Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 161 [All Gate]

Chapter 161 [All Gate] (2 more)
Grab the head!See also head grabbing!
Brother Hammer didn't know much about Ange. If it wasn't for his treacherous younger brother's sudden "sudden death", he might be full of gratitude to Ange at this moment.

But now Brother Hammer is really not happy.

The culprit who injured their mother died, but losing a good brother, is it... worth it?
Brother Hammer rushed up to hold Luo Ji's increasingly cold body, trembling and not knowing what to say, it took a long time before he managed to say: "I will tell my father about your bravery."

"I'm not for him..." Loki said, his handsome face began to crack, he was never a real Asgardian, he was just a frost giant child picked up by Odin, relying on With powerful magic, he retained his Asgardian form.

After experiencing the incident of Frost Giant Wang Laofei, Loki still likes his human form.

It's just that with his 'death', his body resembled a frost giant that disintegrated itself after death...

To be reasonable, Loki looks very much like the big and small king of poker [Joker].

Well, brother dei, this is what your ID card and ID card copy look like.

Anger had to admit that Loki was worthy of being the movie king of Asgard, and that's how he hid Thor and Odin.

To be reasonable, Angle and Loki have a common goal, or interests, at least in terms of driving Odin out of power.

Although Odin maintained the balance of the nine kingdoms, he maintained it with his powerful strength and dominance.Angmin knew that the Ancient One might die soon, and he would not want to leave an Odin behind.

Maybe if they invade the earth and turn the earth into the real territory of Asgard, it will become Odin.

This is the exit of the older generation of strong men, and there is really no need for Ange to change his life against the sky to stop it.

Looking at Brother Hammer, who was in pain and sorrow, and Miss Jane who was at a loss and didn't know whether to step forward to comfort Thor, An Ge just said in a low voice: "I'll deal with Malekith first!"

At this time, Spicy Chicken Shreds had already fought with Fulla, Wonder Woman and the Queen.

It is true that the power of [Ether Particles (Reality Gem)] is quite terrifying, but the level of Spicy Chicken Shreds obviously needs to be improved, and the frenzy of crimson particles he summoned failed to overwhelm the three ridiculously strong heroines.

Fulla is a Kryptonian, and she is already resistant to fighting and beating.

Another combination of aunt and niece is full of divinity.

This kind of divine power inherited from Olympus can well resist the erosion of [reality].

The Reality Stone is perhaps the most powerful of the Infinity Stones, but also the hardest to use.

With it, people can realize any dream.All scientific codes and natural laws are meaningless before it, because it can modify their laws at will.But it cannot be used alone, without the assistance of other gems, it will realize the dream of the holder in the way of 'destruction'.

Its power depends on the holder.

Clearly, Malekith wasn't a powerful enough user.

He wholeheartedly thought that with [Ether Particle], he could turn the whole universe into a dark world loved by the dark elves, but he had the mind of the dark king Dormammu, but he didn't have the strength of Dormammu.

When he took advantage of the skill of the Nine Realms to drive [Reality] to invade the Nine Realms, he was shocked to find that he couldn't handle the three women in front of him with his remaining power.

"No! Impossible! [Ether Particle] is invincible!" Malekith violently waved his arms, rolling up crimson tornadoes, trying to kill the two women on the carriage.

The divine horse given by Poseidon continued to neigh, breaking through the scarlet curtain in front of him with azure brilliance, galloping across the sky, and circling around him, while Wonder Woman kept shooting arrows full of divine power.

Coupled with Fulla's advance, Malekith actually felt a sense of sadness that two fists were no match for four hands.

Seeing this, Ange became confident.

Because, his strength has been strengthened at the epic level.

A glance at the system pop-up window can see a striking reminder:

[Congratulations to the host for successfully killing Algrim, the strong dark elf (cursed warrior form)! 】

[After purifying and recovering its polluted soul, the attributes of the host have increased to: 333 points of strength, 381 points of endurance, and 162 points of will! 】

Algrim burned all his remaining life and soul, raising his strength and endurance attributes to at least twice that of Thor.If Anger accepts all of this strength, he may not be able to directly surpass Thor.

It's a pity that even the system can't transform the cursed soul back without damage.

[The ability to control the host's fire element has been raised to Lv42! 】

[The host's fire element skill (lava fist) has been upgraded to Lv31!]

[The host acquires fire element skills (lava armor) Lv12: The host can accumulate fire elements on the surface of the skin, increasing the armor value by 200 points, with a medium probability of reducing the long-range damage suffered by the host, and any melee attackers who attack the host Reflect 250 points of fire damage each time. 】

Seeing this, Anger thought, isn't this the [Explosive Reactive Armor] commonly used by modern tanks on Earth?

This really hits the phrase 'pretending to be [explosive] will only hurt you'.

What if the weaker girls in his family pounced on him when he was driving [Lava Armor], and they would become 'mature women' in no time?
Either way, it's nice to have new skills.

There is no suspense, it was using Brother Hammer as a sandbag that Ange was able to kill this cursed warrior who was far more powerful than himself, and was probably the most powerful curse warrior in history, and won this shocking gift bag.

Until this moment, Ange's heart was beating wildly with extreme excitement.

It stands to reason that Ange should be content with taking down the black-skinned space carrier and the strongest curse warrior.

He will not let go of spicy shredded chicken.

For no reason, I just want to see what skills the spicy chicken shreds will provide him.

Is he greedy?
Greed is over!
In many cases, greed is the driving force behind human progress.

After finally coming here, Ange will not let go of any spoils.

This is like Ange returning to his own villa, knowing that the first step is [Europe and the United States], knowing that no matter which one he chooses, he can only scream [all], [all], but he still wants to say it from the bottom of his heart-I want it all !
Perhaps, this is the charm of 【All Gate】!

Of course, on the bright side, Ange speaks righteously, and his domineering spirit soars to the sky.

Attacking in the image of Mrs. Kui, he let go of the most ruthless words!

"Malekiss! I'll let you know now—whoever fucking wants to destroy the earth, I'll tear him into pieces!"

Not to mention the girls around Ange, even Brother Hammer who was sad next to him, and Miss Jane who was a little dazed, their hearts were deeply touched at this moment.

right!Compared with mourning the death of his younger brother, Brother Hammer will also not forget his duty as the next king of Asgard, and he also stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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