Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 171 Good Citizen Kratos

Chapter 171 Good Citizen Kratos

Anger looked at the impotent and furious Luther from a distance, and gave a bad mouthful: "You want to behave right now? You want to kill my wild father, so why should I tell you the fucking rules?"

Catwoman trembled: "What will he do?"

"His only chance is to seek greater force. We will soon find out what his cards are."

Ange shot an arrow at Lex, telling him that he could only go by force.

But what is the last road of Lex Luthor, a certain traverser knows it all.

So Luther can only be a loser (loser)!
At least for the next day, Lex was still struggling.

He didn't sleep well last night and was very sensitive and woke up easily.

Sure enough, as soon as his secretary [Benevolence] rang the door of his ward, he pushed the switch to let people in.

The secretary's face was serious: "Boss! It's not good, our research on General Zod was exposed."

Lex hurriedly turned on the TV, and sure enough, on the TV screen, a crowd of protesters gathered in front of the Lex Building named after him, and they shouted slogans:

"No biochemical research!"

"Check out the Lex Group!"

"We've had enough, stop bringing out lizardmen and other demons!"

Most of the screen is a very noisy crowd holding a sign, and the other half is a TV host reading a script:

"This is an exclusive report from renowned journalist Lois Lane that the Lex Corporation is conducting forbidden experiments with the corpse of General Zod, the Kryptonian who made a big fuss about the earth, and there is evidence that Lex Luthor Mr. personally participated in this plan, and intends to breed this corpse into a super monster capable of destroying half of the United States."

The next TV screen was supposed to be Lex Luthor's top secret, but in the video, not only did Lex ask Mr. Finch to visit the kryptonite, but he also went to the laboratory where General Zod's body was located. screen.

Everyone can clearly see that Zod is no longer a corpse, but has turned into a thing like a cocoon, and there are obviously living tissues stirring inside.

Even if these pictures are fake, it's enough for Lex to drink a pot.

But he himself knows better than anyone else that all of this is true.

He can't stand the investigation more than anyone else.

At this time, [Benevolence] whispered: "Ange Wayne, who is best at shorting stocks based on scandals, has entered the market to short our company's stocks. This further caused the Luther Group's stock price to plummet."

At this moment, Lex's face is like his family's stock, with a beauty that only leaves [green] white in the world.

After being stunned for half a minute, he frantically dialed the phone number of one of his subordinates—you must know that he had already found out the identity of Da Surreal through secret channels.According to the plan, his men will sneak attack Da Chao's hometown while Da Chao is at work, and kidnap Superman's old mother Martha.

"Hey, Boss! What's the matter?"

"What's the plan?"

"We're almost at our destination..."

Before the person could finish speaking, suddenly [Benevolence] showed fear on his face: "Boss! The people monitoring Clark Kent found him lost."

Lex had an ominous premonition on the spot.

In less than half a minute, the facts proved that blessings never come singly, and misfortunes never come singly.

Before he hung up the phone with his subordinates, he suddenly heard a burst of exclamation from the other side of the phone: "Ah! Superman——"

Immediately there was a rustle on the other side of the microphone, and a few seconds later, an angry male voice came: "Lex Luthor! You are too much!"

As the saying goes, it's worse than family members.

Lex was so obscene that he tried to blackmail Superman by kidnapping Superman's old mother.This kind of behavior, even pure as Da Chao, can't stand it.

After Lex hung up the phone in a hurry, his first reaction was—who the hell betrayed me!
(Ange: Exactly next!)
Since Ange had given the material to Dachao's girl, why didn't he tell about the kidnapping?

Selling Lex, An Ge really didn't have any psychological burden.

Here, Lex ran away in a hurry, preparing to go to the place where General Zod salted fish.

Over there, I happened to hear the news program on TV, and Fulla, who had been silently serving Ange before, jumped up, her face was livid: "Master, can you please tell me about this Lex Luthor in detail? "

The former Kryptonian female adjutant was already out of anger at this moment, and her seemingly weak body was shaking violently.

Ange showed a smile on his face: "Yes."

One after the other, there was an 'informed person' who took Angle's money and soon broke the news to the TV station - Senator Finch took black money from Lex Luthor, apparently to plead for the people, but in fact Lex wanted to trap Superman to die, and then kill Superman to become a super monster, and finally overthrow the government and rule the earth.

Before this kind of material was changed, it would only be a joke, and no one would believe it.

But at the moment when half of the entire Luthor Group was nailed to the pillar of shame, this kind of outrageous lie became a real possibility.

This time, the officials of the White House couldn't sit still anymore, and began to order people to go to the Lex Group to see if Zod's body had been treated specially.

Ange didn't wrong Lex, he just dropped his crotch with mud, and this little boy's crotch is really Xiang, so he can stand the investigation! ?

At the beginning when the executives couldn't get through to Lex, out of sensitivity to the crisis, they immediately turned around and notified Nick Fury.

Out of professional sensitivity, Nick immediately ordered half of the Avengers to assemble, and at the same time dispatched the S.H.I.E.L.D.

The majestic top-ranking chaebol Lex Group, the speed of collapse is only one word [fast]!

Even the Wall Street wolves who followed Anger in the short-selling were dumbfounded by the sharp turnaround.

Because the one rushing over to the Lex Group is not a whistling police car with lights on, but the Quinjet fleet of S.H.I.E.L.D., even the National Guard with Hummers and armored vehicles are only qualified to do odd jobs and block the perimeter trivia.

At this point in the situation, someone continued to make trouble.

"Yo! Great Batman! The good citizen Kratos reported to you——Lex Luthor wanted to kidnap Superman's old mother, so as to blackmail Superman and let him kill you."

When Kratos' bald head was shown on the video phone, Master Bruce had the urge to kill his relatives righteously.

On 'business', Bruce is always business.He put on the bat hood silently, and from this second on, he was Batman, the bringer of justice, not the wild father of the dog thief Ang.

"I saw Luthor's men go to the small farm of Superman's parents." In Gotham, and even New York, the surveillance cameras in many places have been secretly invaded by Batman.

In fact, he and Tony are a pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, and the two have played a lot of secret intrusion monitoring.

(End of this chapter)

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