chitauri starship first.

To be honest, it is unrealistic for Ang to blow up the shield of a space carrier alone.

But there is no problem at all if you break the surface.

Prompted by the intelligent AI Jarvis, Tony suddenly saw the impenetrable energy shield, and Ange pierced through a hole the size of a basketball court.

Even though the mothership's shield generators were quickly patching the hole, Tony felt—this is safe.

He didn't even think about making a dying phone call to talk to his beloved Pepper Pepper.

Without hesitation, he told Jarvis to put all the energy on Iron Man's thrusters, soaring into the sky and into the void.

In the void, he watched the white mushroom egg fly in at the last moment before the shield closed.


There was no sound in space, and when a huge explosion appeared in the middle of this X-shaped mothership and blew it apart, Tony made up the sound by himself.He even had time to sync this picture to Director Nick's aircraft carrier.

Almost at the same time, the Chitauri biochemical soldiers and the giant Leviathan that had broken into the earth fell to their deaths at the same time.When the monsters fell, they also shoveled a bunch of skyscrapers.

"oh oh!"

"Long live--"

"Thank God!"

On the bridge of the aircraft carrier, whistles, fanatical cheers, and excited crying rang together.

At the teleportation gate, although there is a wonderful space barrier blocking the circulation of the air, there is no such scene in the movie that Iron Man falls down according to gravity. It is Anger, the three demigods, who drive the chariot out against the void. , pulling Tony back.

Seeing the two girls, Tony, who had barely survived death, saw his eyes light up. He couldn't change his aggressive nature: "Wow, what a beautiful girl, why don't you introduce me?"

Angben wanted to squeeze and let Tony get into the car.

He has changed his mind.

With a look, Wonder Woman pulled out the [Lasso of Mantra] and grabbed the leg of Iron Man who had lost power.

Tow away!

The carriage made a chic 180-degree turn and rushed into the portal again. A kite named Iron Man was dragged behind the carriage...

"Kratos you bastard - Fxck! Fxck! Fxck!"

The communication channel is full of cheerful atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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