Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 167 Unexpected encounter

Chapter 167 Unexpected encounter

My head is so heavy.

Well, this dumpling feels good.

However, when Ange woke up, he realized something was wrong.

Nima, why am I hugging Sif?
Everyone’s clothes are still there, but you just hug them, you don’t have to wash them... Ah no, I’m hugging my thighs for that idiot Mauvostagg...

Well, it can be washed...to a maroon purple color.

An Ge finally woke up from the fragmented state, tried hard to search for the fragments of memory, and finally managed to remember that last night, someone suggested to take a bath in the barrel together.

Then the three idiots didn't drown in that 1000 liter wine barrel, it can only be said that they were really demigods.

An Ge thought that his 300-point physique couldn't handle it, and he could imagine how crazy he was drinking last night.

Noticing that the heartbeat of the girl in his arms started to speed up, Ange could only continue to pretend. He pushed Sif away according to his hangover feeling, and then hugged Vostagg's head...


"It tastes good, vomit, what the hell is this!"

All three of them woke up now.

The three drunkards looked at the prodigal son in each other's embarrassment, first collectively stared blankly, and then laughed wildly together.


"What's wrong with you?"

"Don't you also have this kind of virtue?"

"Don't laugh at anyone."

After some fuss, Ange called Alfred to prepare them to wash and change clothes. The two refused and chose to go back directly.

Ange first opened the portal and took them to a remote desert, and then called the Rainbow Bridge.

"Kratos! Thank you this time. I feel much better." Sif thanked sincerely.

"It's okay, if one day, Asgard can't get along, then come to Earth." Anger said with a pun: "Earth is my home, and my home is quite big."

Sif froze for a moment, then smiled: "Okay!"

The two Asgardians disappeared in a rainbow of light, and Ange returned to Wayne's old house.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, he saw Master Bruce who was not wearing a bat mask but had a black face like a bat.

"Did you have a good time with your friends last night?"

"No hello."


Before An Ge lost consciousness, he clearly felt that his cheap father was showing his glory, and he just scolded and said something.

There was resentment and helplessness on Bruce's handsome face.

It was he himself who gave up 18 years of education, and now he raised such a disobedient son, it can be said that he has brought it upon himself.

man!When I was young, I didn't think that I would have retribution.

"Did you know that some wines have been stored for more than 200 years?" The master suppressed his sullenness.

"It's just right to greet those 'old' friends who are thousands of years old." Ange put his hands in his pockets, his face full of invincibility.

Bruce was choked on the spot, and now Mr. Wei is in such a contradictory situation that he doesn't recognize his old man, but he can't beat his own villain.

Seeing that he had almost molested Ye Daddy, Ange smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry! I still respect the old. I know what you like more."

Master Bruce put on a straight face: "Those who defend justice will not be influenced by selfish desires."

"Really?" Ange raised his eyebrows: "What if it's a complete Kryptonian landing ship?"

Lord Bat petrified on the spot.

He had acquired a dilapidated version, and recently he had painstakingly studied the materials of the Kryptonian spacecraft.But a broken spaceship, how can there be a complete version?

The master even thought on the spot, if this mysterious disobedient person is willing to throw the boat so simply, does he have something better?
However, the master cannot refuse such a great gift!

So his expression is very exciting!

"Pfft!" Behind the two father and son, came the old butler's chuckle.

Sensing the gazes from the two father and son, the old butler tried his best to raise his face: "Master, I don't want to get involved in your family affairs. But it's been so long. Since it has been proved that the young master is not the villain you imagined, why don't you be frank? what time?"

"Yeah!" Ange showed a bewildered (owed) (beaten) smile: "My dear old man, why don't you accept Angle Wayne's kindness frankly."

Ange turned his head and winked at the old butler: "Alfred, give me an address, and I will deliver the things."

"Yes, master!" The old butler bowed standardly.

Bruce was furious, but what could he say?

His closest and most trusted old butler has chosen to be loyal to the Wayne family blood.

A 'hero' who doesn't like himself but has great ability ignores his opinion and goes his own way.

The master felt that he was emptied, but not completely emptied.

This is a bit lost.

However, since Ange doesn't care about his wild father's high technology, he doesn't have to force himself to accept his wild father's [justice without killing], and naturally he doesn't care about his wild father's feelings.

Ange slapped his buttocks and ran off in a cool way.

But he didn't know how exaggerated the gust of wind was caused by the butterfly he was passing through.

The metropolis of New York, now with someone taking the lead in injecting capital, and many consortiums spending money to rebuild, seems to be alive again.

Lois Lane returned to her normal life, and despite her assurances from the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and above that no spies were watching her, she was very careful.

On this day, she had a rare date with Clark.

That is to say, a very common shopping between male and female friends—to be precise, she went shopping, and then asked the boyfriend who looked like a wooden man to help unscrew the bag.

After all, there was nothing in the mall that Clark was interested in.

Even if he is a superman, but he is a straight dog in reality, there is no problem.

In the past, when shopping, Clark always kept his eyes fixed, but today he was actually staring at a woman.This is simply an unprecedented rarity.

Louise has a little temper and feels that this is the biggest challenge for her as a girlfriend.

"Is that woman pretty?"

Da Chao leaned over and whispered: "It's not a question of whether it looks good or not. I once blasted her into a 200-foot-high chimney, then crashed into a fast food restaurant, and then had a big fight in a town. She even demolished it. Three fighter jets, four gunships shot down..."

Louise has never been an idiot, and she knew who the other party was after the first half of the hearing—the Kryptonian who had fought Superman for [-] rounds and turned the world upside down.

A Kryptonian invader who nearly destroyed the planet is now buying clothes in a women's clothing store?

Don't wear a Kryptonian air mask yet?

Louise wouldn't believe it herself.

Her voice trembled slightly: "Clark, will you admit your mistake?"

"Please, I won't forget the woman who threw my head six feet into the ground."


Just at this time, Fulla, who was twisting her body left and right in front of the fitting mirror, saw Da Chao in the distance from the mirror.She turned her head and showed an awkward yet polite smile: "Hi!"

"Is she greeting us?" Superman was dumbfounded.

"It seems, yes." Louise's voice sounded like a whisper.

Three minutes later, Fulla, carrying a large bag in her hand, walked up to Dachao and his wife in embarrassment, and whispered, "I don't want to start a war. Besides, I'm Kratos's person now."

"Ah!?" The couple exclaimed in small voices.

(End of this chapter)

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