Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 141 Card BUG

Chapter 141 Card BUG (1 more)
In the entire online conference hall, everyone was silent.

No one dares to say anything cruel in the name of the United States-as we all know, as long as there are enough flags, one of them will be realized!

The killing of the chaebols will of course lead to a redistribution of wealth.

Don't forget, the easiest way to legitimately inherit a chaebol is to avenge the previous patriarch.They can't find Kratos revenge, can't they still anger Kratos' officials and generals?

This terrible depression lingered in the hearts of every participant.

At this moment, President Ellis smoothed things over: "There are enough threats to the people of the earth. We have no intention of forcing a guardian of the earth to stand on the opposite side of the earth. In the name of the president, I swear that I will severely punish the person who ordered the opening of fire control." People who systematically test you. Please, Mr. Kratos, forget about this little discomfort. If you have any needs, you may wish to ask our government directly, and we will try our best to meet your requirements."

Anger stared at the president's face for three seconds: "I will do things in the future, just don't be a fucking hindrance. I don't want anything from you."

"I assure you." The president was straightforward.

Ange retracted his legs hanging on the table, and stopped humiliating them.

In front of the guards who rushed into the room of the four-star general, turned on the safety of the automatic rifle but did not dare to shoot, he opened a portal and left in a grand manner.

No one dared to shoot, and no one wanted to shoot.

Director Nick has shown the U.S. military the scene of Rocky ignoring the 5.56mm bullet, and Kratos is the man who beat Rocky violently.

Draw the key point-twice!
Watching the light of the portal disappear into the other end of the camera, every attendee's dick hurts.They know why Kratos can come and go freely.

Everyone is playing space teleportation, and your gate is [-] times thicker to prevent loneliness.Similarly, throwing any nuclear bomb will only pollute one's own environment.

For a while, everyone felt bleak.

Changed to a secret channel, it was still the group of people just now, no one can be arrogant at the moment.

"Director Fury, what do you think?" the president named Nick.

Director Cyclops cleared his throat: "Kratos is powerful enough, deterrent enough, and relatively safe."

"You mean, he's not a real threat?" asked an elderly senior female official.

"I can only say that compared to the Chitauri, Kryptonians, and Loki, his threat level can be ranked last on the threat list." Nick talked eloquently.

"Go ahead," the president said.

"First of all, he has never done any intentional massacre of civilians or committed any serious crimes. Second, compared to an outsider like Thor who has no understanding of American society, he knows better how our society works and knows what we are really afraid of. What, and what. In the end, we clearly have a common enemy."

Several senior officials nodded to show their approval.

Nick continued: "Again, the risk of trying to control him is disproportionate to the reward. There is a great possibility that there is an entire Olympian pantheon behind him. We know that [Asgard] is not on Earth. So the reputation is still The [Holy Mountain of Olympus] on top of [Asgard] is probably not in Greece on Earth, but on another planet. And judging from their combat performance, every one of the legendary [ God] has the power to easily destroy a city."

Nick greeted, and Agent Hill dropped Brother Hammer from a height of several thousand meters to survive, and the scenes of Kratos and Wonder Woman killing the Leviathan monster in seconds were broadcast on the video conference channel.

Seeing these elders showing toothache expressions.

Senior officials hate uncontrollable people and things the most, but what can they do?

Seeing that the atmosphere was coming, President Ellis initiated a proposal: "I propose to give certain preferential treatment to the existence of the white list in the "Provisional Rating of Extraordinary Act", to temporarily abandon their secret or public investigations, and to conduct a series of illegal investigations. Formal contacts to test their attitudes."



"it is good."

In this way, under the impetus of Dachao and Kratos, the top officials of the White House changed their attitude towards the Extraordinary, which also ushered in the honeymoon period between the official and the Extraordinary.

Of course, how could the big shots in the chaebol not hold grudges?

The name Kratos was completely remembered for them.

Angus didn't care about that.

Fact [-]: The people who signed the "Declaration of Independence" were all slave owners.

Fact [-]: Sparta was a slavery country.

The case was solved: it turned out to be a colleague!That colleague must be an enemy!Join if you can't beat it.

Naturally, this shit spread back to the big chaebols, and also to the Wayne family.

In this regard, Ange expressed his pleasure.

"You are playing with fire!" Master Bruce was very angry.

"I just like the expression that they hate me and can't kill me."

Bruce blinked and changed the topic: "Are you really not some Greek god?"

What is it that compels a genius inventor who believes in science to begin to believe in metaphysics and myths?
That must be because he has an outrageously rebellious son!

Someone spread his hands, not knowing what death is: "If the Wayne family doesn't have divine blood, then it's not."

The old man held a mouthful of old blood in his throat, if he couldn't beat him, he really wanted to kill this traitor.Co-authored to the end, the pot is still on the head of the Wayne family?
It really doesn't matter if Anger is, everyone is writing as a superhero and reading as a holster.

come!Hurt each other!

Another superhero, Tony *big shit, knew about this, and he couldn't help laughing like a pig. He showed the secret email to Pepper: "That bastard, how dare you!"

"I feel that he cooperates well with you..."

Iron Man and Kratos, one bright and one dark.

It is precisely because of the existence of Kratos that the top officials of the White House have to rely more on Iron Man, who is already a well-known card.

At least the days after the reunion are much better.

No one knows, in the middle of the Sahara Desert in Africa, on a barren sandy land with no one for thousands of miles.

A female corpse wearing only a three-point battle suit was lying in the middle of the desert.

The scorching sun in the desert is enough to roast the flesh and blood.

Even the sky has attracted vultures.


she lived.

"Cough! Cough cough cough!" Fula * suddenly jumped up, and the blood clot that was once stuck in her lungs and trachea was coughed violently.

She found that her Kryptonian mask was still there, but her black Kryptonian battle suit had been ripped off by someone.

Immediately, she spotted the enemy Kratos sitting leisurely under a parasol opposite.

Almost instinctively, Fraao swooped towards Kratos.

As before, she failed.

No, if she was able to fight back in the first two battles, this time she was powerless.

A terrifying binding force from the depths of her soul directly destroyed her will to resist, and she knelt down.

"What did you do..." She angrily questioned Kratos who was surrounded by beautiful women.

"It's nothing, I just got stuck with a bug!"

(End of this chapter)

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